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Archives for April 2019

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"198" Update from the Wardens

198 To Be Great

Dear St. Philippians, On behalf of the clergy, staff, and Vestry of St. Philip’s, we wanted to provide a quick snapshot of our debt retirement campaign launched on April 1. To briefly review, our goal is to raise $113,000 in additional giving above and beyond normal giving before the end of May so that we may fully retire the approximately $197,000 in debt currently on ...

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His Eye is on the Sparrow

Fraterine March 2019

This past February, I returned to Rwanda for three weeks. For almost six years, I lived in Rwanda’s Northern Province, an area nestled in a chain of eight imposing volcanoes. Their towering spires appear to direct the earth’s timid gaze to heaven’s sublime and regal dominion. When they quake, fire and brimstone slide from their lips, demonstrating God’s almighty, o...

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Spreading the Word About the Tea Room: Youth Group Service Project

Tea Room Andrews Dotterer Ford

This Saturday was my second time handing out the St. Philip’s Tea Room flyers. Like last year, I had a lot of fun. We started off by getting some doughnuts at Glazed, our youth minister David Gilbert’s special treat....

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A Great Debt! Who Can Pay?


In his Easter sermon, the Rev. Jeff Miller illustrated Jesus’ gift to us with a story he’d read by Harry Allen Ironside, former pastor of Moody Church in Chicago. In the story, a young man, the son of a friend of Czar Nicholas of Russia, had been given a post as paymaster in a border fortress. A gambling problem, though, soon led him to begin taking a few rubles here a...

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Upcoming Schedule Changes


Changes in regular weekly scheduling...

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Haitian Art: Reminders of Our Mission

Haitian Art 1.JPG

Haitian art is a representation of its culture and people. ...

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Final Exam Care Packages Have Arrived!


As early as Saturday, April 13, college students feeling the weight of upcoming final exams received some goodies in the mail to help them cope with stress and remind them that their St. Philip’s family is here at home rooting for them!...

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Rain Stays Away for 2019 Easter Egg Hunt


As Saturday, April 13, was approaching, experts in Augusta, GA, and Charleston, SC, anxiously consulted weather reports to figure out how their events might be impacted if the rain followed through on its threat to pour down. ...

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God's Divine Wisdom

Streett Gudzan Varner Baptism

In July of 2018, a summons ordered me to report to Charleston Municipal Court for jury duty in early August. After reading the very limited exemptions from duty, I realized that resistance was futile and reported on the required Monday morning to fulfill my civic duty....

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Elizabeth's Cross: A St. Philip's Tradition

Betsy Bailey Cross

On April 7, 2019, the day of her confirmation, Elizabeth “Betsy” Bailey became the fifth Elizabeth to wear her now 99-year-old family cross....

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Team St. Philip's at Walk for Water 2019

Walk for Water Group 1

The St. Philip's Church Team, more than six times bigger than last year, gathered at Riverfront Park in North Charleston on Saturday, March 30, and walked three miles to raise awareness of the global water crisis and funds that save lives. Team donations surpassed $2,500! View pictures below. Delete Walk for Water 2019 ...

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Life-Changing Cargo

Honduras Boy Entranced Jesus Film

Let's take another walk down memory lane. This goes back to the early years of the medical ministry from St. Philip's Church to Honduras. Look at the face of this little boy. He looks as if he could be apprehensive or worried. ButI was there, and I know that actually he was entranced, very intent, and totally focused on something he was watching. I'd like to backtrack n...

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