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Archives for March 2021

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Worship with us on Maundy Thursday and Good Friday!

News--Maundy Thursday

Please join us Maundy Thursday at 6:00 p.m. and Good Friday at noon for worship. Both services have in-person and online options, and while there is a waitlist for Good Friday, there is space available at Maundy Thursday....

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Worship With Us on Palm Sunday!

Brian McGreevy 2019-500x333

Join us for worship on Palm Sunday! The Reverend Brian K. McGreevy will be preaching; read on for in-person and online options....

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Cultivating a Culture of Caring: A Note from the Rev. Bill Christian

News--Bill Christian

I must tell you just how excited I am about my new calling to serve St. Philip’s Church! When Jeff Miller asked me to serve as his assistant for pastoral care, I felt that God was speaking directly through him and giving me the opportunity to engage in an area of ministry that has always been so close to my heart. Pastoral care is a team effort...

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The Lord Provides: An Update on Our Sister Church in Haiti

News--Haiti School Lunches

During the past year, the whole world has experienced many struggles and challenges. Never before have we been so united in facing the same unseen enemy yet so separated due to pandemic restrictions. And Haiti was no exception. They too experienced the same uncertainties, but in a very culturally unique way. In March 2020, as the new coronavirus began to spread around the ...

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Worship With Us on the Fifth Sunday in Lent!

Justin Hare 500x333

Join us for worship on the Fifth Sunday in Lent! The Reverend Justin C. Hare will be preaching; read on for in-person and online options. ...

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"Do You Have a Bathtub?"

News--Gurley Ukraine

Descending into the Ukrainian air space on a freezing January day, it looked like we were landing in Siberia. Snow enveloped Kharkiv, a city with a population of 2,000,000 located twenty miles south of the Russian border in far eastern Ukraine. After we landed, custom officials placed Tom and me in separate cubicles. Following serious "pat-downs," the husky, unsmiling ...

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Immediate Needs at Tricounty Family Ministries

News--Tricounty Needs Computers

As the economic effects of the pandemic continue to plague so many of our neighbors, Tricounty Family Ministries (TFM) is partnering with Charleston County to help those who are behind on their bills for COVID-related reasons. TFM will be setting up a computer lab staffed by volunteers to assist clients with online applications for financial assistance, and for this to be ...

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In-Church Easter Reservation Lottery Now Open

Easter Button

Join us for worship on Easter Day at 6:30 a.m. on the lawn (in-person only, by reservation), 9:00 a.m. in the church (online or in-person by reservation lottery), or 11:!5 a.m. in the church (online or in-person by reservation lottery). ...

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Join Us for Worship on the Fourth Sunday in Lent!


Join us for worship on the Fourth Sunday in Lent! The Reverend Andrew R. O'Dell will be preaching; read on for in-person and online options....

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Prayers Needed for Christian Girls and Families in Persecuted Areas of the World

News--Open Doors USA kidnapped

There is a dark and evil trend occurring in our world right now. Open Doors USA reported this week that two Christian girls are disappearing each day. Open Doors is an international organization that provides support to persecuted Christians across the world and is a highly regarded source of research and information for the Body of Christ worldwide....

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Worship and Annual Meeting on the Third Sunday in Lent

Brian McGreevy 2019-500x333

Join us for worship on the Third Sunday in Lent! The Reverend Brian K. McGreevy will be preaching; read on for in-person and online options, and remember to join us for our annual meeting at 1:00 p.m. ...

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