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Archives for June 2020

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Daily Devotion with Marc Boutan: June 29

News--Boutan Devotion June 29

"Bless the Lord, O my soul, O my soul, worship his holy name." Praise the Lord this morning with the Rev. Marc Boutan while exploring Psalm 103, one of Father Marc's favorite psalms, and the song "10,000 Reasons (Bless the Lord)" by Matt Redman. ...

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Updated Donation and Volunteer Needs

News--Tricounty Family Ministries

Hello, Tricounty community. This past week we served record numbers of families. On Wednesday, we saw 186 families and at our first Second Saturday food distribution, we saw 73 families. We were blessed to be able to support so many families – over 800 people in their households! But now our food panty shelves are bare. We expect to receive black beans and cereal from...

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Daily Devotion with Andrew O'Dell: June 26

News--O'Dell Devotion June 26

"We are ambassadors for Christ, God making his appeal through us." (2 Corinthians 5:20) What does it mean to be an ambassador for Christ? As we as ambassadors reach out across boundaries, how do we ensure we don't undermine our mission by being accidentally hurtful?...

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Daily Devotion with Marc Boutan: June 24

News--Boutan June 24

Our names are engraved on the palms of our Lord's hands. Explore the permanence of God's love for us with Marc Boutan as he gives his musical offering, Charlie Lees Bancroft and Vikki Cook's "Before the Throne of God Above."...

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Bearing One Another's Burdens

Jimmy Bailey

A few years ago, I sat in a question-and-answer session with Jeff, who was still early in his ministry at St. Philip's. One question was about his vision for our church. Among other things, he talked about the importance of getting to know one another, practicing hospitality, the church being a family, and becoming the type of community where we “bear one another’s bur...

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Daily Devotion with Brian McGreevy: June 22

News--Devotion McGreevy June 22

Explore with the Rev. Brian McGreevy today the great hymn "Lift High the Cross," including the background of its author, George Kitchin, and the inspiration behind it. "Lift high the cross, the love of Christ proclaim till all the world adore his sacred name."...

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Breaking News: St. Philip's Legal Update

News--Legal Update

Today, Judge Edgar W. Dickson, Judge of the First Judicial Circuit in the South Carolina Court of Common Pleas, issued an Order finding that St. Philip’s did not accede to the 1979 Dennis Canon and is thus the owner of its property. He further found that no other Parish acceded to the Dennis Canon and thus no trust was ever created in favor of The Episcopal Church (TEC)....

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Join Us For Worship Online This Sunday!


Join us for worship on the Third Sunday After Pentecost, June 21! The Reverend Jeffrey S. Miller, Rector, will be preaching. You may stream the service at the link below beginning a few minutes before 10:30 with the prelude, or you may watch at your convenience on our Vimeo Channel beginning at the same time. You may also watch on our YouTube Channel beginning at 8:15 ...

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Daily Devotion with Andrew O'Dell: June 19

News--Devotion ODell June 19

The apostle Paul said in his letter to Timothy that "in later times, some will abandon the faith and follow deceiving spirits and things taught by demons." When we look to our leaders in these turbulent times, and as we seek to be change-makers, how do we ensure we are aligning ourselves with movements that are walking in the way of the cross?...

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Daily Devotion with Jeff Miller: June 18

News--Devotion Miller June 18

“What is truth?” This question posed to Jesus by Pontius Pilate in John chapter 18 is still being asked today, with a myriad of answers and implications. What is the truth about truth, and what does it mean for Christians today?...

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Daily Devotion with Brian McGreevy: June 17

News--Devotion McGreevy June 17

In today's devotion, learn about the text and tune of "Praise to the Living God," one of the great hymns of the church that actually has its origins in a Jewish doxology. "Praise to the living God! All praisèd be His name, who was, and is, and is to be, for aye the same!" ...

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Prayers For Our Friends in Haiti

News--St. Jean-Baptiste

Usually this time of year Gerry and I are in full-swing packing mode. We would have boxes of toothbrushes and toothpaste that many of you would have donated stacked in one corner. We would have boxes of reading glasses, that many of you would have donated, stacked in another corner. There would be huge trash bags of used tennis balls, boxes of toys, grocery bags full of...

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Daily Devotion with Ryan Streett: June 16

News--Streett Devotion June 16

"You make known to me the path of life; in your presence there is fullness of joy; at your right hand are pleasures forevermore." In his final daily devotion, the Rev. Ryan Streett looks to Psalm 16:11 as he concludes his series about cultivating a heart of worship by learning more about God, the object of our worship, this time focusing on God's attribute of blessedness....

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A Letter from Tricounty Family Ministries: Thank You, St. Philippians!

News--Kara Stewart Tricounty

Dear St. Phillip’s Church partners, We are so grateful for your support in collecting food last week for our ministry. Our shelves were bare and we were facing a dilemma, not knowing how we would care for the families who would be coming to us on Wednesday. You responded with an overwhelming outpouring of compassion in action with your donations of food and grocery ba...

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Join Us Online For Worship on Sunday!


Join us for worship on the Second Sunday After Pentecost, June 14! The Reverend Andrew O'Dell will be preaching. You may stream the service at the link below beginning a few minutes before 10:30 with the prelude, or you may watch at your convenience on our Vimeo Channel beginning at the same time. Starting this week, you may also watch on our YouTube Channel beginning ...

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Daily Devotion with Andrew O'Dell: June 12

News--devotion odell june 12

God loves the whole world and cares about every need, and he has put those cares, those little pieces of his heart, into the hearts of his children so that the needs of the world may be met. What is the Church's role in meeting the infinite needs of the world? What is YOUR role?...

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Daily Devotion with Jeff Miller: June 11

News--Devotion Miller June 11

The apostle Paul says in the third chapter of 2 Timothy that in the last days, "people will be lovers of self, lovers of money, proud, arrogant, abusive ... treacherous, reckless, swollen with conceit, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God, having the appearance of godliness, but denying its power"...

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Daily Devotion with Brian McGreevy: June 10

News--McGreevy Devotion June 10

"Amazing love, how can it be that Thou, my God, should die for me!" In today's devotion, learn about renowned British hymn writer Charles Wesley, who was the 18th child of Samuel and Susanna Wesley, and who at least once worshiped at St. Philip's during a journey to the southern United States. Then reflect with the Rev. Brian McGreevy on Wesley's hymn "And Can It Be."...

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A Very Successful Canned Food Drive: Thank You, St. Philippians and Friends!

News--Food Drive

We loved seeing your smiling faces at the drop-off point Tuesday morning! Thank you, St. Philippians, for another outpouring of love and support with canned goods and monetary contributions for Tricounty Family Ministries. Chef Connie Stahl was also able to clean out the fridge and freezer in the Parish Hall kitchen and donate casseroles and other items. We delivered one t...

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Daily Devotion with Ryan Streett: June 9

Ryan Streett 2019-500x333

Continue cultivating a heart of worship by learning more about God, the object of our worship, focusing this week on Psalm 2 and God's sovereignty over our lives. "You are my Son; today I have begotten you. Ask of me, and I will make the nations your heritage, and the ends of the earth your possession."...

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Daily Devotion with Marc Boutan: June 8

News--Boutan June 8

Have you ever felt pushed out of your comfort zone into uncertainty and wondered whether God would be there to help? Reflect today on Psalm 91 and the song "On Eagle's Wings": And He will raise you up on eagle's wings, bear you on the breath of dawn, make you to shine like the sun, and hold you in the palm of His Hand....

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Join Us for Worship on Trinity Sunday!

Ryan Streett 2019-500x333

Join us for worship on Trinity Sunday, June 7! The Reverend Ryan T. Streett will be delivering his final sermon at St. Philip's, "Crowned with Universal Praise," before he goes on to serve as rector of Holy Trinity Anglican Church in Madison, Mississippi. You may stream the service at the link below beginning a few minutes before 10:30 with the prelude, or you may choo...

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Daily Devotion with Andrew O'Dell: June 5

News--O'Dell June 5

"There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor free, there is no male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus." As we think about what's happening in the world around us, let us remember three things: to pray, to listen for the voice of the Good Shepherd, and to listen to the voices of those who are hurting....

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Daily Devotion with Jeff Miller: June 4

News--Miller Devotion Jun 4

In Matthew chapter 15, Jesus effectively diagnoses the problem in society and in the world: the corruption of the human heart. What does Scripture say is the cure? The responsibility lies with us as Christians: to proclaim the Good News of the Gospel, which alone can turn stony hearts into hearts of flesh....

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Call for a Week of Prayer and Fasting

News--Foley Beach

Dearest People of God in the Anglican Church in North America: I write you with a tremendous heaviness in my spirit and soul as I observe and participate in what is happening today in the United States of America. If ever there is a time for the people of God to fall on our faces before God and plead for his mercy and intervention, now is the time. As believers, we are ...

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Daily Devotion with Brian McGreevy: June 3

News--Devotion McGreevy June 3

"I bind unto myself today the strong Name of the Trinity, by invocation of the same, the Three in One and One in Three." This Sunday is Trinity Sunday, and in today's reflection with Brian McGreevy, learn about the fascinating life of the often-misunderstood St. Patrick, who wrote the hymn most know as "St. Patrick's Breastplate."...

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Volunteer Opportunities and Donation Needs at Tricounty

News--Kara Stewart Tricounty

Hello, Tricounty supporters. I’m so grateful for the support we’ve received from so many of you. We could not continue this ministry without you. Responding to the initial threat of the virus was challenging, and now, as we cautiously start to reopen more of our services, we are seeing a dramatic increase in the number of people who are coming for the first time....

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Would You Like Someone to Pray With You?


Would you like someone to pray with you, or would you like to request prayer for someone else?...

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Daily Devotion with Ryan Streett: June 2

News--Devotion Streett June 2

"For I know that the Lord is great, and that our Lord is above all gods. Whatever the Lord pleases, he does, in heaven and on earth, in the seas and all deeps." Revisit with the Rev. Ryan Streett the theme of cultivating a heart of worship by learning more about the object of our worship, this time reflecting on Psalm 135:5-6 and God's omnipotence, his absolute power vers...

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The Death of the Very Rev. Dr. Peter Moore

Events––Peter Moore 2

A Message from the Anglican Diocese of South Carolina: Please keep the family and loved ones of the Very Rev. Dr. Peter Moore, Director of the Anglican Leadership Institute, in your prayers. Peter died on the Eve of Pentecost, May 30, following a battle with cancer. Details for a service have not yet been announced. The following is a message from the Rev. Al Zadig, ...

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Daily Devotion with Marc Boutan: June 1

News--Devotion Boutan June 1

"You have forsaken your first love ... Repent, and do the things you did at first." (Revelation 2:4-5.) In today's devotion, the Rev. Marc Boutan reflects on the enthusiasm he expressed in his early days as a "happy-clappy" Christian....

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