Worship with Us on the Fifth Sunday After Pentecost!

Join us for worship on the Fifth Sunday After Pentecost! The Rev. Justin C. Hare will be preaching; read on for in-person and online options....
Keep ReadingAfter participating in the dedication of the Rangi New Testament last August, I was blessed with an hours-long drive with a missionary friend Jared, and Anderson, a Tanzanian Christian and devoted choir member. We got to talking about many things, including church music. To my delight, Anderson encapsulated in a few short statements some of the reasons we Christians are to be a singing people. I want to share his statements exactly as he said them (English being his third language), elaborate briefly on each one, and give a song as an example. I hope his words will impact and bless you as they did me....
The call to our parish to donate canned goods to Star Gospel was heard, and we received two Suburbans (thank you, Jill and Jennie!) and a small SUV filled with bags of canned goods, rice, pasta, etc. Thank you to the St. Philip’s office and to Lea and Rachel for helping coordinate and make the copies of the flyers. Thank you to all who handed out bags, donated, and loaded cars!...
We are excited to have Mark Bartels and Dr. Charity Alinda from Uganda Christian University Partners, one of St. Philip’s world mission partners, joining us at the Rector’s Forum on Sunday, February 9. They will be speaking on the ministry of UCU and its impact on East Africa, with a Q&A session included....
This past Saturday morning, dozens of St. Philippians met bright and early at Hope to Home, one of our Home Missions ministry partners, for a Saturday Serve workday. I knew a little about Hope to Home but had never seen the facility nor volunteered in any role. I quickly learned there is a lot that goes into making Hope to Home function, and all of it is performed by volunteers....
Worship with us on the Presentation of Christ at the Temple! The Rev. Andrew R. O'Dell is preaching; read on for in-person and online worship details. ...
Click the link below to read the St. Philip's eSPIRE, the email version of our weekly inSPIRE newsletter, which is packed with information about all that's going on in the life of our parish....
A mobile clinic held last month at St. Jean-Baptiste, our sister church, in Plaine Mapou, Haiti, focused on prenatal exams and care for malnourished infants. Many soon-to-be mothers received check-ups, and clinicians administered Medika Mamba, a therapeutic food for malnourished children, and sent it home with parents, too....
Worship with us on the Third Sunday of Epiphany! The Rev. Jeffrey S. Miller is preaching; read on for in-person and online worship details. ...
Worship with us on the Second Sunday of Epiphany! The Rev. William K. Christian III is preaching; read on for in-person and online worship details. ...
St. Philip’s Academy Open Information Session Attendees Learn About Tuition, Curriculum, and More from Newly Named Primary School Director Trisha Reese One hundred parents and grandparents gathered excitedly in the Parish Hall on Sunday afternoon to hear about St. Philip’s Academy’s plans to open K4 and K5 classrooms for the 2025-2026 school year. They were greeted by members of the Kindergarten Planning Committee: Ben Hagood, Martha Harken, Brendan O’Shea, Molly and Justin Hare, and Trisha Reese, a group that Ben Hagood noted represents 100 years of educational leadership!...
Answered Prayers (Thank You, Lord): 1. For the donations for the Shine the Light Campaign and for St. Philip’s Academy. 2. For our choirs and wonderful Lessons and Carols and Christmas Eve worship. 3. For excellent attendance at the Christmas Eve services. 4. For our clergy, staff, and Vestry. 5. For Nathan Youngman and his work crews restoring our church. 6. For Jim Stelling’s leadership and his team overseeing the construction on our campus. 7. For all the new members joining St. Philip’s. May they feel welcomed. 8. For the 22% increase in the sale of Bibles in the United States in 2024....
The work on St. Philip’s spire is encouraging, and we are still early in the process. Seven sections of scaffolding now envelop the spire, and since December, the primary focus was regilding the cross, removing and repairing all four clocks, and inspecting the integrity of the copper roofing. Canning Liturgical Arts of Connecticut performed the cross refurbishment. They are internationally acclaimed, and we are excitedly anticipating when, unobscured by scaffolding, our cross will brilliantly shine over Charleston!...
Juanita Orvin, Gerry McCord, and I are looking forward to the start of the grief care ministry called GriefShare on January 22 after the Wednesday night supper....
Worship with us on the First Sunday of Epiphany: The Baptism of Our Lord! The Very Rev. Can. Dr. Bryan C. Hollon is our guest preacher and Rector's Forum speaker; read on for in-person and online worship details. ...
Worship with us on the Feast of the Epiphany (observed)! The Rev. Brian K. McGreevy is preaching; read on for in-person and online worship details. ...
Worship with us on the First Sunday of Christmas! The Rev. Justin C. Hare is preaching; read on for in-person and online worship details. ...
We will be celebrating the Eve of the Nativity of Our Lord at 4:30 p.m. (children's Christmas pageant and Holy Eucharist), 7:30 p.m. (festival Holy Eucharist) and 10:30 p.m. (festival Holy Eucharist). All three services will be livestreamed. The Rev. Andrew R. O'Dell will be preaching at the 7:30 and 10:30 services. ...
Worship with us on the Fourth Sunday in Advent! The Rev. Jeffrey S. Miller is preaching; read on for in-person and online worship details. ...
What a wonderfully busy weekend we had! It all started with the greening of the church on Friday. The crowd was looking a little sparse when the Angelus bells rang at 9:00 a.m., but before we knew it, the treat table was laden with bagels and danishes and donuts (oh my!), and there were helping hands all over the narthex and sanctuary....
A few weeks ago, on All Saints Day, I stood with dear African friends, Theo and his wife, Paula, while singing the beautiful hymn “Alleluia, Sing to Jesus.” In verse one, the lyricist writes, “Hark! the songs of holy Sion thunder like a mighty flood; Jesus out of ev’ry nation hath redeemed us by his blood.” Truly, Jesus has redeemed us out of ev’ry nation. His blood which was shed on the cross is sufficient for everyone....
Worship with us Sunday at our 8:15 service of Holy Eucharist (the Rev. Brian K. McGreevy, preacher) or our festival service of Lessons and Carols at 10:30! Join us also for Sunday school and the Rector's Forum between services and the annual Wassail Bowl reception following Lessons and Carols! Read on for details. ...
Three Rivers Outreach Medical Mission is an outgrowth of Three Rivers Outreach, which was founded 10 years ago by Shawn and Sonny Dupre, who began visiting Liberia in 2007 as part of a St. Andrew’s Mt. Pleasant mission team and later moved there permanently. The name is drawn both from three rivers they’ve spent so much time boating, swimming and fishing in––the Wando, Cooper, and Ashley––and the three largest rivers in Liberia: St. Paul, St. John, and the Cestos....
Worship with us on the Second Sunday in Advent! The Rev. Justin C. Hare is preaching; read on for in-person and online worship details. ...
1. Evening Worship Opportunity. Other than our Wednesdays Alive! service and a few other times during the year when we worship in the evening (e.g. Ash Wednesday, Maunday Thursday, and Christmas Eve), we’re accustomed to doing formal church worship in the mornings. Worship in the evening adds some variation that refreshes your circadian worship cycle....
“In everything give thanks, for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.” ––I Thessalonians 5:18 This Scripture verse became a real challenge while staying recently in our cabin just north of Asheville, NC. All weather reports indicated that Helene was expected to move through our area with some rain and wind. No one in the area, much less the mountains, expected to be hit with what I can only describe as Hurricane Hugo on steroids. ...
Worship with us on the First Sunday in Advent! The Rev. Andrew R. O'Dell is preaching; read on for in-person and online worship details. ...
Worship with us on the the Last Sunday After Pentecost: Christ the King! The Rev. Jeffrey S. Miller, Rector, is preaching; read on for in-person and online worship details. ...
Worship with us on the Twenty-Sixth Sunday After Pentecost! The Rev. Brian K. McGreevy is preaching; read on for in-person and online worship details. ...
Answered Prayers (Thank You, Lord): 1. For reaching $17,000,000 in donations for the restoration phase of the Shine the Light campaign the beginning of the needed funds for the classical Christian school. 2. For the committees working on plans for the school. 3. For the glorious celebration an investiture of the ACNA’s Archbishop, the Most Rev. Steve Wood. For our choirs, acolytes, and volunteers who participated in the service and made it so excellent. ...
One of our world mission partners is the Dufatanye Organization (DO) in Rwanda, a truly amazing Christian organization which is improving the lives of widows, orphans, and families in impoverished communities, many of whom are suffering as a result of genocide and AIDS. The founder and director, Karema Godfrey, will be visiting the States over the next couple of weeks and will be in church with us on Wednesday, November 20, and Sunday, November 24. ...
Worship with us on the Twenty-Fifth Sunday After Pentecost! The Rev. Andrew R. O'Dell is preaching; read on for in-person and online worship details. ...
Worship with us on All Saints' Sunday! The Rev. Justin C. Hare is preaching; read on for in-person and online worship details. ...
It has been my honor to volunteer at St. Philip’s as our parish nurse over these past six months! I have been asked many times, “What exactly do you do as a parish nurse?” I hope I can explain a little more about it here. ...
While the news from Port-au-Prince focuses on the violence and political chaos that continue to be very upsetting, we wanted to share a brighter side of the conditions in Haiti. The eleven churches and schools in the La Gonâve Haiti Partnership continue to flourish on the island of La Gonâve, which is located 16 miles across the bay from the Haiti mainland. In the past, this isolation discouraged people from living there and caused many to move to Port-au-Prince in search of jobs, but now the separation has been a blessing....
Worship with us on the Twenty-Third Sunday After Pentecost! The Rev. William K. Christian III is preaching; read on for in-person and online worship details. ...
Worship with us on the Twenty-Second Sunday After Pentecost! The Rev. Jeffrey S. Miller is preaching; read on for in-person and online worship details. ...
Answered Prayers and Thanksgivings (Thank You, Lord): 1. For reaching the Phase One goal of the Shine the Light Campaign. 2. For the donations for St. Philip’s classical Christian school to be established on our campus. 3. For a strong beginning for the union of St. John’s Chapel and Holy Trinity Anglican Church. 4. For Charleston’s protection from the recent hurricanes. ...
Dear St. Philip’s Family, Some of you may know that Ms. Morgan Bearsch, who has been lovingly welcoming the children in nursery for the past three years in addition to working in our preschool five days a week, recently made the decision to step away from her role as Nursery Ministry Coordinator to make a shift in her work/life balance. We completely understand and support Morgan’s decision, and we continue to be so grateful for her and the love and care she has shown the youngest members of our congregation!...
THANK YOU to the 27 folks who gave up their Saturday morning to bring Christ’s hope to five families as the deliveries of furniture and home goods changed apartments into homes. St. Philip’s volunteers divided into four groups. ...
Worship with us on the Twenty-First Sunday After Pentecost! The Rev. Brian K. McGreevy is preaching; read on for in-person and online worship details. ...
What tremendous news we received during church last Sunday! Our Shine the Light capital campaign, which officially launched in April 2023, reached its Phase One (historic campus renovation) goal of $16.4 million in pledges and donations last week!...
Uganda Christian University (UCU), a faith-based Anglican institution, was founded in 1997 on the Mukono campus of Bishop Tucker Theological College, which was established in 1913 by British missionaries. UCU was granted a charter (full accreditation) from the government of Uganda in 2004, the first private university in Uganda to receive full accreditation. ...
Worship with us on the Twentieth Sunday After Pentecost! The Rev. Justin C. Hare is preaching; read on for in-person and online worship details. ...
After walking through the bustle of preschool pick-up, one follows the signs up the outside stairs and through the upstairs lobby to the “big room,” the Parish Hall—the room that is the home for Rector’s Forum, Wednesday dinners, receptions, celebrations, and other crowded functions. But last Tuesday, the Parish Hall was quite cool and relatively quiet....
St. Philip's family, our ministry partners at Water Mission are providing critical disaster assistance to those impacted by the devastation of Hurricane Helene, especially in the upstate and in Western North Carolina. They have already sent Living Water systems to those without water or whose only water is contaminated, but the work has only just begun, and they will continue to provide those systems and other emergency aid, such as generators, to those suffering....
Worship with us on the Nineteenth Sunday After Pentecost! The Rev. Andrew R. O'Dell is preaching; read on for in-person and online worship details....
A few minutes before 9:30 on the morning of Sunday, September 22, the Parish Hall was filled with the standard pre-Rector’s Forum buzz––the what-have-you-been-up-to-since-last-Sunday chitchatting, the finding-a-seat foot shuffling, and the laughter that warmly punctuates the end of a shared anecdote. But just beyond the buzz, beside the dais, Penn and Ben Hagood stood with their backs to the crowd, heads bowed in prayer....
This past Saturday, fourteen dedicated St. Philip’s volunteers came together to show their love and support for our Star Gospel Mission, one of our Home Mission partners. With joy and determination, the team worked to repaint and refresh the central hallway, bringing new life to the mission’s facilities. ...
Worship with us on the Eighteenth Sunday After Pentecost! The Rev. Brian K. McGreevy is preaching; read on for in-person and online worship details. ...
It is difficult for us here in beautiful Charleston, the “Holy City,” to fathom the reality that there are 365 million brothers and sisters in our world who can lose their jobs, homes, and very lives just for believing in Christ or even owning a Bible. Yet we must not turn away from these horrific facts no matter how hard they are to think about. We must pray regularly for these brothers and sisters and support organizations who are able to help them....
James Ray, a junior at Philip Simmons High School and member of Boy Scout Troop 519 in Daniel Island, began working toward his Eagle Scout rank in 2019. On Saturday, September 14, he completed one of the final steps in his journey: a service project that he’d planned, developed, and led by himself––and he did at his home church, St. Philip’s! ...
On a cool and partly cloudy Saturday morning in one of the far corners of the earth, several hundred people gathered in plastic chairs on a brown lawn under the façade of an imposing church. Some had traveled thousands of miles by plane and then hours more by car; many had walked. Most were dressed in their very best: men in shirt and jacket, women in colorful fabrics, children in hand-me-down clothes or bright school uniforms. The smell of cooking fires was on the nose, and the sound of heavily amplified voices speaking or singing was in the ear. We had gathered in the village of Haubi, Tanzania, to celebrate....
Worship with us on the Seventeenth Sunday After Pentecost! The Rev. Justin C. Hare is preaching; read on for in-person and online worship details. ...
In Paul’s first letter to the church in Corinth, he exclaims, “I sowed, Apollos watered, but God gave the growth.” The Dufatanye Organization (DO) in Nyanza, Rwanda, is in the business of sowing and reaping, but there is no doubt that this couldn’t happen without our Lord giving us the growth, whether physically or spiritually. We thank Him, knowing that He is the Lord of all and uses it all––the good and the bad––to draw us closer to Himself. ...
“My house shall be called a house of prayer for all nations.” ––Isaiah 56:7 Answered Prayers (Thank You, Lord): 1. For a glorious Rally Sunday. 2. For the safe return of our clergy and families from summer events. 3. For the propert restoration that is being accomplished for St. Philip’s. 4. For those who have contributed to the Shine the Light Campaign. 5. For the well-attended service officiated by Bishop Edgar that joined St. John’s Chapel and Holy Trinity together. ...
Isn’t it a tremendous feeling to be able to take part in a day like Rally Sunday? We are so blessed to be able to drop our kids off at Sunday school (or in the choir room!), grab a cup of delicious coffee (oh, Perky People...how we love you), and take a seat in the adult offering of our choice (we’ve got three––that in itself is also pretty tremendous!). ...
Worship with us on the Sixteenth Sunday After Pentecost, Rally Sunday! The Rev. Jeffrey S. Miller is preaching; read on for in-person and online worship details. ...
Worship with us on the Fifteenth Sunday after Pentecost! The Rev. Andrew R. O'Dell is preaching; read on for in-person and online worship details. ...
Worship with us on the Fourteenth Sunday after Pentecost! The Rev. Justin C. Hare is preaching; read on for in-person and online worship details. ...
Worship with us on the Thirteenth Sunday after Pentecost! The Rev. William K. Christian III is preaching; read on for in-person and online worship details. ...
“My house shall be called a house of prayer for all nations.” ––Isaiah 56:7 “The effective fervent prayers of a righteous man avails much.” ––James 5:16a...
While I was praying for our Shine the Light campaign recently, Ezra and Nehemiah came to mind. In rereading many of the passages, I was specifically led to the rebuilding of the temple in Ezra and the restoring of Jerusalem’s walls and gates in Nehemiah....
Worship with us on the Twelfth Sunday after Pentecost! The Rev. Justin C. Hare is preaching; read on for in-person and online worship details. ...
Worship with us on the Eleventh Sunday after Pentecost! The Rev. William K. Christian III is preaching; read on for in-person and online worship details. ...
Our Shine the Light Campaign is St. Philip’s first capital campaign in twenty-five years. St. Philip’s is undertaking a significant effort to preserve our historic Gospel assets and equip our campus for God’s call to St. Philip’s to be a light to our community and the world. Our last campaign, the 5th Century Fund, allowed us to renovate the Parish House and church offices, two facilities vital to our current daily ministries and operations. Today, our Shine the Light Campaign envisions a complete restoration of all facilities at our campus....
The American Revolution liberated the colonies––but devastated the Anglican Church in America. One of the first casualties of the conflict was the St. Philip’s School. The Bishop of London and its founder, the Society for the Propagation of the Gospel (SPG), immediately cut off all their vital support. South Carolina’s disestablishment of the provincial Anglican Church in 1778 slashed public contributions. Private donations dried up with the exigencies of war. Teachers and clergy unwilling to denounce the King, titular head of the Church of England, were banished from the province. The parish school fell into total disarray....
Worship with us on the Tenth Sunday after Pentecost! The Rev. Brian K. McGreevy is preaching; read on for in-person and online worship details. ...
Worship with us on the Ninth Sunday after Pentecost! The Rev. Andrew R. O'Dell is preaching; read on for in-person and online worship details. ...
Answered Prayers (Thank You, Lord): 1. For the increase in the financial gifts for the Shine the Light Campaign. 2. For continued blessings that Theology on Tuesdays has been for our young people. For Justin and Brian’s leadership. 3. For Guv and Steve’s adult forum series on “Life Changing Prayer” by Jim Cymbala. 4. For the classical Christian school plans. For the planning committee and subcommittees. 5. For our clergy, staff, and Vestry. 6. For the new parish nurse ministry with Susan Keller leading. 7. For the support raised ($7000) for Bed #1 at Star Gospel Mission. 8. For Justin’s time in Wittenberg, Germany, studying the Heart of the Reformation. Thanksgiving for safe travel and new relationships. 9. For the new Archbishop of ACNA, Steve Wood, and great thanksgiving for Foley Beach’s years of service....
My husband, Gerry, and I just returned from the 2024 annual meeting of the La Gonâve Haiti Partnership at Shallowford Presbyterian Church in Atlanta. You may remember that last year St. Philip’s was pleased to host the annual meeting. This annual conference is held in a different partner church each year....
"What has been is what will be, and what has been done is what will be done, and there is nothing new under the sun." ––Ecclesiastes 1:9 On May 5, the Reverend Jeffrey Miller’s exciting announcement that St. Philip’s Church is planning a Classical Christian School contingent upon successful completion of the Shine the Light Campaign was met with exclamations of “What a great idea!” “Good News indeed!” That this was a splendid, much needed, innovation was the widespread consensus rippling through the large, curious crowd in the Parish Hall. That the school would be located in the Church’s somewhat mysterious adjacent State Street property (once it was renovated) also sounded intriguing. But then the larger question settled in. What exactly is a Classical Christian School? ...
Worship with us on the Eighth Sunday after Pentecost! The Rev. Justin C. Hare is preaching; read on for in-person and online worship details. ...
Worship with us on the Seventh Sunday after Pentecost! The Rev. Brian K. McGreevy is preaching; read on for in-person and online worship details. ...
Within the word “educate” is a hidden story that takes us all the way back to the ancient Roman Empire, and then to the Greeks, and even further back to the ancient Hebrews. The word comes from two Latin words: ex and ducare. When put together, they mean “to lead out.”...
Worship with us on the Sixth Sunday after Pentecost! The Rev. William K. Christian III is preaching; read on for in-person and online worship details. ...
Worship with us on the Fifth Sunday after Pentecost! The Rev. Jeffrey S. Miller, Rector, is preaching; read on for in-person and online worship details. ...
For two weeks in the middle of May, I was honored to join several other ACNA clergy and lay leaders in Wittenberg, Germany, to study in the same university halls which once held the likes of Martin Luther and Philip Melanchthon. This two-week course of study in the Wittenberg Center for Reformation Studies was a key component of the Anderson Trane Fellows program, a new fellowship created by the American Anglican Council (AAC) designed to train future leaders in the ACNA by “enhancing the fellows’ seminary studies and providing them with opportunities to pastorally apply their fellowship training in the churches and other mission contexts in which they serve.”...
Several of the men and women of the Home Missions Team had the blessing of serving a steak dinner—complete with salads, Texas toast, baked potatoes, and cheesecake—and sharing fellowship with the guests of Star Gospel Mission on Monday, June 3. A band of brothers (Briggs Huddleston, PJ Kuyler, Scott Wallinger, Lee Batchelder, Rhett Smith, Jason Ayers, and I) pulled together to acquire the food at The Chef Store, and we prepared the meal in the Parish House kitchen....
Worship with us on the Fourth Sunday after Pentecost! The Rev. Justin C. Hare is preaching; read on for in-person and online worship details. ...
Worship with us on the Third Sunday after Pentecost! The Rev. Brian K. McGreevy is preaching; read on for in-person and online worship details. ...
Summer is the perfect time to break from the busyness of the year and enjoy serving individually or as a family to help others. Browse the Home Missions page of our website to help find a local ministry partner for whom you’d like to volunteer a time or two or much as your time allows this summer. Specific individual volunteer opportunities are listed under each ministry partner. ...
“My house shall be called a house of prayer for all nations.” ––Isaiah 56:7 “The effective fervent prayers of a righteous man avails much.” ––James 5:16a Answered Prayers (Thank You, Lord): 1. For the increase in the financial gifts for the Shine the Light Campaign. 2. For safe travels for the Uganda team: Jayne and Tom Gurley, Tammy and Guv Gottshalk, and Fred Willis. ...
“Unless the Lord builds the house, those who build it labor in vain.” ––Psalm 127:1 Buoyed by much prayer, the Classical Christian School Planning Committee was delighted to accept the charge of the Vestry to plan a classical Christian school dedicated to raising up students to be ambassadors of Christ steeped in the best traditional and classical learning....
Worship with us on the Second Sunday after Pentecost! The Rev. Andrew R. O'Dell is preaching; read on for in-person and online worship details. ...
Worship with us on Trinity Sunday! The Rev. William K. Christian III is preaching; read on for in-person and online worship details. ...
Our last senior high night of the ’23-’24 youth group season was marked by surprises, laughter, tears, and amazing fellowship! Our sweet youth groupers threw me a surprise baby shower. I went home with bags of books for Baby Baldwin! My husband and I are so excited to read our son all the wonderful stories that we were gifted....
Last week’s diaper drive was a huge success! Thank you, St. Philippians, for answering the call to help out one of our home mission ministry partners, Lowcountry Pregnancy Center (LPC), which provides life-affirming reproductive health and family services in a compassionate Christian environment....
Worship with us on the Day of Pentecost! The Rev. Jeffrey S. Miller, Rector, is preaching; read on for in-person and online worship details. ...
The Rev. Jeff Miller’s special announcement and teaching on Sunday, May 5, were particularly exciting for those of us at St. Philip’s who have spent the last several years discussing, praying, hoping, and planning for a classical Christian school that is dedicated to raising up students as ambassadors of Christ steeped in traditional and classical learning. ...
Congratulations to Our Graduates! O Eternal God, bless all schools, colleges, and universities, that they may be lively centers for sound learning, new discovery, and the pursuit of wisdom; and grant that those who teach and those who learn may find you to be the source of all truth; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. ...
Jayne and Tom Gurley, Tammy and Guv Gottshalk, Shaun Gillis, MD (Bozeman, MT), and Jean Chamberlain Froese, MD (Toronto, Canada), and I arrived in Mukono, Uganda, at midnight on Saturday, April 20. We stayed in guest quarters at Uganda Christian University (UCU), awakening on Sunday morning to a gentle rain. We made our way to a modern open-air pavilion on campus to attend an Anglican church service; we could hear the student choir and praise band as we began our walk there. ...
Worship with us on the Sunday After Ascension Day! The Rev. Brian K. McGreevy is preaching; read on for in-person and online worship details. ...
As we grow in our relationship with Christ, we know that God calls us to humble ourselves, to share our bread with the hungry, to free the oppressed and to provide clothing for those living on the margins of society. While living in Rwanda for almost six years, I took this mandate seriously. I lived on the main street of a town called Ruhengeri, which is situated in the north, along a chain of eight volcanoes. Ruhengeri proper is a small town, but it is surrounded by over a million impoverished people, many of whom live in poorly built mud huts....
After implying multiple times––during Sunday announcements, during the Rector’s Forum, and even during the Cinco Carnival–– that he would not be taking a seat under the dunk bucket (“It’s good to be king!” he joked), the Reverend Jeffrey S. Miller did what everyone in attendance at the May 5 Cinco Carnival had hoped he would do: he donned a sombrero, took a seat, and awaited his fate....
In 476 A.D., the great Roman Empire, which had brought peace and security to the world, fell to the Barbarians, marking a turning point in western civilization. The Barbarian invasion was able to succeed because after years of economic volatility, power struggles, religious upheaval, poor leadership, porous borders, gratuitous violence, pandemics, and marked moral decline, Roman society was weak. Do those circumstances seem familiar?...
Worship with us on the Sixth Sunday of Easter! The Rev. Andrew R. O'Dell is preaching; read on for in-person and online worship details. ...
Worship with us on the Fifth Sunday of Easter! The Rev. Justin C. Hare is preaching; read on for in-person and online worship details. ...
Well, at the time of writing on Monday, April 22, St. Philip’s Financial Administrator Juli Garland is in that part of Scotland known as Scottish Borders on vacation with a group of 31 other ladies from her online knitting group, who hail from all across the United States, including the Carolinas, Florida, Ohio, and Wisconsin. ...
Let’s face it: There are a lot of wonderful ways to spend a beautiful spring Saturday in Charleston. But I would contend there is no better way than at the Prayer as Worship offering led by Frenchie Richards and Pam Dickson this past Saturday at St. Philip’s....
While it was clearly summer in Charleston last week, Sunday’s rain brought along late-winteresque temperatures, and when Tea Room opened at 11:30 a.m. on Monday, the Peninsula was sitting at a brisk 59 degrees despite a bright, cloudless sky, and many people strolling around Church Street were bundled up in long pants and coats. ...
Worship with us on the Fourth Sunday of Easter: Good Shepherd Sunday! The Rev. Jeffrey S. Miller, Rector, is preaching; read on for in-person and online worship details. ...
“My house shall be called a house of prayer for all nations.” ––Isaiah 56:7 Give thanks with a grateful heart for our risen Lord! Answered Prayers: 1. For all the glorious Holy Week and Easter services. 2. For the increase in Shine the Light pledges and donations. 3. For Alan Runyan’s excellent Rector’s Forum teaching series. 4. For the confirmation class of 30-plus children. 5. For the 92 adults who have chosen to get confirmed in May. 6. For the many visitors coming through the Open Door Ministry. 7. For the great attendance for the Foundations and Spiritual Gifts classes. 8. For the successful outreach ministries locally and abroad. For the safe return of the St. Philippians who traveled to Honduras. 9. For the successful turnout at the Walk For Water. 10. For the outgoing vestry members and their service these last three years....
The St. Philip’s Uganda Mission Team will head to Uganda Friday, April 19. The team includes Fred Willis, Guv Gottshalk, Tammy Gottshalk, Jayne Gurley, and Tom Gurley. Two others will join us in Uganda: Dr. Jean Chamberlain Froese (OB/GYN from Hamilton, Ontario) and Dr. Sean Gillis (OB/GYN from Bozeman, Montana). Mark Bartels, Executive Director of Uganda Christian University Partners, will join us and will handle the logistics of the itinerary and mission outreach....
Worship with us on the Third Sunday of Easter! The Rev. Brian K. McGreevy is preaching; read on for in-person and online worship details. ...
Worship with us on the Second Sunday of Easter, Confirmation Sunday! The Rt. Rev. Chip Edgar III, Bishop of the Anglican Diocese of South Carolina, is preaching; read on for in-person and online worship details. ...
Join us for worship on Easter! The Rev. Andrew R. O'Dell is preaching at our services of Sunrise Holy Eucharist on the Parish House lawn (6:30 a.m., contemporary) and Festal Eucharist of the Resurrection with choir and orchestra at 9:00 and 11:15 a.m. We hope you will join us for breakfast in the Parish Hall beginning at 7:30 a.m....
Please join us Maundy Thursday at 6:00 p.m. and Good Friday at noon for worship! We are also offering Stations of the Cross at 6:00 p.m. on Good Friday, with a fellowship supper preceding....
Worship with us on Palm Sunday! The Jeffrey S. Miller, Rector, is preaching; read on for in-person and online worship details. ...
Lifelong St. Philippian, Founder of the Charleston Men’s Chorus ...
On February 24, 1887, the day following Ash Wednesday of that year, John Stainer (1840-1901), then the organist at St. Paul’s Cathedral, London, premiered his sacred work The Crucifixion: A Meditation on the Sacred Passion of the Holy Redeemer at St. Marylebone Parish Church in London. This performance marked the beginning of what would become a turn-of-the-century tradition of Anglican Passion works that follow the traditional format of prior Passions, most notably Johann Sebastian Bach’s Passion works and Charles Wood’s St. Mark Passion, which was sung at St. Philip’s on Palm Sunday in 2023....
Worship with us on the Fifth Sunday in Lent! The Rev. Justin C. Hare is preaching; read on for in-person and online worship details. ...
Our Lord loves the people of Haiti. Brothers and sisters, please pray for them. The tragic situation of gang warfare, which has been worsening month by month since July 2021 with the assassination of Haitian President Jovenel Moise, has now reached new levels of chaos, violence, and disarray. 80% of the capital city is now controlled by criminal groups. Schools and businesses are closed. Hospitals are overwhelmed. Police stations have been torched and the police are desperate for help. ...
On Thursday, March 7, our Canterbury and St. David choristers sang for the St. David’s Society’s Annual Great Feast––the 22nd time our singers have been in attendance since 2000! ...
Answered Prayers (Thank You, Lord): 1. For our new Vestry members. 2. For the increase in Shine the Light donations. 3. For the many newcomers joining St. Philip’s. 4. For the wonderful children’s and adult choirs and for our music team: Zippy, Chris, and Paul. 5. For the many visitors coming through the Open Door Ministry. 6. For the great attendance at the Foundations and Gifts classes. 7. For the successful outreach ministries locally and abroad. 8. For the wonderful updates at the annual meeting and for the Rector’s Address....
Worship with us on the Fourth Sunday in Lent! The Rev. William K. Christian III is preaching; read on for in-person and online worship details. ...
Parish Annual Meeting Stirs Up Excitement for Our Future When the Rev. Jeffrey S. Miller took the helm as Rector of St. Philip’s in 2016, the church we call home was described to him by a parishioner as a ship run aground—a majestic ship, yes, but one that nonetheless had stalled on its journey. ...
Worship with us on the Third Sunday in Lent! The Rev. Andrew R. O'Dell is preaching; read on for in-person and online worship details. ...
Last April, my husband and I were blessed with our first child. As we approach her one-year birthday, I realize time is already slipping by much too quickly. I find myself scrolling through months of baby pictures on my phone, hoping to somehow savor each memory—to slow it all down. But even as I work to stay present in the moment, my mind inevitably drifts to the future....
What is a “Saturday Serve”? On the third Saturday morning of each month (September through May), our Home Missions Team will offer an opportunity for individuals, families, and groups to serve together with one of our home mission ministry partners. Financially supporting these ministries is vital, but serving with our hands and hearts will only further the message of Christ’s love and provisions to our supported ministries and people in need they serve....
Worship with us on the Second Sunday in Lent! The Rev. Brian K. McGreevy is preaching; read on for in-person and online worship details. ...
Worship with us on the First Sunday in Lent! The Rev. Jeffrey S. Miller, Rector, is preaching; read on for in-person and online worship details. ...
The Haiti spirit of endurance and persistence through trust and faith in the Lord is well known: it is how they have survived so much with so little and still have the joy of the Lord. St. Philip’s sister church in Haiti, St. Jean-Baptiste (St. John the Baptist), is a good example of this faith that produces joy and hope in the midst of suffering!...
Worship with us on the Last Sunday of Epiphany: The Transfiguration! The Rev. Justin C. Hare is preaching; read on for in-person and online worship details. ...
When a family member passes away, the days immediately following can be extremely overwhelming. On top of the grief of losing someone, there is a funeral to plan, hard decisions to make, phone calls to answer, and friends and family to entertain. ...
Answered Prayers (Thank You, Lord): 1. For the National Prayer Breakfast in Washington, D.C., and other events surrounding it. For the Finlays’ ministry during that week. 2. For Wednesday night services and the growth we are experiencing. 3. For the diocesan clergy wives retreat at Litchfield. 4. For the many new members joining St. Philip’s....
Worship with us on the Feast of the Presentation of Christ at the Temple! The Rev. Brian K. McGreevy is preaching; read on for in-person and online worship details. ...
Our church was blessed by hosting the Mere Anglicanism in so many ways. One of those ways was that some of the amazing people who came to Charleston to attend the conference January 18–20 then came to worship with us on Sunday the 21st. We were so very blessed to have two special people who are surely some of the most “in the know’’ folks for Anglican mission in the world, Chris Royer and Jenny Noyes, join us for a meet-and-greet after church. ...
Worship with us on the Fourth Sunday of Epiphany! The Rev. William K. Christian III is preaching; read on for in-person and online worship details. ...
Worship with us on the Third Sunday of Epiphany! The Rev. Vaughan E. Roberts, Rector of St. Ebbe's Church, Oxford, is our guest preacher; read on for in-person and online worship details. ...
Worship with us on the Second Sunday of Epiphany! The Rev. Andrew R. O'Dell is preaching; read on for in-person and online worship details. ...
What does a priest do on a three-month sabbatical? Well, if he’s a priest whose ambitions listed on his senior yearbook page were “to one day love God with all of my heart and soul and mind” and “to become a Rock n Roll star with good morals,” he just might pick up his guitar and record a few songs!...
Musings from a recreational rower amidst the popularity of “The Boys in the Boat.” ...
Answered Prayers: 1. For the wonderful Christmas services, messages, and worship. 2. For Chris, Paul, and Zippy’s leadership in the music selections, choir instructions, and instrumental additions to the services. 3. For our clergy and their families. 4. For the wonderful open house at the Rectory and for Jeff and Kristin’s hospitality. 5. For a sold-out Mere Anglicanism Conference....
Worship with us on the Feast of the Epiphany of Our Lord (observed)! The Rev. Justin C. Hare is preaching; read on for in-person and online worship details. ...
Worship with us on the First Sunday of Christmas! The Rev. Brian K. McGreevy is preaching; read on for in-person and online worship details. ...
Worship with us on Fourth Sunday in Advent, Christmas Eve, and Christmas Day! ...
Worship with us on the Third Sunday in Advent! The Rev. Andrew R. O'Dell is preaching; read on for in-person and online worship details. ...
Our church members have done it again! We would like to thank all of you who helped deliver the poinsettias that were sent to our church family members who have lost a loved one this year, who are on our prayer list, or who are unable to get to church, and to our dedicated and faithful staff and clergy. This is a meaningful and growing part of the CC’s ministry, and we could not have done without your help. After the Lessons and Carols service, you picked up 90+ poinsettias and delivered them all over the Low country. We are so grateful. Our heartfelt thanks! Another Poinsettia Miracle for St. Philip’s Church!...
ECW Advent Luncheon, Advent Drop-In at the Rectory, Lessons and Carols, and the Wassail Bowl! Our St. Philip’s family was mighty busy last weekend! The ladies started everything off with the ECW Advent Luncheon (for Every Church Woman) on Friday afternoon with Christian parent coach Christine Donavan, who offered her wisdom and guidance to women in all stages of life. Thank you to Jennie Emerson and Katharine Bair for heading this up! ...
Worship with us Sunday at our 8:15 service of Holy Eucharist (the Rev. Justin C. Hare, preacher) or our festival service of Lessons and Carols at 10:30! Join us also for Sunday school and the Rector's Forum between services and the annual Wassail Bowl reception following Lessons and Carols! Read on for details. ...
Answered Prayers: 1. For the wonderful attendance and message Dr. Amy Orr-Ewing gave at the ECW fall social. 2. For Connie and her team: for the beautiful and tasty food presented at the fall social. 3. For all the new members of our church. 4. For the Foundations Class and those attending....
The twelve-member Hymnal Commission, which was chartered at the June 2023 Meeting of the College of Bishops, met at St. Mark’s Church in Arlington, Texas, from November 13-15. Our task was to develop a process that would produce a Hymnal for the Anglican Church in North America....
Worship with us on the First Sunday in Advent! The Rev. Andrew R. O'Dell is preaching; read on for in-person and online worship details. ...
Monti Hanger and Callie McLaurin To Retire from Compassion Committee After 15 Years of Service: Monti Hanger and Callie McLaurin began serving as Compassion Committee co-chairs in 2008, faithfully caring for those in our parish who are bereaved, sick, hospitalized, homebound, or otherwise needing encouragement from their parish family. ...
One of the distinctives of the Anglican way of worship is our liturgical observation of the different seasons of the Church year. The rhythm of these seasons follows that of Christ’s life, so that each year we are reminded of the key events in his life and God’s plan of salvation through prayers and songs and colorful vestments and liturgical hangings appropriate for each season. This year, we will be making a change in our Advent colors from purple to blue, both of which have a long tradition in the Anglican way of worship....
Worship with us on the Last Sunday After Pentecost: Christ the King! The Rev. Brian K. McGreevy is preaching; read on for in-person and online worship details....
Worship with us on the Twenty-Fifth Sunday After Pentecost! The Rev. Justin C. Hare is preaching; read on for in-person and online worship details. ...
Before and after services on Sundays, December 3 and 10, and Wednesday evening, December 6, Generations Ministry will be displaying faith nurturing books for your review to consider giving as Christmas gifts to your children or grandchildren. What a great way to nurture the faith of the next generation by offering them a vehicle to focus their minds on scripturally based literature....
Each Sunday, we hear the familiar words of what Jesus says is the Great Commandment: to love God with all our heart, soul, mind, and strength, and to love our neighbors as ourselves. In a world where there is much brokenness and where many are not seeking after God, we may find ourselves asking, “What can I do to help share God’s love?” This can seem particularly daunting when we realize that our immediate circle of friends is mostly Christian....
Worship with us on the Twenty-Fourth Sunday After Pentecost! The Rev. Jeffrey S. Miller, Rector, is preaching; read on for in-person and online worship details. ...
Answered Prayers and Thanksgivings: 1. For the large number of children who turned out for acolyte training on October 29. 2. For the $12 million already committed for the Shine the Light capital campaign. 3. For those who attended the Spiritual Warfare teaching. 4. For the water purification system sponsored by St. Philip’s and installed in Rwanda. ...
According to New Wineskins, an Anglican organization whose mission is “to advance the Kingdom of God by mobilizing Anglicans for authentic, cross-cultural partnership around the world,” more than 260 million Christians live in places where they experience high levels of persecution, just because they follow Jesus––1 in 8 believers worldwide! If those of us who follow Christ are to follow Hebrews 13:3, we need to be more aware of the plight of the persecuted church and be better equipped to support our faithful brothers and sisters around the world. But what can we do?...
The Home Missions Team humbly and joyfully invites you to take part in the St. Philip’s Angel Tree project, which will offer hope and encouragement to those in need in our community. This year, three of our ministry partners will be represented on the Angel Trees: Lowcountry Fellowship of Christian Athletes (FCA), Lowcountry Pregnancy Center, and Star Gospel Mission. ...
Worship with us on All Saints' Sunday! The Rev. Andrew R. O'Dell is preaching; read on for in-person and online worship details. ...
Worship with us on the Twenty-Second Sunday After Pentecost! The Rev. Brian K. McGreevy is preaching; read on for in-person and online worship details. ...
Worship with us on the Twenty-First Sunday After Pentecost! The Rev. William K. Christian III is preaching; read on for in-person and online worship details. ...
Worship with us on the Twentieth Sunday After Pentecost! The Rev. Justin C. Hare is preaching; read on for in-person and online worship details. ...
The Hope to Home (H2H) furniture and home goods drive on October 1 demonstrated how seriously St. Philippians take the expression “Blessed to be a Blessing.” In addition to the items donated by our church members on that day, Hope to Home is still receiving furniture from online submissions of large-item donations from our parishioners....
Worship with us on the Nineteenth Sunday After Pentecost! The Rev. William K. Christian III is preaching; read on for in-person and online worship details. ...
Answered Prayers (Thank You, Lord): 1. For the increase in the financial gifts for the Shine the Light campaign. 2. For blessing the new season of Wednesdays Alive! service, supper, and class. 3. For blessing the new seasons of the Rector’s Thursday Bible Study and the Rector’s Forum on Sundays. 4. For the Home Mission Team’s Hope to Home outreach. Thanks for the donated furnishings and volunteers....
Worship with us on the Eighteenth Sunday After Pentecost! The Rev. Andrew R. O'Dell is preaching; read on for in-person and online worship details. ...
In Rwanda, there is a saying that some of you may have heard: Water Is Life. In the Bible, water symbolizes a multitude of spiritual themes, including repentance, salvation, God’s provision, and service. If you were to undertake a thematic study of water in the Bible, it’d be difficult to exhaust all of your resources....
Worship with us on the Seventeenth Sunday After Pentecost! The Rev. Brian K. McGreevy is preaching; read on for in-person and online worship details. ...
St. Philippians! It gives me so much joy to share with you some exciting news about college ministry here in Charleston. One of the joys that I have had serving at St. Philip’s for these past three years has been ministering to college students. ...
Worship with us on the Sixteenth Sunday After Pentecost! The Rev. Justin C. Hare is preaching; read on for in-person and online worship details. ...
Answered Prayers (Thank You, Lord): 1. For a glorious Rally Sunday. 2. For back to school blessings for the students and teachers. 3. For the safe return from Andrew’s sabbatical and Brian and Bill’s vacations. 4. For the ongoing success of the outreach at Henry’s: Theology on Tap and Mark Finlay’s men’s group. Bless the owner of Henry’s abundantly. 5. For the continued success of the Open Door Ministry. 6. For the intercessors that have committed to pray for each one of the speakers for the Mere Anglicanism Conference. 7. For the financial gifts being given for the Shine the Light Campaign....
Another Rally Sunday is in the books, and what a glorious day of worship and fellowship it was! Children and youth kicked off the day with their first session of Sunday school, while adults gathered in the Parish Hall for a ministries fair, enjoying coffee, breakfast treats, and fellowship while adding their names to sign-up sheets....
Worship with us on the Fifteenth Sunday After Pentecost, Rally Sunday! The Rev. Jeffrey S. Miller is preaching; read on for in-person and online worship details. ...
The Sunday morning routine is often busy and full of doing: we pray, sing, celebrate Christ in the Eucharist, go to a class, and perhaps serve in some capacity. We spend a few minutes catching up with friends and welcoming newcomers between all the other things. ...
Worship with us on the Fourteenth Sunday After Pentecost! The Rev. Andrew R. O'Dell is preaching; read on for in-person and online worship details. ...
Worship with us on the Thirteenth Sunday After Pentecost! The Rev. Brian K. McGreevy is preaching; read on for in-person and online worship details. ...
Worship with us on the Twelfth Sunday After Pentecost! The Rev. William K. Christian III is preaching; read on for in-person and online worship details. ...
On Saturday, August 5th, a group of about 25 enthusiastic St. Philippians participated in a very rewarding morning with the Hope to Home Ministry. Hope to Home (H2H) is a Christian-based ministry whose mission is to collect new or gently used donated home goods and then deliver these essential home furnishings to displaced or formerly homeless individuals and families who have just secured housing. H2H transforms their empty living space into a comfortable home as we extend Christian love to the family....
Answered Prayers (Thank You, Lord): 1. For the successful La Gonâve Haiti Partners conference held at St. Philip’s. 2. For the successful gathering of grandparents and grandchildren at the beach. Pray for continued guidance for Sandra Anderson and her team. 3. For Guv Gottshalk and Steve Graudin’s adult forum summer series on Israel. 4. For the ongoing success of the outreach at Henry’s on the Market: Theology on Tap for young adults and Mark Finlay’s men’s group. Bless the owner of Henry’s abundantly. ...
Her new dinner plates were bright and cheery, white with a blue rim and flowers in the center. Their clean potentiality seemed to represent the unfolding of a second chance for “Jeannette” and her son. They had recently transitioned from homelessness to being the first occupants of an affordable housing unit carved out in an otherwise upscale apartment building on the city’s gentrifying East Side. ...
Worship with us on the Eleventh Sunday After Pentecost! The Rev. Justin C. Hare is preaching; read on for in-person and online worship details. ...
Worship with us on the Tenth Sunday After Pentecost! The Rev. Jeffrey S. Miller, Rector, is preaching; read on for in-person and online worship details. ...
Earlier this year, I kept hearing about one of the great sessions given at January’s Mere Anglicanism Conference. It seems the subject was, to paraphrase, “Telling Your Story.” A vivid recollection made me search through my Bible, where I store many important writings and personal letters, and there it was:...
On July 22, our family joined other parishioners of St. Philip’s at the headquarters of the Christian engineering nonprofit Water Mission in North Charleston. This was an interactive and engaging look at an organization dedicated to bringing fresh water and sanitation systems to both developing countries and disaster areas, while at the same time spreading the good news of the Gospel. ...
Worship with us on the Ninth Sunday After Pentecost! The Rev. William K. Christian III is preaching; read on for in-person and online worship details. ...
Worship with us on the Eighth Sunday After Pentecost! The Rev. Brian K. McGreevy is preaching; read on for in-person and online worship details. ...
Earlier this month, Jesus Street Press of Charleston released Bazriel and the Frozen Bells of Noël, an angelic adventure into France during the time of the Impressionist painters. Written by St. Philippian Pringle Franklin, the hardcover book features 95 pictures from famous artists that represent the book’s two settings of Heaven and France in 1890. Monet, Renoir, Rembrandt, Pissarro, Cézanne, and Sisley are among the featured artists....
Worship with us on the Seventh Sunday After Pentecost! The Rev. Justin C. Hare is preaching; read on for in-person and online worship details. ...
Worship with us on the Sixth Sunday After Pentecost! The Rev. Brian K. McGreevy is preaching; read on for in-person and online worship details. ...
Celebrate the Fourth of July and our freedom! Answered Prayers (Thank you, Lord): 1. For the safe return of Jeff, Justin, and the 40 participants who went to Israel. 2. For the safe return and successful mission of the young people who went to Honduras. 3. For Martha Vetter's safe return and successful mission to Rwanda. 4. For the children's successful week attending Vacation Bible School (VBS). Thank you, volunteers....
Our journey to the Holy Land with St. Philip’s was a bucket list experience, one of those trips that will carry us for the rest of our lives. We were not ordinary tourists but pilgrims seeking to grow our understanding of and faith in our Lord....
Worship with us on the Fifth Sunday After Pentecost! The Rev. William K. Christian III is preaching; read on for in-person and online worship details. ...
Worship with us on the Fourth Sunday After Pentecost! The Rev. Justin C. Hare is preaching; read on for in-person and online worship details. ...
Worship with us on the Third Sunday After Pentecost! The Rev. William K. Christian III is preaching; read on for in-person and online worship details. ...
Worship with us on the Second Sunday After Pentecost! The Rev. Brian K. McGreevy is preaching; read on for in-person and online worship details. ...
Answered Prayers (give thanks with a grateful heart): 1. For the successful outing to Millford Plantation. 2. For the $10 million dollars already committed for the Shine the Light capital campaign. 3. For the high school graduates’ successful completion and placements in the many colleges they will attend. 4. For the great kick-off meeting for the Generations Ministry....
Thanks to the generosity of two St. Philippian families who lent out their homes, the ministry team was able to gather together for two days on Edisto Island to debrief 2022-2023, brainstorm about dreams, and figure out how to spread those dreams across the 2023-2024 calendar....
Worship with us on Trinity Sunday! The Rev. William K. Christian III is preaching; read on for in-person and online worship details. ...
Worship with us on the Day of Pentecost: Whitsunday! The Rev. Jeffrey S. Miller is preaching; read on for in-person and online worship details. ...
Sunday, May 21, was a big day for our high school seniors! During the 10:30 service, they came forward for a gift, Rebecca McLaughlin’s Confronting Christianity, and a blessing from youth minister David Gilbert, who asked that the Lord fan into flames the spiritual gifts that He has anointed them with, so that over the next four years of college, they may live in holiness, fulfill His Kingdom work, and lead souls to His great love. ...
With most of our regular church activities in summer recess, now is the perfect time to think about other ways to fill your time! Add the following events to your calendar, and then think about other ways you can serve the community and our home missions ministry partners by yourself or with your family and friends! ...
Worship with us on the Seventh Sunday of Easter, the Sunday After the Ascension! The Rev. Andrew R. O'Dell is preaching; read on for in-person and online worship details. ...
O Eternal God, bless all schools, colleges, and universities, that they may be lively centers for sound learning, new discovery, and the pursuit of wisdom; and grant that those who teach and those who learn may find you to be the source of all truth; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen....
Do you find joy in sharing the love of Jesus Christ? Do you appreciate our beautiful church, her three centuries of faithful ministry and her symbolically meaningful architecture? Would you enjoy sharing our sanctuary with others? Then please come and join St. Philip’s Open Door Ministry, a ministry of Hospitality and Evangelism!...
Seniors of St. Philip’s were invited on a special excursion and private tour of Millford Plantation in Sumter County on Friday, May 12. Accompanied by Jeff Miller, Bill Christian, and Brian McGreevy, about 40 of us set off from St. Philip’s in our very comfortable motor coach on a beautiful spring morning. The outing turned into an opportunity to visit two magnificent historic sites, and it fully lived up to expectations for fun and fellowship. ...
Dear St. Philip’s Family, After a year of planning, it is difficult to believe that the 2023 Tea Room has come and gone! Thank you, thank you, thank you for the gift of another year of service. It was a tremendous week, and St. Philip’s ministries are going to be incredibly blessed by your hard work and commitment to this enormous undertaking. The word “enormous” might not be large enough......
Worship with us on the Sixth Sunday of Easter! The Rev. Justin C. Hare is preaching; read on for in-person and online worship details. ...
In the absence of information or when simply listening to the headline news, people can assume the worst and give up hope for the people in Haiti, a textbook case of a country that has suffered from years of corruption from within and outside its borders. Since Haiti’s bloody beginning, the ruling class and politicians have oppressed the common people––it is no wonder that the country is in the state it is in. But there’s more to the story. ...
Answered Prayers (Give thanks with a grateful heart): 1. For Justin’s safe return from the GAFCON Conference. 2. For the $10 million already committed for the Shine the Light capital campaign. 3. For the great kickoff meeting for the Generations Ministry. 4. For the confirmation of 40 young people and 80 adults. Thank you, Al Phillips and Andrew O’Dell....
My wife, Tricia, and I were invited by Jill and John Settle to join them at the Lowcountry Fellowship of Christian Athletes (FCA) fundraising dinner held at Trident Technical College on Monday, May 1....
Worship with us on the Fifth Sunday of Easter! The Rev. Brian K. McGreevy is preaching; read on for in-person and online worship details. ...
Something I didn’t know (but probably should have) when I arrived in Rwanda was that it is known as the land of a thousand hills and a thousand smiles. The loveliness of both the topography and the people struck me immediately....
Worship with us on the Fourth Sunday of Easter! The Rev. Andrew R. O'Dell is preaching; read on for in-person and online worship details. ...
There are many Christians in my practice as a family doctor in North Charleston, and it is not uncommon for us to speak the things of God together. While I was sharing with a pastor’s wife named Shannon Sims about Mere Anglicanism, the conference St. Philip’s hosted in January which this year focused on C.S. Lewis, she immediately responded that she and her husband had been missionaries to Thailand for five years and had used the film adaptations of The Chronicles of Narnia, particularly The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe, as an evangelical tool....
Worship with us on the Third Sunday of Easter! The Rev. William K. Christian is preaching; read on for in-person and online worship details. Sunday school and the Rector's Forum are in recess this week....
This past Saturday morning, Suzanne and Gerry McCord’s foyer group, along with several members of the St Philip’s Home Mission Team, had a blast volunteering at the Hope to Home Ministry (H2H), a Christian-based ministry whose mission is to collect new or gently used donated home goods and to purchase items such as mattresses and pillows, and then deliver these essential home furnishings to displaced or formerly homeless individuals and families who have recently secured housing....
Worship with us on the Second Sunday of Easter, Confirmation Sunday! The Rt. Rev. Mark J. Lawrence, Bishop Emeritus of the Anglican Diocese of South Carolina, is preaching; read on for in-person and online worship details. ...
The picture above may best be described as “the calm before the storm,” after which numerous cadets would come through for a first serving, a second serving, and in some cases a third serving. In God’s infinite wisdom, there were three tins of food left over, including Connie’s green beans, rice, and pork tenderloin....
A couple dozen St. Philippians attended Lowcountry Pregnancy Center’s (LPC) Annual Fundraising Banquet this past Friday evening. A couple dozen St. Philippians attended Lowcountry Pregnancy Center’s Annual Fundraising Banquet this past Friday evening. After a delicious meal and wonderful fellowship at the St. Philip’s Home Missions sponsored tables, we sang along with the rest of the banquet attendees “Hymn of Heaven,” which prepared our hearts for the stories we were about to hear. ...
“My house shall be called a house of prayer for all nations.” ––Isaiah 56:7 “The Lord is risen, the Lord is risen indeed.” Happy Easter, everyone! Answered Prayers (Thank You, Lord. We give you all the glory): 1. Team St. Philip’s 140+ walkers represented 2% of the Walk for Water participants and raised over $10,000 of the $500,000.00 total raised for Water Mission. 2. For the success of the Italian Bingo Night for the youth mission to Honduras. 3. For the new vestry members....
Worship with us on the Sunday of the Passion: Palm Sunday! The Rev. Justin C. Hare is preaching; read on for in-person and online worship details. ...
On a windy, sunny, gorgeous Saturday, 140+ St. Philippians walked for water. The seventeenth annual Walk for Water supporting Water Mission, one of St. Philip’s home and world mission ministry partners, raised almost $500,000.00 by almost 5,000 walkers, of whom we made up two percent....
Are you feeling joyful at this moment? You may feel like there is not much to be joyful about in today’s world. So much that we hear or read about in the news today is frightening: war, inflation, viruses, the border, post COVID-19 pandemic challenges, gasoline prices, food prices, crime, attacks on police officers, racism, gender identification, government corruption, and many other issues in today’s culture....
Worship with us on the Fifth Sunday in Lent! Author Dr. Kenneth Boa is preaching; read on for in-person and online worship details. ...
I woke up early on the morning of December 9th with the first line of a poem in my mind. I knew the Lord had given me the thought, so I got up and went to my computer. What followed was several hours of the unfolding of the following poem....
“Bingo!” someone shouted through the packed Italian restaurant. Wait, what? Bingo in an Italian restaurant? “Restaurant” may be a bit of an exaggeration, but the Parish Hall was transformed into a beautiful space for our youth group fundraiser on March 19. We had the Edison bulbs hanging from the rafters, red-and-white checked table cloths, wine bottles filled with twinkling lights, and olive trees. There were images of Italy on the big screen, Italian music, pasta, garlic bread, laughter, love, family, wine, and beer, and the youth group, dressed in all black, was serving the hungry patrons. And Fr. Andrew got his Tiramisu!...
Worship with us on the Fourth Sunday in Lent! The Rev. Jeffrey S. Miller. Rector, is preaching; read on for in-person and online worship details. ...
Answered Prayers (Thank You, Lord): 1. That the Parish Annual Meeting was well attended. 2. For the abundant financial blessings in 2022. 3. For the new Vestry members. 4. For the continuing successful attendance of young people at the Theology on Tap ministry. 5. For the children’s choirs (100 children are involved!). ...
God is my witness. I cannot express how glorious the St. Philip’s Honduran mission trip March 3–8 was for all of us. Our group experienced love, joy, hope, and faith from everyone we met. It was more than we could ever expect––all through God’s work. It is almost impossible to describe in detail the feelings and blessings that are personally received until you witness and participate––first-hand––God’s work in action. ...
Worship with us on the Third Sunday in Lent! The Rev. Justin C. Hare is preaching; read on for in-person and online worship details. ...
Parishioners packed the Parish Hall for the 2023 Parish Annual Meeting on Sunday, March 5, a joyous occasion filled with the Good News and good news––of parish life after litigation, of a surplus of funds, of vibrant ministry, of a most generous bequeathal, and of plans to ready the physical St. Philip’s for the next generation....
Worship with us on the Second Sunday in Lent! The Rev. Brian K. McGreevy is preaching; read on for in-person and online worship details. ...
On Thursday, February 16, old man John Kerrison (me) got to speak to young man John Kerrison (me too)—well, a thirty-five year younger version of myself. I had the privilege of speaking to a group of Citadel cadets in the Citadel chapter of the Fellowship of Christians Athletes (FCA), which is led by Christy Meadows, the wife of Citadel chaplain Aaron Meadows. FCA is one of St. Philip’s new home mission partners, and my speaking was facilitated by Home Missions Team chair and vestry member Jill Settle....
Worship with us on the First Sunday in Lent! The Rev. William K. Christian III is preaching; read on for in-person and online worship details. ...
Worship with us on Ash Wednesday! We will be offering three services of Penitential Eucharist with Imposition of Ashes; the Rev. Andrew R. O'Dell is preaching....
Worship with us on the Last Sunday of Epiphany: The Transfiguration! The Rev. Jeffrey S. Miller, Rector, is preaching; read on for in-person and online worship details. ...
Worship with us on the Sixth Sunday of Epiphany! The Rev. Justin C. Hare is preaching; read on for in-person and online worship details. ...
1. The Mere Anglican Conference was a HUGE success. The speakers arrived safely and gave excellent messages. The organization, volunteers, and every detail were perfect. The event was sold out and the facilities both at the Music Hall and Hotel worked well....
You're invited to join members of our World Missions Committee when they travel to Honduras in March and Uganda in April!...
Worship with us on the Fifth Sunday of Epiphany! The Rev. Brian K. McGreevy is preaching; read on for in-person and online worship details. ...
How does one describe an event like Mere Anglicanism? A few weeks ago, Lea Andrews asked if I’d write an article about my experience at the conference. Without giving it much thought, I agreed and didn’t think about it again until it was too late to back out. Had I truly understood the extraordinary lineup of speakers, their impressive bios, and the depth of their knowledge on C.S. Lewis and other theological matters, I would have been intimidated by the task and may have suggested someone else do it....
Worship with us on the Fourth Sunday of Epiphany! Guest preacher the Rev. Dr. Michael Ward, the closing keynote speaker at this week’s Mere Anglicanism Conference, is an English literary critic, theologian, and author of several books, including the award-winning Planet Narnia: The Seven Heavens in the Imagination of C.S. Lewis. Read on for in-person and online worship details. ...
Worship with us on the Third Sunday of Epiphany! The Rev. Andrew R. O'Dell is preaching; read on for in-person and online worship details. ...
I’m relentlessly committed to Wednesdays at our church—much like we all are to the commitments we have to carpool around town at all hours for sports and clubs and celebrations. I make Wednesday just as important, even more so, as the many other things that barter and bid for our time and soul. ...
Worship with us on the Second Sunday of Epiphany! The Rev. William K. Christian III is preaching; read on for in-person and online worship details. ...
“Behold, I will do a new thing. Now it shall spring forth; Shall you not know it?" ––Isaiah 43:19a As we begin our new year, let’s ask the Lord to reveal the new things that He is doing so that we can partner with Him. ...
As a member of the Home Missions Team, I was looking forward to learning more about Star Gospel Mission and having an opportunity to personally reach out to those in need at Christmas. ...
Worship with us on the Feast of the Epiphany (observed)! The Rev. Justin C. Hare is preaching; read on for in-person and online worship details....
Worship with us on the Feast of the Holy Name of Jesus Christ! The Rev. Brian K. McGreevy is preaching; read on for in-person and online worship details. ...
Worship with us on the Fourth Sunday in Advent! The Rev. Jeffrey S. Miller, Rector, is preaching; read on for in-person and online worship details. ...
It was another weekend of beautiful Advent traditions at St. Philip’s as volunteers arrived in droves on Friday, December 9, to “green” the church in preparation for the much-beloved Lessons and Carols service on Sunday. With the support and guidance of the ECW and Flower Guild, parishioners hung garland and wreaths, strung lights, arranged greenery in window boxes, steamed bows, and much, much more....
The Chosen is the first multi-season series about the life and ministry of Jesus. Its success and popularity have been a huge surprise to Hollywood because it is completely independently funded, produced, and directed apart from any influence from any of the mainstream studios....
Worship with us Sunday at our 8:15 service of Holy Communion (the Rev. William K. Christian, preacher) or our festival service of Lessons and Carols at 10:30! Join us also for Sunday school and the Rector's Forum between services and the annual Wassail Bowl reception following Lessons and Carols! Read on for details. ...
Answered Prayers (Thank You, Lord): 1. For the increase in visitors coming to our Sunday and Wednesday services and for prayer. 2. For Mims Weldon, the new member of our staff. 3. For the fun and successful evening at Brookgreen Gardens, and especially for Bill Christian and Kitty Mullins’s leadership....
Worship with us on the Second Sunday in Advent! The Rev. Justin C. Hare is preaching; read on for in-person and online worship details. ...
My Bible study has been examining the life of David. My favorite chapter is 1 Samuel 16, where the Lord sends the prophet Samuel to anoint one of Jesse’s sons to be the future king of Israel. When Samuel meets Jesse’s tall and handsome oldest son, he thinks, “Surely this is the Lord’s anointed!” But God cautions, “Do not look on his appearance or the height of his stature ... man looks on the outward appearance, but the Lord looks on the heart.” ...
Sometimes we as Anglicans overlook or neglect some of the best tools that we have in our faith-growing toolbox. The liturgical calendar that our forefathers had the wisdom and insight to establish so long ago can still be incredibly useful in our busy lives. Case in point: the Season of Advent, a built-in time to pause and reflect on the incredible gift that Jesus is and to look toward His eventual return....
Worship with us on the First Sunday in Advent! The Rev. Brian K. McGreevy is preaching; read on for in-person and online worship details. ...
Worship with us on the Last Sunday After Pentecost: Christ the King! The Rev. Andrew R. O'Dell is preaching; read on for in-person and online worship details. ...
While we are humbly mindful of our many blessings during the Thanksgiving season, it is fitting to immediately transition into the season of Advent, a time of preparation for the celebration of the birth of the greatest gift and blessing of all, our Savior, Jesus Christ. This time of year, we find our hearts in the spirit of giving joyfully and compassionately....
Ten women from our parish spent the weekend of Oct. 21-23 at Camp St. Christopher for the annual retreat of the Women of the Anglican Diocese of South Carolina. Held every fall, the spirit-filled weekend draws women from various Anglican parishes in the Lowcountry and beyond. About 85 women came together to worship, sing, attend workshops and lectures, take nature walks, and enjoy great food and fellowship. ...
“My house shall be called a house of prayer for all nations.”––Isaiah 56:7 “The effective fervent prayers of a righteous man avails much.”––James 5:16a Answered Prayers (Thank You, Lord): 1. For the new volunteers for the Open Door Ministry––they had over 700 people come through the doors last week. 2. For protection from Hurricane Ian, that it didn’t cause a lot of damage in our area. 3. For a wonderful reception for Pat Gould and Florance Anderson 4. For good representation from our church for New Wineskins Conference. 5. For excellent turnout for the Valerie Elliot Shepard ECW event. 6. For the success of Brian’s eye surgery. 7. For safe travel and for a refreshing weekend at Kanuga....
In Honduras, there is a new building under construction at LAMB which we are calling Mirada de Jesus: the Gaze of Jesus. This building, located close to the campus of God’s Littlest Lambs Children’s Home, will soon be home to a group of young people with special needs who have grown up as part of the LAMB family....
As we were all watching the hurricane build in the waters south of Haiti, I was thinking to myself how thankful I was that it looked like the hurricane would miss Haiti. So I wrote to one of our former St. Jean-Baptiste parishioners, who now lives in Port-au-Prince, to see if he knew the latest hurricane update. His response to me was very troubling: ...
We have a rare opportunity to hear this precious, humble, articulate woman of God, who is now being sought after by churches and organizations all over the country to share her parents’ story as well as her own faith journey. As you have heard, she is the only daughter of two of the most beloved missionaries of the 20th century....
Worship with us on the Eighteenth Sunday After Pentecost! The Rev. Jeffrey S. Miller is preaching; read on for in-person and online worship details. ...
Imagine singing praises to God with all your heart with 1600 people from all over the world! It was definitely a magnificent taste of heaven. St. Philippians, as well as lots of dear friends from across our diocese, were able to be a part of the 2022 New Wineskins Anglican Global Mission Conference at Ridgecrest Conference Center in Black Mountain, NC. This conference is held every three years and this was the largest gathering to date for the event....
On Sunday, October 2, we celebrated the ministry and retirement of Audio/Visual Coordinator Florance Anderson and Organist and Choirmaster Pat Gould with a beautiful reception in the Parish Hall....
Worship with us on the Seventeenth Sunday After Pentecost! The Rev. Justin C. Hare is preaching; read on for in-person and online worship details. ...
Introducing Hakizima: One of my former pupils at Sonrise School for Orphans is called Hakizimana. He is a sensitive, compassionate young man whose parents died during the genocide. Understandably, he had his own hopes and dreams and merely wanted some reasonable way to “make it” in life. When he graduated from Sonrise High School, he returned to his village deep in the forest where his sister had been living. They were barely surviving, living in a tiny, mud hut with essentially nothing to their name. Unemployment in Rwanda is extremely high, even for high school and college graduates. Hakizimana became deeply depressed, especially after his sister ran away, probably to Uganda––never to be seen again. ...
Worship with us on the Sixteenth Sunday After Pentecost! The Rev. Andrew R. O'Dell is preaching; read on for in-person and online worship details. ...
Worship with us on the Fifteenth Sunday After Pentecost! The Rev. William K. Christian III is preaching; read on for in-person and online worship details. ...
“My house shall be called a house of prayer for all nations.” ––Isaiah 56:7 “The effective fervent prayers of a righteous man avails much.” ––James 5:16a Answered Prayers (Thank You, Lord): 1. For the successful return of our choir members and the folks who supported them by joining them. (Prayer: May their pilgrimage produce tons of fruit for the Kingdom and especially those who attended the services.) 2. For the safe and fruitful vacations that our clergy and their families were able to enjoy over the summer. ...
Worship with us on the Fourteenth Sunday After Pentecost, Rally Sunday! The Rev. Jeffrey S. Miller, Rector, is preaching; read on for in-person and online worship details. ...
My son, Cash (yes, his name is Cash), had been wanting to earn more money to purchase the essentials of a 9-year-old: candy, video game bucks, and Pokémon cards. But I knew if I continued to give my hardworking son odd jobs around the house, I would soon be bankrupt. Fortunately, a divine opportunity appeared. One of our wonderful neighbors asked Cash to mow the lawn. (He agreed to add me as part of his mowing team on a voluntary basis.)...
Worship with us on the Thirteenth Sunday After Pentecost! The Rev. Brian K. McGreevy is preaching; read on for in-person and online worship details. ...
Worship with us on the Twelfth Sunday After Pentecost! The Rev. Andrew R. O'Dell is preaching; read on for in-person and online worship details. ...
August 17, 2022: Mere words fall short when describing the grandeur of Sir Christopher Wren’s magnificent St. Paul’s Cathedral, which opened in 1710. This week, as our choir expertly sings Evensong each day, I feel as though God is giving us a foretaste of our heavenly home. An aura of God’s love for us surrounds us! Jeff Harbin, Director of Music at St. Helena’s in Beaufort, put it perfectly: “There was a moment when I looked up into the eyes of Jesus and, with the beautiful music surrounding me, felt like I was standing before Heaven’s throne. A foretaste of glory divine!”...
On August 14, the people of Haiti remembered the one-year anniversary of the 7.2 earthquake that rocked the southern half of the country. This devastating earthquake was followed by a tropical storm that hit the same southern area of the country and washed away some of the few buildings that remained after the earthquake. The unelected prime minister of Haiti gave a speech to remember this anniversary because Haiti still has no president to give a speech. Their president was killed July 7, 2021, just one month before the earthquake. And still today no one has been found responsible for the assassination. With no official government, gang violence has grown stronger as rival gangs vie for control of Haiti. Many innocent Haitians are suffering and dying as a result. The list could go on. You may think to yourself that nothing good is happening in Haiti. But you would be wrong! ...
Answered Prayers (Thank You, Lord): 1. For the State Supreme Court’s August 17 ruling, which granted property rights to six of the seven parishes that petitioned for a rehearing. 2. For a wonderful and successful pilgrimage to England for our choir....
Worship with us on the Eleventh Sunday After Pentecost! The Rev. Justin C. Hare is preaching; read on for in-person and online worship details. ...
Worship with us on the Tenth Sunday After Pentecost! The Rev. Andrew R. O'Dell is preaching; read on for in-person and online worship details. ...
Worship with us on the Ninth Sunday After Pentecost! The Rev. William K. Christian III is preaching; read on for in-person and online worship details. ...
Worship with us on the Eighth Sunday After Pentecost! The Rev. Brian K. McGreevy is preaching; read on for in-person and online worship details. ...
Landmark Partners, a Baltimore development company, aims to soon begin the first phase of construction on a four-story condominium project on Cumberland Street between Church and State Streets, directly across the street from St. Philip’s Parish House. “This will be a very contemporary 4-story condo complex,” the Rev. Brian McGreevy wrote in a letter to the St. Philip’s vestry last week. “The first we heard of it was through a newspaper article in the Post and Courier. It has already received preliminary [Board of Architectural Review] approval.”...
Worship with us on the Seventh Sunday After Pentecost! The Rev. Justin C. Hare is preaching; read on for in-person and online worship details. ...
Worship with us on the Sixth Sunday After Pentecost! The Rev. William K. Christian III is preaching; read on for in-person and online worship details. ...
My name is Zippy Hood, and I am the new children’s choir director at St. Philip’s Church. I am excited to meet all of you and make glorious music to honor our God. I have an extensive choral and instrumental background, teaching both in the private and public sector....
“My house shall be called a house of prayer for all nations.” ––Isaiah 56:7 “The effective fervent prayers of a righteous man avails much.” ––James 5:16a Answered Prayers (Thank You, Lord): 1. Good response for the blood drive. 2. Good response continuing for the Theology on Tap outreach. 3. Great attendance at Vacation Bible School....
The rain was falling steadily on Tuesday, June 28, but we still managed to collect 42 units at our summer Red Cross blood drive. Each unit can save up to three lives––that’s up to 126 lives saved at a time when blood supply is at a 10-year low! ...
Worship with us on the Fifth Sunday After Pentecost! The Rev. Brian K. McGreevy is preaching; read on for in-person and online worship details. ...
Worship with us on the Fourth Sunday After Pentecost! The Rev. Justin C. Hare is preaching; read on for in-person and online worship details. ...
We know that a church is not the building but the people who come together to worship and serve alongside one another, and this year’s Vacation Bible School was a beautiful representation of just that. Children, youth, young adults, parents, grandparents, and loving members of our congregation all came together June 13-16 to help us have the Very Best (week of) Summer!...
Worship with us on the Third Sunday After Pentecost! The Rev. Andrew R. O'Dell is preaching; read on for in-person and online worship details. ...
Worship with us on the Second Sunday After Pentecost! The Rev. Brian K. McGreevy is preaching; read on for in-person and online worship details. ...
On Tuesday, May 31, the St. Philip’s ministry team headed out to Seabrook Island for an overnight 2022-2023 planning retreat at St. Christopher Camp and Conference Center. The tranquil setting was perfectly and equally conducive to brainstorming, calendaring, and resetting following a chock-full 2021-2022....
Answered Prayers (Thank You, Lord): 1. Good response for the Spiritual Gifts class (12 attended). 2. Good response for the diaper drive for Lowcountry Pregnancy Center. 3. Good response continuing for the Theology on Tap outreach. 4. Good response for increased volunteers for the Open Door ministry....
The World Missions Team asks for your prayers for Martha Vetter as she travels to visit one of our world missions partners, The Dufatanye Organization (DO), in Nyanza, Rwanda, June 19 through July 13....
Worship with us on the First Sunday After Pentecost: Trinity Sunday! The Rev. Justin C> Hare is preaching; read on for in-person and online worship details. ...
Worship with us on the Day of Pentecost: Whitsunday! The Rev. Bill Christian is preaching; read on for in-person and online worship details. ...
Worship with us on the Seventh Sunday of Easter, the Sunday After Ascension Day! The Rev. Jeffrey S. Miller is preaching; read on for in-person and online worship details. ...
O Eternal God, bless all schools, colleges, and universities, that they may be lively centers for sound learning, new discovery, and the pursuit of wisdom; and grant that those who teach and those who learn may find you to be the source of all truth; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen....
Worship with us on the Sixth Sunday of Easter! The Rev. Andrew R. O'Dell is preaching; read on for in-person and online worship details. ...
During the 10:30 service on Sunday, May 22, our high school seniors were invited up for a gift, Rebecca McLaughlin’s Confronting Christianity, and a blessing given by youth minister David Gilbert:...
During the week of the 2022 Tea Room, the Open Door Ministry at St. Philip’s kept the sanctuary open for prayer and visits from 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. each day. On Wednesday, I served as a greeter with Penn Hagood from 1:00 to 4:00 p.m. If you had asked me before we began how many visitors I anticipated might come in that three-hour window, I probably would have said somewhere between 50 and 75. Boy, was I wrong! During that time, we had over 350 visitors!...
I don’t always find it to be so, but this Lent was a challenging season of self-examination that continues. However, in a recent moment of quiet, the Lord impressed upon me a very uplifting analogy between our spiritual lives and the physical pattern of conception, pregnancy, and birth....
Worship with us on the Fifth Sunday of Easter! The Rev. Ryan T. Streett, Rector of Holy Trinity Anglican Church in Madison, MS, and former Assistant for Young Adult and College Ministry at St. Philip's, is preaching. Read on for in-person and online worship details. ...
Answered Prayers: 1. For wonderful participation in all of the Holy Week and Easter services. 2. For the State Supreme Court decision that found in favor of St. Philip’s and 13 other churches to keep their properties. 3. For the wonderful success of the Tea Room outreach. 4. For the successful completion of the Foundations class. 5. For the 40-plus adults confirmed and the 70-plus children confirmed....
Worship with us on the Fourth Sunday of Easter! The Rev. Brian K. McGreevy is preaching; read on for in-person and online worship details. ...
Our sister church, St. Jean Baptiste, along with the other nine churches on the island of La Gonâve in Haiti, are pressing forward with miraculous progress in spite of the lingering pandemic and travel restrictions, tragic political unrest and violence, food and medical insecurities, and severe drought. Truly we have witnessed the power of the Holy Spirit over the past two and half years that shows us much can come from little when we rely on faith, perseverance, and the resilience of our dear brothers and sisters with the current circumstances and conditions. ...
Worship with us on the Third Sunday of Easter! The Very Rev. Dr. Henry L. Thompson III (Laurie), Dean of the Trinity School for Ministry, is preaching; read on for in-person and online worship details. ...
Discipleship starts in the home and with weekly attendance to the Church’s sacramental life! If you want your kids to follow Jesus, then you and your spouse had better be the ones to lead the way. After that, in her wisdom, the Church guides families to Sunday School, VBS, and Youth Group! The Bride of Christ teaches, molds, and forms the patterns of life that become the firm foundation for a journey of discipleship that will last a lifetime. Confirmation is not a singular moment in our lives but a daily reminder to pick up your cross and follow Jesus....
Worship with us on the Second Sunday of Easter, Confirmation Sunday! The Rt. Rev. Chip Edgar III, Bishop of the Anglican Diocese of South Carolina, is preaching; read on for in-person and online worship details. ...
Dear St. Philip’s Parish Family, Earlier this morning, the Supreme Court of South Carolina issued a ruling in the lawsuit involving the Anglican Diocese of South Carolina and its parishes (ruling linked below). We are grateful to report that the Court ruled that St. Philip’s is the owner of all of its real and personal property and that the Episcopal Church (TEC) has no claim whatsoever to our parish. Thus, we are free to pursue the Gospel mission to which God has called us. ...
Worship with us on Easter! The Rev. Jeffrey S. Miller is preaching; read on for in-person and online worship details. ...
Worship with us on Good Friday! The Rev. Justin C. Hare is preaching; read on for in-person and online worship details. ...
Worship with us on Maundy Thursday! The Rev. William K. Christian III is preaching; read on for in-person and online worship details. ...
“My house shall be called a house of prayer for all nations.” –Isaiah 56:7 “The effective fervent prayers of a righteous man avails much.” James 5:16a Answered Prayers: 1. For our new assistant sexton, Loretta Williams. 2. For Archbishop Foley Beach’s visit and excellent message. 3. For good news from all of our mission and outreach, both at home and abroad....
Worship with us on Palm Sunday! The Rev. Andrew R. O'Dell is preaching; read on for in-person and online worship details. ...
Worship with us on the Fifth Sunday in Lent! The Rev. Brian K. McGreevy is preaching; read on for in-person and online worship details. ...
Last Thursday evening, over thirty St. Philippians joined close to 1,000 others for Lowcountry Pregnancy Center’s Annual Fundraising Banquet at the Charleston Area Convention Center. The keynote speaker was Ryan Bomberger, pro-life and adoption advocate, author, international public speaker, and Emmy Award-winning creative professional who co-founded the Radiance Foundation, an educational life-affirming organization that creatively illuminates the intrinsic value each human life possesses....
It was a beautiful morning for this year’s Walk for Water at Riverfront Park in North Charleston! The walk began at 9:00, but the St. Philip’s youth group and leaders had been chosen to supervise the children’s area, so they started out the morning at 7:45, doing crafts, playing games, making huge bubbles, and applying Walk for Water tattoos to anyone who requested them....
Worship with us on the Fourth Sunday in Lent! The Rev. Andrew R. O'Dell is preaching; read on for in-person and online worship details. ...
When the war in Ukraine burst upon the global stage, many Americans were stunned by the tragic events occurring there. Even in distant places like Rwanda, reports of the Ukrainians’ blistering reality have spewed out like shock waves into their homes. Many Rwandese have only recently learned about the ethnic connections between the Ukrainians and their Russian families and friends, and this has triggered harsh memories of their own “war”—as they refer to the genocide—over ethnic tensions and territorial disputes. ...
St. Philip’s families, as we get ready to enter into the liturgical season of Lent, I want to challenge you to read the Bible together as a family. New Lenten disciplines can feel like New Year’s resolutions, something that we start with the best of intentions but usually don’t follow through with. Therefore, I am encouraging you to choose a level of the challenge that works best for your family. ...
Worship with us on the Third Sunday in Lent! The Rev. Jeffrey S. Miller, Rector, is preaching; read on for in-person and online worship details. ...
We are very happy to announce that Alexandra “Zippy” Hood is going to be joining the St. Philip’s ministry staff this summer as the Associate Music Director! In the music department’s March 15 video announcement, Zippy said, “One of the things I love about life is getting to know our community. I love getting to know our children, the people here, the families––so I’m looking forward to a great musical season with all of you ... I’m just super blessed to be here.”...
At the end of February, five St. Philippians who sit on the board of the LAMB Institute, one of St. Philip’s world mission partners, journeyed to Honduras: Susan Keller, Guv and Tammy Gottshalk, and my wife, Elizabeth, and I. Board member Joanna Macmurphy was involved with upcoming wedding festivities and was unable to make the trek to Tegucigalpa....
Worship with us on the Second Sunday of Lent! The Most Reverend Doctor Foley T. Beach, Archbishop of the Anglican Church in North America, is preaching at both services and speaking at the Rector's Forum; read on for in-person and online worship details. ...
My house shall be called a house of prayer for all nations.”––Isaiah 56:7 “The effective fervent prayers of a righteous man avails much.”––James 5:16a Answered Prayers 1. For the increase in all of our services. 2. For the new members of the vestry. 4. For the well-attended annual meeting. 5. Thanksgiving that COVID-19 seems to be getting under control. 6. For Ben’s new assistant. ...
Worship with us on the First Sunday in Lent! The Rev. William K. Christian is preaching; read on for in-person and online worship details. ...
Worship with us on the Last Sunday of Epiphany! The Rev. Brian K. McGreevy is preaching; read on for in-person and online worship details. ...
St. Philip’s Church offers to each of you, listed in St. Philip’s inSPIRE calendar, four men’s weekly Bible study groups, four women’s Bible study groups, and one co-ed Bible study group. Studying the Bible in small groups offers many personal faith-building benefits:...
Worship with us on the Seventh Sunday of Epiphany! The Rt. Rev. Dr. Grant LeMarquand is preaching; read on for in-person and online worship details. ...
“My house shall be called a house of prayer for all nations.”––Isaiah 56:7 “The effective fervent prayers of a righteous man avails much.”––James 5:16a Answered Prayers 1. Over 50 young people are coming to Theology on Tap every other Tuesday. 20 of them are new to the ministry....
You have probably heard: St. Philip’s Mission Sunday is this Sunday, February 20! And it will be a day for everyone to enjoy! Everyone––even if you have never thought about going on a short-or long-term mission trip. Everyone––even if you don’t feel called to serve at a local mission. Everyone––young, old, and in between. Why? ...
Worship with us on the Sixth Sunday of Epiphany! The Rev. Andrew R. O'Dell is preaching; read on for in-person and online worship details. ...
Dear La Gonâve Haiti Partners, As we begin a New Year of mission and service on behalf of our friends and colleagues on La Gonâve island, I want to start by saying “Thank you.” Thank you for your continued commitment to our Haitian brothers and sisters through your prayers and your gifts of time, energy, and financial resources. These have been considerable over the past year and critical to the livelihood of the communities on La Gonâve....
Worship with us on the Fifth Sunday of Epiphany! The Rev. Justin C. Hare is preaching; read on for in-person and online worship details. ...
The Rt. Rev. Grant LeMarquand is a native of Montreal, Canada. He gave his life to Christ while in high school in a somewhat dramatic fashion (long story) and has sought to be a grateful follower of Jesus ever since. ...
Worship with us on the Fourth Sunday of Epiphany! The Rev. Jeffrey S. Miller is preaching; read on for in-person and online worship details. ...
Ishmael rejoiced in his newfound love for Christ, but he also wrestled with memories of a terrible crime he had committed twenty-five years earlier....
Worship with us on the Third Sunday of Epiphany! The Rev. William K. Christian III is preaching; read on for in-person and online worship details. ...
Each week in our services, we pray together as a congregation for the individual missionaries and world mission partners that St. Philip’s supports. These include The Dufatanye Organization in Rwanda, La Gonâve Partnership in Haiti, the LAMB Institute in Honduras, medical ministries in Honduras, and Water Mission. But besides asking God to “bless these ministries,” how might we effectively pray for them? ...
“My house shall be called a house of prayer for all nations.” ––Isaiah 56:7 “The effective fervent prayers of a righteous man avails much.” ––James 5:16a Answered Prayers: 1. For the wonderful Christmas services, worship, live nativity scene and full church at all services. A special thanks for the Lessons and Carols service where we had standing room only. To God be the Glory. 2. For giving our clergy extra strength and anointed messages throughout the many services. 3. For our lawyer Alan Runyan and the team presenting our Diocese’s arguments before the South Carolina Supreme Court. 4. For a hugely successful art auction....
This past Saturday, the St. Philip’s Choir hosted the lively and elegant art auction we’d been looking forward to for so long! For months, we had worked to collect magnificent art from extremely generous artists, solicit homemade goodies from our choir chefs and friends, research artists and their artwork, and organize bid sheets for the evening, which would benefit the choir mission to serve as resident choir at St. Paul’s Cathedral in London for a week this August....
Worship with us on the Second Sunday of Epiphany! The Rev. Brian K. McGreevy is preaching; read on for in-person and online worship details. ...
This past December marked 25 years that Gerry McCord has served St. Philip’s as chair of the World Missions Committee at St. Philip’s. That is twenty-five years! Also in December, Gerry stepped down from this role, and I will be stepping into it. As I considered this task, I marveled at Gerry and at his servant’s heart through these many years. Gerry lives his life for the Kingdom in the spirit of another beloved saint of God who has gone on to be with the Lord, Gene Lesesne. Both quiet, humble, sacrificial, very behind-the-scenes kind of guys, but always quietly working in ways that impact lives for Jesus. ...
Worship with us on the First Sunday of Epiphany: The Baptism of Our Lord! The Rev. Andrew R. O'Dell is preaching; read on for in-person and online worship details. ...
Worship with us tomorrow, the Second Sunday of Christmas! The Rev. Justin C. Hare is preaching; read on for in-person and online worship details. ...
Christmas is a special time to wish happy holidays and a happy new year to those who are dear to us. It is one of the magical and wonderful times to express our gratitude toward all those who have done good things for us. Aware of your love for the people of La Gonâve and the impact of your ministry in their life, I would like on their behalf, in this special season of rejoicing, to say THANK YOU and wish to all our sister churches, every one of you, your families, and all our friends and benefactors — a blessed Christmas and a very Happy New Year 2022 full of happiness. ...
Worship with us on Christmas Eve, Christmas Day, and on Sunday, the First Sunday After Christmas Day! We will be celebrating the Eve of the Nativity of Our Lord at 4:30 p.m. (children's Christmas pageant and Holy Eucharist), 7:30 p.m. (festival Holy Eucharist) and 10:30 p.m. (festival Holy Eucharist). All three services will be livestreamed....
Worship with us tomorrow, the Fourth Sunday in Advent! The Rev. Andrew R. O'Dell is preaching; read on for in-person and online worship details....
Worship with us tomorrow, at our 8:15 service of Holy Communion (the Rev. William K. Christian, preacher) or our festival service of Lessons and Carols at 10:30! Join us also for Sunday school and the Rector's Forum between services and the annual Wassail Bowl reception following Lessons and Carols! Read on for details. ...
Prayer Points for Local Needs 1. For good health and protection for our clergy and their families and for extra energy for the Advent and Christmas season. 2. For the Dec. 8th hearing by the State Supreme Court. That they would rule in our Diocese’s favor and make the decision quickly. For wisdom and excellent presentation by our lawyers, Alan Runyan and Mitchell Brown, and for protection for them and their families. 3. For the many new people joining our church to transition in nicely. 4. For the Foyer Groups to be a blessing to those attending and hosting. 5. For the reopening of the church to visitors on weekdays to be well received, and for many to take time for prayer ministry....
Worship with us tomorrow, and join us for Sunday School for all ages and the Rector's Forum! This is the Second Sunday in Advent, and the Rev. Justin C. Hare is preaching; read on for in-person and online worship details. ...
Godly Grandparenting Matters is a monthly column that shares tips, books, and other resources to help you in your intentional grandparenting journey. If you have an activity or resource to share, please contact Lynn Dayton (lland312@gmail.com) or Jane McGreevy (janemcgreevy@yahoo.com). ...
Worship with us tomorrow, the First Sunday in Advent! Note that Sunday school and the Rector's Forum are in recess this week but will resume next week as usual. The Rev. Brian K. McGreevy will be preaching; read on for in-person and online options. ...
Saturday, the 20th of November, dawned windy and chilly with temperatures in the high 40s, but that did not stop 10 Saint Philippians from driving to Saint Christopher Camp and Conference Center on Seabrook Island for the fall cleanup day. Saint Christopher has been a sacred place where our triune God has met and blessed so many people in this Diocese. ...
Worship with us on Sunday––and join us for Sunday School for all ages and the Rector's Forum! This is the Last Sunday after Pentecost: Christ the King, and the Rev. Andrew R. O'Dell will be preaching; read on for in-person and online options....
Prayer Points for Local Needs 1. For good health and protection for our clergy and their families. 2. For the Dec. 8th hearing by the State Supreme Court to rule in our diocese’s favor. For wisdom and excellent presentation by our lawyers, Alan Runyan and Mitchell Brown. For protection for them and their families. 3. For the many new people joining our church to transition in nicely. 4. For the Foyer Groups to be a blessing to those attending and hosting. 5. For Charleston to reclaim her inheritance as The Holy City and for Revival to come in God’s timing. ...
“How was your weekend?” My beautiful wife asked me. “It was ...” was all I could say as my 80-lb. beast of a dog almost knocked me to the ground upon my return from Regenerate. Regenerate is a youth retreat designed for high school students to grow closer to the Lord Jesus. For 20 years, this event has been held at Camp St. Christopher. This year’s theme was HOPE. What is biblical hope, and how do we live it in our daily lives?...
Worship with us on Sunday––and join us for Sunday School for all ages and the Rector's Forum! This is the Twenty-Fifth Sunday After Pentecost, and the Rev. Brian K. McGreevy will be preaching; read on for in-person and online options....
Home Missions Team Gift Card “Angel Trees,” generously provided by the St. Philip’s Flower Guild, arrive soon! Thanksgiving is just around the corner, and then before you know it, it will be the season of Advent, a time for preparation for the celebration of the birth of our Savior, Jesus Christ. Unfortunately, this can be a stressful season for many families that are struggling in these uncertain times. ...
Worship with us on All Saints' Sunday––and join us for Sunday School for all ages and the Rector's Forum! Our Rector, the Rev. Jeffrey S. Miller, will be preaching; read on for in-person and online options....
The beginning was a seed of an idea that was planted in my heart during the Rev. Brian McGreevy’s class on C. S. Lewis. He related how J.R.R. Tolkien and Lewis read, edited, and critiqued each other’s writings. When COVID hit in March 2020, the idea bore fruit in my life. My then twelve-year old granddaughter Grace, who lived in Los Angeles at that time, suddenly found herself attending school on Zoom and confined to the inside of her home, not only because of the virus but also because of California fires, which made it impossible to breathe healthily outside. Our regular family vacation on Fripp Island, which had happened every year for fifteen years, had to be cancelled, and I was despairing with the realization that I would not see my four grandchildren at all that summer. I determined to Zoom with them once a week to keep in touch....
Come worship with us on Sunday––and join us for Sunday School for all ages and the Rector's Forum! This is the Twenty-Third Sunday After Pentecost, and the Rev. Justin C. Hare will be preaching; read on for in-person and online options....
Dear St. Philip’s family, On March 6th of 2022, we will hold our Annual Parish Meeting. During that meeting, we will elect the next class of leaders to serve on the Vestry. At our September meeting, the Vestry appointed Todd Brown (Senior Warden), Kat Phillips (Junior Warden), Elizabeth Hagood, Robby Marion, Connie Rink, Gantt Folline, Bob Kunes, and Bill Warlick to serve as a nominating committee. ...
Come worship with us on Sunday––and join us for Sunday School for all ages and the Rector's Forum! This is the Twenty-Second Sunday After Pentecost, and the Rev. Andrew R. O'Dell will be preaching; read on for in-person and online options....
Come worship with us on Sunday––and join us for Sunday School for all ages and the Rector's Forum! This is the Twenty-First Sunday After Pentecost, and the Rev. Brian K. McGreevy will be preaching; read on for in-person and online options....
“My house shall be called a house of prayer for all nations.” ––Isaiah 56:7 “The effective fervent prayers of a righteous man avails much.” ––James 5:16a Prayer Points for Local Needs 1. For good health and protection for our clergy and their families. 2. For God’s choice for our next bishop. 3. For the State Supreme Court to rule in our diocese’s favor after hearing oral arguments on Dec. 8th. Pray for justice and righteousness to prevail on our behalf....
Come worship with us on Sunday––and join us for Sunday School for all ages and the Rector's Forum! This is the Twentieth Sunday After Pentecost, and the Rev. Jeffrey S. Miller will be preaching; read on for in-person and online options....
This is a new monthly column that shares tips, books, and other resources to help you in your intentional grandparenting journey. If you have an activity or resource to share, please contact Jane McGreevy (janemcgreevy@yahoo.com) or Lynn Dayton (lland312@gmail.com). ...
Almost every day we watch, read, or hear about people all around the world who are facing unbelievable challenges like hunger, slavery, war, imprisonment, lack of health care, and more. Do you wish you could talk to someone who has actually been there and really knows what is happening? Do you ever wonder if God may want you to do something about it?...
Hello, Grandparents! It’s been a while since our last Generations (Grandparenting) meeting. We know we have had a lot more babies and added new grandparents to our ranks since then! One of the purposes of the Generations Ministry is to help us to be “intentional” grandparents who use our time and other resources wisely with our grandchildren, whether we are physically close to them or not. Lynn Dayton and I have been talking about some ideas for this ministry in the coming year and are excited to share them with you....
Come worship with us on Sunday––and join us for Sunday School for all ages and the Rector's Forum! This is the Nineteenth Sunday After Pentecost, and the Rev. William K. Christian III will be preaching; read on for in-person and online options....
Each Sunday morning during worship, we pray for “victims of genocide and AIDS in Rwanda.” The Dufatanye Organization (DO) in Nyanza, Rwanda, is a non-government organization (NGO) that reaches out to these victims, most of whom are desperately scarred—physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. Many suffer from PTSD, but they now experience a sense of belonging by living in this community that surrounds a farm of ten hectares and provides a safe, Christ-centered haven to its members....
Come worship with us on Sunday––and join us for Sunday School for all ages and the Rector's Forum! This is the Eighteenth Sunday After Pentecost, and the Rev. Andrew R. O'Dell will be preaching; read on for in-person and online options. ...
In Isaiah 56:7, the Word of God says, “My house shall be called a house of prayer for all nations.” We have never needed to remember these words more than right now. My hope is that our church will begin to consider the prayer points offered up below for us to pray. James says in 5:16, “The effective fervent prayers of a righteous man avails much.” ...
Come worship with us on Sunday––and join us for Sunday School for all ages and the Rector's Forum! This is the Seventeenth Sunday After Pentecost, and the Rev. Justin C. Hare will be preaching; read on for in-person and online options....
As you are likely aware, this July we had to close the north balcony and the historical entry gates to our church. This closing was necessary for the safety of our parishioners as well as visitors and tourists. The north balcony has had falling plaster as a result of water intrusion and our beautiful gates have experienced structural failure over the years, which has resulted in a safety hazard....
Come worship with us on Rally Sunday––and join us for the return of Sunday School for all ages, the Rector's Forum, and parish fellowship lunches! This is the Sixteenth Sunday After Pentecost, and the Rev. Jeffrey S. Miller will be preaching; read on for in-person and online options. ...
Come worship with us on the Fifteenth Sunday After Pentecost! The Rev. William K. Christian III will be preaching; read on for in-person and online options....
Come worship with us on the Fourteenth Sunday After Pentecost! The Rev. Andrew R. O'Dell will be preaching; read on for in-person and online options....
This past June, the political unrest and ongoing pandemic in Haiti prevented us from being able travel there to celebrate feast day with our sister church, St. Jean-Baptiste, for the second year in a row. At that time, no one could have imagined that within the next two months the president would be assassinated and a 7.2 earthquake would strike! ...
Come worship with us on the Thirteenth Sunday After Pentecost! The Rev. Brian K. McGreevy will be preaching; read on for in-person and online options....
Come worship with us on the Twelfth Sunday After Pentecost! The Rev. Justin C. Hare will be preaching; read on for in-person and online options....
Come worship with us on the Eleventh Sunday After Pentecost! The Rev. Jeffrey S. Miller will be preaching; read on for in-person and online options. ...
Come worship with us on the Tenth Sunday After Pentecost! The Rev. William K. Christian will be preaching; read on for in-person and online options....
Come worship with us on the Ninth Sunday After Pentecost! The Rev. Justin C. Hare will be preaching; read on for in-person and online options....
Join us for worship on the Eighth Sunday After Pentecost! The Rev. William K. Christian III will be preaching; read on for in-person and online options....
I’ve overheard that question a number of times on the second floor of the Parish House. If you’ve been to Adult Forum, you may have seen them against the back wall. Well ... here’s the answer! A number of years back, Suzy McCall was on a visit home to Charleston from the mission field in Honduras. She was told of the impending demolition of the Navy barracks and was offered the furniture in the building. But...
As I walked into the room, I couldn’t quite figure out why I was nervous. I am not bothered by needles. Shots and pricks ceased being terrifying when I was about seven. And I knew I would be in good hands. I think it was hearing stories of people passing out that made me leery of just “the unknown.” I’d never passed out before in my life....
Join us for worship on the Seventh Sunday After Pentecost! The Rev. Andrew R. O'Dell will be preaching; read on for in-person and online options....
Join us for worship on the Sixth Sunday After Pentecost! The Rev. Brian K. McGreevy will be preaching; read on for in-person and online options....
Join us for worship on the Fifth Sunday After Pentecost! The Rev. Justin C. Hare will be preaching; read on for in-person and online options....
Join us for worship on the Fourth Sunday After Pentecost! The Rev. Jeffrey S. Miller will be preaching; read on for in-person and online options. ...
“Two priests walk into a bar ...” It sounds more like the beginning of a joke than the beginning of a ministry. But I assure you, Theology on Tap is no joke! Rooted in the convictions that (1) everyone is a theologian (has thoughts about God) and (2) everyone longs for genuine friendships and meaningful conversation (even, perhaps especially, if they don’t go to church), two St. Philip’s priests, Brian McGreevy and I (Justin), set out to create an environment where people in their 20s-30s could feel welcomed and relaxed enough to be their true selves and honestly ask anything....
Haiti is going through a very difficult time right now. On May 24, Haiti declared a state of health emergency due to the increase in COVID-19 cases. President Jovenel Moise has been ruling by decree after legislative elections due in 2018 were delayed following disputes on the limits of his term. Moise had even announced plans to hold a constitutional referendum to submit a new draft of the constitution to a popular vote on June 27 (three days after St. Jean Baptiste Feast Day, which St. Philippians usually celebrate in Haiti with our sister church)....
Join us for worship on the Third Sunday After Pentecost! The Rev. Brian K. McGreevy will be preaching; read on for in-person and online options....
Join us for worship on the Second Sunday After Pentecost! The Rev. Andrew R. O'Dell will be preaching; read on for in-person and online options....
Whether they’ve got their diplomas in hand or they haven’t yet walked across that stage, St. Philip’s high school and college seniors are busy planning their next steps. Jackson Ayers, who graduated from Porter-Gaud on Saturday, is excited to see what God has planned for him during the next four years at Clemson. He’s thankful for the entire St. Philip’s community...
Join us for worship on Trinity Sunday! The Rev. William K. Christian III will be preaching; read on for in-person and online options....
This past Saturday night, May 22, Mount Nyiragongo erupted in Goma, Congo, just across the border form Rwanda. The volcano is only one hour’s drive from my home in Rwanda, where I lived for almost six years. This town is named Musanze, but it was named Ruhengeri when I lived there. You can easily find it on a map and see how close it is to the volcanic site....
Join us for worship on the Day of Pentecost! The Rev. Justin C. Hare will be preaching; read on for in-person and online options. ...
On Sunday, May 16, dear friends and family members came from as far away as New Jersey and Georgia to celebrate Suzy McCall’s 30 years on the mission field at an event cohosted by St. Peter’s Anglican Church in Mt. Pleasant (the church Bishop T.J. Johnston planted some years ago) and LAMB, the ministry Suzy founded in 1999. Can you believe it has been that long since that April morning when she preached her farewell sermon at St. Philip’s?...
It was January 11, day 52 of an 85-day stay in the hospital––having undergone two emergency surgeries, multiple infections, COVID-19, acute kidney failure, four weeks in the ICU, and 10 days on a ventilator––that my wife Carolyn, who was barely alive, once again started “working for da Kingdom”!...
Join us for worship on the Seventh Sunday of Easter, the Sunday After the Ascension! The Rev. Jeffrey S. Miller, Rector, will be preaching; read on for in-person and online options....
On Sunday, May 2, we focused on some of the last words that Jesus spoke before he was crucified. There, in the upper room, he said to his disciples, “If you love me, you will keep my Commandments.” As our Lord faced his own impending death, it’s clear that one of his primary concerns was that we, his followers, would hold fast to his commandments. But what does this actually look like? How do we go about “plumbing the depths” of what he has commanded?...
Join us for worship on the Sixth Sunday of Easter! The Rev. Brian K. McGreevy will be preaching; read on for in-person and online options, including the livestream link and a printable bulletin....
One of the hardest things to accept as a Christian is that God allows suffering to occur. We have all suffered in one way or another over the course of this pandemic, and sometimes it makes me angry, other times confused. If you believe God created heaven and earth, made man in his image, became man himself, died on a cross, and then ascended to heaven, then you have to believe that preventing COVID would have been a cinch. I’m not qualified to opine on why God allows these things to happen, but I can look to the Scriptures for reassurance. The Bible tells us that the beginning and end of God’s plan are glorious, but man spends all the time in between messing things up. I’m thankful we know the end of the story. ...
In the 20 years leading up to our time in Uganda, I had spoken many times to young audiences about God’s design for love, sex, and relationships. As a high school English teacher and the mother of three daughters, I’d seen what was happening in my students’ and daughters’ peer groups...
This past Saturday, nearly 30 St. Philippians met for another workday at the St. Christopher Camp and Conference Center on Seabrook Island. Since the onset of COVID, Camp St. Christopher has been operating with limited staff, unable to keep up with the landscape needs of this beautiful barrier island. Individuals, parents with their teenagers, and even one family of three generations all showed up to serve. Equipped with chainsaws, weed eaters, blowers, and mowers, we all set off in different directions to tackle the day. ...
Join us for worship on the Fifth Sunday of Easter! The Rev. Andrew R. O'Dell will be preaching; read on for in-person and online options....
Join us for worship on the Fourth Sunday of Easter! The Rev. Justin C. Hare will be preaching; read on for in-person and online options. ...
There’s been a wonderful development from our World Missions Committee this year. We are adding the frontier missions organization Anglican Frontier Missions (AFM) to our annual giving budget! As part of your giving to St. Philip’s, you are now in this partnership as well. ...
Join us for worship on the Third Sunday of Easter! The Rev. William K. Christian III will be preaching; read on for in-person and online options....
Each year during Holy Week, we join together on Good Friday to remember Jesus Christ’s death on the cross. We often think that the term “Good Friday” is a misnomer. How can this day be “good” when Roman soldiers mocked Jesus and then crucified Him on a stake that was shaped like a cross? How can this day be “good” when our Savior and Lord Christ cried out, “My God, My God, why have you forsaken me”? How can it be “good” when the heavens shrouded the world in mystifying darkness for three hours in the middle of the day?...
Join us for worship on the Second Sunday of Easter, when the Rt. Rev. Mark J. Lawrence, Bishop of the Anglican Diocese of South Carolina, will be preaching and leading us in worship. Read on for in-person and online options. ...
It’s long been my intention to read my Bible regularly. Although it varies at times, I usually read from beginning to end at the daily pace the Lord indicates, noting the application of what seems significant through the practice of journaling. In this way, over the years, I’ve developed a comfortable familiarity with the Scriptures and a conversational relationship with the Holy Spirit....
Join us for worship on Easter Day! The Reverend Jeffrey S. Miller, Rector, will be preaching. Our first service is Holy Communion (Rite II) on the lawn at 6:30 a.m. (in-person only). Registration is full, but a waitlist is available. We held a reservation lottery for the 9:00 and 11:15 a.m. services of Festival Eucharist of the Resurrection (Rite I), and both services will also be livestreamed. If you reserved space, you may get checked in and seated by an usher beginning 45 minutes before the start of each service; the ushers will begin seating those on the waitlist five minutes before each service. ...
Please join us Maundy Thursday at 6:00 p.m. and Good Friday at noon for worship. Both services have in-person and online options, and while there is a waitlist for Good Friday, there is space available at Maundy Thursday....
Join us for worship on Palm Sunday! The Reverend Brian K. McGreevy will be preaching; read on for in-person and online options....
I must tell you just how excited I am about my new calling to serve St. Philip’s Church! When Jeff Miller asked me to serve as his assistant for pastoral care, I felt that God was speaking directly through him and giving me the opportunity to engage in an area of ministry that has always been so close to my heart. Pastoral care is a team effort...
During the past year, the whole world has experienced many struggles and challenges. Never before have we been so united in facing the same unseen enemy yet so separated due to pandemic restrictions. And Haiti was no exception. They too experienced the same uncertainties, but in a very culturally unique way. In March 2020, as the new coronavirus began to spread around the world, Father Jean Madoché Vil, the priest in charge of all 10 of the La Gonâve Haiti Partnership churches and schools, wrote, “We keep in faith and pray so that we are not overwhelmed by this Coronavirus. We are a fragile nation. We do not have the resources to protect and defend ourselves.” ...
Join us for worship on the Fifth Sunday in Lent! The Reverend Justin C. Hare will be preaching; read on for in-person and online options. ...
Descending into the Ukrainian air space on a freezing January day, it looked like we were landing in Siberia. Snow enveloped Kharkiv, a city with a population of 2,000,000 located twenty miles south of the Russian border in far eastern Ukraine. After we landed, custom officials placed Tom and me in separate cubicles. Following serious "pat-downs," the husky, unsmiling customs officer extended her hand. Not for a handshake, but a bribe! “Nyet,” I said firmly, using one of five words I know in Russian....
As the economic effects of the pandemic continue to plague so many of our neighbors, Tricounty Family Ministries (TFM) is partnering with Charleston County to help those who are behind on their bills for COVID-related reasons. TFM will be setting up a computer lab staffed by volunteers to assist clients with online applications for financial assistance, and for this to be a success, TFM needs computers and volunteers!...
Join us for worship on Easter Day at 6:30 a.m. on the lawn (in-person only, by reservation), 9:00 a.m. in the church (online or in-person by reservation lottery), or 11:!5 a.m. in the church (online or in-person by reservation lottery). ...
Join us for worship on the Fourth Sunday in Lent! The Reverend Andrew R. O'Dell will be preaching; read on for in-person and online options....
There is a dark and evil trend occurring in our world right now. Open Doors USA reported this week that two Christian girls are disappearing each day. Open Doors is an international organization that provides support to persecuted Christians across the world and is a highly regarded source of research and information for the Body of Christ worldwide....
Join us for worship on the Third Sunday in Lent! The Reverend Brian K. McGreevy will be preaching; read on for in-person and online options, and remember to join us for our annual meeting at 1:00 p.m. ...
Join us for worship on the Second Sunday in Lent! The Reverend Jeffrey S. Miller will be preaching; read on for in-person and online options....
On Sunday evening, February 21, a large crowd gathered in front of Bill and Carolyn Warlick’s home to bear witness to the faithfulness of God in bringing Bill and Carolyn through a long and unbelievably challenging time. We were there to praise God for his goodness in the incredible healing He has worked already and for the ongoing healing that He is still working in Carolyn. We were there as the body of Christ, rejoicing together in the goodness of our great God!...
The St. Philip's Choir has been invited to serve as the resident choir at St. Paul's Cathedral in London the week of August 15–21, 2022, and all parishioners are invited to join us on this exciting adventure––you could even come along as a new choir member!...
Join us for worship on the First Sunday in Lent! The Reverend William K. Christian will be preaching; read on for in-person and online options....
It has been said that there are two ways to support missions: to be a missionary, or give financially to support a missionary. But this viewpoint overlooks one of the most vital and important elements of mission, and one in which we can all play a role: prayer!...
Join us for worship on the Last Sunday of Epiphany! The Reverend Justin C. Hare will be preaching; read on for in-person and online options....
I began tithing sometime after college when I began my first job. Despite being a young believer, I understood that tithing was a way to show God how much I trusted Him to provide for me. Then a speaker came to St. Philip’s in the mid-1980s whose message greatly impacted my thinking about giving. I was challenged not only to tithe, but to see everything I had as God’s and to realize what a blessing it would be to give more and more to the work of the Kingdom, in and out of the church. ...
Join us for worship on the Fifth Sunday of Epiphany! The Reverend Andrew R. will be preaching; read on for in-person and online options. ...
Jesus nudged me to write out the gospel in preparation for a Sharing of Ministries Abroad (SOMA) mission trip to Uganda in May of 2011. On a yellow legal pad I wrote the story of Jesus walking on the shore of Lake Galilee. He watched Simon and Andrew as they cast their nets into the sea and said to them, “Come follow me and I will make you into men who catch people instead of fish!”...
In today's devotion, the Rev. Justin Hare looks at the exorcism that Jesus performs in the gospel passage from this past Sunday, Mark 1:21-28, in order to bring clarity on what it really means to be a Christian....
Join us for worship on the Fourth Sunday of Epiphany! The Reverend Brian K. McGreevy will be preaching; read on for in-person and online options....
Join the Rev. Marc Boutan on Wadmalaw for his final devotion, dedicated to a recently departed servant of God, Gene Lesesne....
Join us for worship on the Third Sunday of Epiphany! The Reverend Jeffrey S. Miller will be preaching; read on for in-person and online options....
Hope and joy seem to be in short supply in our world, but Paul points us to the wellspring of both. As Christians, we have access to a joy and hope that the world does not know but desperately needs....
To help ensure the safety of our parishioners and staff given the current surge in COVID-19 cases in our area and the mayor’s recent announcement regarding city office restrictions, we have made the following changes to our office hours and service and activity schedules over the next two weeks:...
Life at God’s Littlest Lambs Children’s Home in Honduras has been very different during the past several months as our committed staff have worked tirelessly to care for the more than 60 children whose home is with LAMB. They have faced great challenges along the way. We are grateful that through God’s mercy and the diligence of our Honduran staff, we have not had a single case of COVID at the children’s home!...
Join us for worship on the Second Sunday of Epiphany! The Reverend Marc R. Boutan will be preaching; read on for in-person and online options....
Take a look with the Rev. Brian McGreevy at another great hymn of the church, "To God Be the Glory, Great Things He Hath Done" written in the 19th century by Fanny Crosby, who has an unusual and inspiring story. ...
LAMB Institute continues to be on lockdown along with all of Honduras, with the children attending school online or receiving packets from their teachers every week. Staff members at God's Littlest Lambs Children's Home take strict precautions, and the home continues to be COVID-free. Some other LAMB staff members have had to quarantine with mild cases of COVID, but thanks be to God, no fatalities have hit the ministry. Please continue to keep LAMB and Honduras in your prayers as the medical care there is very substandard and it will be a long, long time before vaccines will be available for the general population. ...
Looking back on 2020, we can all say it was more than just a rough year. Vocabulary such as “pandemic” and “quarantine” became commonplace. We missed out on birthday celebrations, graduations, weddings, and funerals. Thanksgiving and Christmas looked very different with smaller family and friends’ gatherings....
Today, revisit the Rev. Marc Boutan's April 27 devotion, in which he shared from breezy Wadmalaw Island the story of a woman who once wrote, "You are nearest your possession of this imparted grace when you realize your own helplessness and your complete dependence upon the Lord." Let this message and the message of 2 Corinthians 12:9 hit home as he closes with his rendition of Dennis Jernigan's "You Are My All in All."...
Dear St. Philip’s Family, I began my ministry at St. Philip’s Church in January of 2001, and I’ve spanned the course of 20 years here. On Friday, January 8, I turned 68 years old, and I feel it’s time to scale back. After much prayer and thought, I have come to the decision to retire from full-time pastoral care ministry....
Join us for worship on the First Sunday of Epiphany, the Baptism of Our Lord! The Reverend Justin C. Hare will be preaching; read on for in-person and online options. ...
Join us for worship this Sunday, the Second Sunday After Christmas Day! The Reverend Andrew R. O'Dell will be preaching; read on for in-person and online options....
Join us for worship this Sunday, the First Sunday After Christmas Day! The Reverend Brian K. McGreevy will be preaching; read on for in-person and online options. ...
Join us for worship online on Christmas Eve! Registration for in-person worship has closed, but both our 5:00 p.m. and 8:00 p.m. service will be streamed live. The Reverend Jeffrey S. Miller, Rector, will be preaching....
St. Philip's is offering a lot of ways for you to celebrate the birth of our Savior this week! We've got two Christmas Eve services this year, and we hope you will join us live online at either 5:00 or 8:00 p.m. if your name wasn't drawn in the reservation lottery. We are also offering a service of Holy Communion on Christmas Day at 10:00 a.m. (in-person only), and our service of Lessons and Carols will be broadcast at 6:00 p.m. on Christmas Day!...
Join us for worship this Sunday, the Fourth Sunday in Advent! The Reverend Marc R. Boutan will be preaching; read on for in-person and online options. ...
As Christians we live with a foot in two worlds: one illuminated by the victory of the cross and the sure and certain hope of Christ’s victory over sin and the grave, and one where everything has been broken and tainted by the Fall, where with all creation, we await with longing the second coming of Christ, when He will mend all that is broken and make right all that is wrong. Advent is a season that gives us permission to be honest about that deep and desperate yearning for His return and all that it will bring....
In today's devotion, Justin sings little bit of Hebrew as he shares with us one of his favorite texts of Scripture, Psalm 121. This psalm, a Song of Ascent sung by the Jews as they made their way up to Jerusalem, holds deep encouragement for us today....
Join us for worship this Sunday, the Third Sunday in Advent! The Reverend Andrew R. O'Dell will be preaching; read on for in-person and online options. ...
Take a closer look with the Rev. Marc Boutan this morning at Isaiah 40:1-2, which may not mean exactly what you think it means: "Comfort, comfort my people, says your God. Speak tenderly to Jerusalem, and cry to her that her warfare is ended, that her iniquity is pardoned, that she has received from the Lord’s hand double for all her sins."...
Ever since November 2019, I have been a Leader in Training for the middle school youth group. When lockdowns started and everything became virtual, I missed helping the middle school youth grow in their walk with Christ. Every Friday night, I thought to myself: “What would middle school have been like today if the virus never existed?” When lockdowns were lifted, school started, and the new normal began, I resumed my job as the cameraman for the Porter-Gaud football team. Problem was, the games were on Friday nights...
Prepare for the Third Sunday in Advent by spending a few minutes with the Rev. Brian McGreevy, who will dispel some misconceptions you may have about Charles Coffin's "On Jordan's Bank the Baptist's Cry" and show those who long to be free from the shackles of sin that they may have hope....
Join us for worship this Sunday, the Second Sunday of Advent! The Reverend Justin C. Hare will be preaching; read on for in-person and online options....
"Seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you." In today's devotion, the Rev. Marc Boutan reflects on the meaning behind the first song he learned as a young Christian, sharing a story about a 2003 Ford Ranger and a man named Wayne to show us just what living in the kingdom of God means....
In this first devotion of Advent, the Rev. Justin Hare encourages us to prepare our hearts for God with self-examination...
St. Philip's will be offering two services of Holy Communion on Christmas Eve. Because seating is limited, we will be conducting a lottery for both services (5:00 p.m. and 8:00 p.m.). Both services will also be live-streamed. Read on for details and the link to register for the lottery, which opens Tuesday, December 1, at 9:00 a.m....
Join us for worship this Sunday, the First Sunday of Advent! The Reverend Brian K. McGreevy will be preaching; read on for in-person and online options....
Prepare for the First Sunday of Advent by exploring another theologically rich hymn with the Rev. Brian McGreevy, "Wake, Awake, For Night is Flying." Fashioned after the words of the parable of the ten virgins in Matthew 25:1-13 and paired with a beautiful hymn tune that was later harmonized by J.S. Bach, this hymn displays Philipp Nicolai's great faith in God and hope for the future during an especially difficult time in Europe's history....
Join us for worship this Sunday, the Last Sunday after Pentecost: Christ the King! The Reverend Justin C. Hare will be preaching; read on for in-person and online options....
When life is a battle, the Rev. Jeff Miller tells us how we can find comfort from King David in Psalm 3....
“How should Christians understand the warning passages in the Bible? These passages are often hard to hear but can be even more difficult to understand for Christians. In this devotional, Justin examines what it means for a Christian to do what Hebrews 3:13 says: “But exhort one another every day, as long as it is called ‘today,’ that none of you may be hardened by the deceitfulness of sin.”...
The Gospel of John could be described as God's love letter to the world, and the heart of the letter is in chapter 13: “A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another. By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another.” But what is “new” about this command, which sounds so similar to one of the Old Testament commandments?...
Join us for worship this Sunday, the Twenty-Fourth Sunday after Pentecost! The Reverend Jeffrey S. Miller, Rector, will be preaching; read on for in-person and online options....
The Compassion Committee of St. Philip’s would like to share with all of you a powerful and important new component of our ministry that was born from one of our church’s recent Spiritual Gifts workshops. After learning about her gifts of encouragement and faith, along with some complementary gifts, Ann Hunley Harrington asked us about joining one of our note-writing teams. Shortly after she enthusiastically joined, she said she had an idea! She asked if it would be all right for her write to the young men and women on our prayer list who are enlisted in our country’s armed forces. Thus began a ministry of note-writing to these brave men and women....
"I thank my God in all my remembrance of you, always in every prayer of mine for you all making my prayer with joy, because of your partnership in the gospel from the first day until now." These words from St. Paul’s letter to the Philippians truly express my gratitude for each and every one of you and for your partnership in the Gospel ministry of this church, most especially during the time of this pandemic. Despite the challenges of these turbulent and uncertain times, the work and ministry of St. Philip’s has continued to prosper and be blessed by the presence of the Holy Spirit and undergirded by your generous and faithful financial support....
Let's take a look today at another great hymn of the church, one that we will be singing on Sunday even though we are accustomed to hearing it during Advent. The rich text of Charles Wesley's "Lo! He Comes With Clouds Descending" is full of excellent theology...
Join us for worship this Sunday, the Twenty-Third Sunday after Pentecost! The Reverend Brian K. McGreevy will be preaching; read on for in-person and online options....
The Christian life could well be described as being like “staying on the saddle” of God’s will, neither falling to the left nor to the right. Today we look at a set of Proverbs and a reflection from the Psalms to teach us how to do just that....
On Election Day, take a look with the Rev. Justin Hare at one of the All Saints' Day readings, Revelation 7:9-17, for a simple but encouraging truth. "For the Lamb in the midst of the throne will be their shepherd, and he will guide them to springs of living water, and God will wipe away every tear from their eyes."...
Worship with us on All Saints' Day, November 1! The Reverend Andrew R. O'Dell will be preaching; read on for in-person and online options....
In the next couple of days, you may be surrounded by costumes and pumpkins and all things Halloween, but let's shift focus to the very important day Halloween precedes: All Saints' Day, one of the Principal Feasts in the Church....
Unlike most things that have occured in the year 2020, this year’s Diocesan Women’s Retreat at Camp St. Christopher actually lived up to what it claimed to be, and even more! The overwhelming sense that I felt from the first day to the last was shelter from the craziness of the world we are currently living in. Just walking up to Susannah’s House, where the weekend’s events would be held, was peaceful. The ladies had thought of everything we might want or need. And they greeted us with smiles and happy faces on the porch. ...
Prepare for November 1, All Saints' Day, by exploring the hymn "For All the Saints" with the Rev. Brian McGreevy. Bishop W. Walsham How's theology-rich text was inspired by Hebrews 12:1, and the words pair beautifully with Ralph Vaughan Williams's familiar tune "Sine Nomine."...
A message from the Rev. Kara Joy Stewart, Executive Director of Tricounty Family Ministries. Our neighbors’ needs continue to increase. On October 7 we served 194 families. On October 14, we served 204 families. And we set another record for number of families served in one day on October 21: 263 families....
Worship with us on the Twenty-First Sunday After Pentecost, October 25! The Reverend Justin C. Hare will be preaching; read on for in-person and online options....
Besides Jesus Christ, who was the greatest man in the Bible? Would you think perhaps Moses or Elijah, or someone we know from the New Testament...
2020 never ceases to change things around! After realizing that an in-person event was not feasible or advisable, our incredible staff at LAMB created an amazing virtual event. John and I were able to watch from our den and cast it up on the television just like we’ve been doing for our Sunday services since the “shut down” occurred. I did miss seeing people who I only get to see during events like this and enjoying the fellowship time. This event provided the next best thing to being together!...
What does it mean to "live into" one's baptism? Spend a few minutes with the Rev. Justin Hare this morning and learn about this sacrament that, though widely known, is not very well understood. "Almighty and everlasting God, who of thy great mercy saved Noah and his family in the ark from perishing by water, and also safely led the children of Israel through the Red Sea, prefiguring the sacrament of Holy Baptism, and by the Baptism of thy well-beloved son Jesus Christ in the River Jordan, did sanctify water to the mystical washing away of sin." ...
Worship with us on the Twentieth Sunday After Pentecost, October 18! The Reverend Jeffrey S. Miller, Rector, will be preaching; read on for in-person and online options....
Learn today about another great hymn of the Church, "Christ Is Made the Sure Foundation," which was originally sung in Latin and, after it was written as early as the 500s, was regularly sung at the dedications of new church buildings, including many of the European churches we are familiar with today. The Rev. Brian McGreevy explores the theology of the text and shares some of the story of John Mason Neale, who was able to translate the original Latin into English, remarkably keeping the same meter so that it could be sung equally well in either language....
It began with a simple question to Martha Freshley, the Senior Warden of St. Philip's Church, from parishioner Dr. Heather Dawson. “With the struggles that St. Christopher is having as a result of the pandemic, would the Vestry consider having a St. Philip's work day at St. Christopher?” Martha brought the question to the Vestry at our September 2020 meeting. I serve on the St. Christopher board, so I volunteered to explore the idea with Father Bob Lawrence, the Executive Director of St. Christopher. After the Vestry meeting, Vestrymen Todd Brown and Robby Marion approached me and indicated they would be glad to donate an afternoon to go out to do "yardwork" at St. Christopher. I called Bob Lawrence to discuss the idea and then put Robby Marion in touch with him to schedule a time for Robby and Todd to go to St. Christopher....
Worship with us on the Nineteenth Sunday After Pentecost, October 11--the Reverend Brian K. McGreevy will be preaching. We are offering in-person worship with services of Holy Communion at 8:15 and Morning Prayer at 10:30 a.m.! If you reserved space, you may get checked in and seated by an usher beginning 45 minutes before the start of the service; the ushers will begin seating those without reservations on a first-come, first-served basis five minutes before each service....
To make Jesus the cornerstone of your life, you must learn how to communicate with him and get to know him. Today, the Rev. Andrew O'Dell offers you a practical, step-by-step guide to making that happen, no matter where you are on your journey. "Thus says the Lord: 'Let not the wise man boast in his wisdom, let not the mighty man boast in his might, let not the rich man boast in his riches, but let him who boasts boast in this, that he understands and knows me...'" ...
Over the past two weeks, you’ve likely noticed our increased use of the piano and the gallery organ at the back of the church. The reason for this change was that our main organ console, located in the chancel, had been gutted and sent to the organbuilders’ shop in Denver, North Carolina, for refurbishment. This organ, our third in this building, was built in 1978 by the firm Casavant Frères of Ste. Hyacinthe, Quebec. Earlier this year, St. Philip’s contracted with Cornel Zimmer Organ Builders of Denver to refurbish the 1978 console. This same firm has been at work over the past years bringing the Citadel’s Summerall Chapel pipe organ back to life....
In today's devotion, the Rev. Justin Hare expands on the topic of his September 27 sermon, exploring beyond the humiliation to the exaltation of Jesus Christ in Philippians 2:5-11. What encouragement do we get from Jesus' exaltation, beginning with his death on the cross? "Therefore God has highly exalted him and bestowed on him the name that is above every name, so that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, in heaven and on earth and under the earth, and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father."...
Worship with us on the Eighteenth Sunday After Pentecost, October 4...
While St. Paul was imprisoned, he wrote in his letter to the Philippians, "It is my prayer that your love may abound more and more." You may be feeling out of sorts, but don't let that make you ignore God's calling, because if there was ever a time that the people of God need to be the people of God, it's right now....
Learn today about Joseph Addison, a famed British essayist and the author of Cato...
That title sounds like it belongs to a science fiction novel, one that would open, “It all started while the world was still spinning but suddenly came to a halt. It seemed that all social mores were lost as the gravity of the pandemic gripped the once bustling planet. A silent planet it became, for the noise of machine and man came to a rest. Birds once forgotten could be heard as if brand new, and families once separated by the tyranny of busyness were secluded into their homes by the sudden rush of stillness. They were forced to create a new pattern of normal.”...
We are offering in-person worship with services of Holy Communion at 8:15 and 10:30 a.m.! If you reserved space, you may get checked in and seated by an usher beginning 45 minutes before the start of the service; the ushers will begin seating those without reservations on a first-come, first-served basis five minutes before each service. Note that the 10:30 service did reach maximum capacity, but there is still space available at the 8:15 service, and registration has been extended. ...
Today, the Rev. Brian McGreevy shares the story of Isaac Watts, a prodigy who became perhaps the most prolific hymn writer of England, writing at least 750 hymns after his father, a minister, challenged him to make a change to church music. "When I Survey the Wondrous Cross," like all of Watts's hymns, is loaded with good theology, and it is an intensely personal hymn that was written in an age when most hymns were impersonal. ...
As you can imagine, a 300+ acre beachfront property like St. Christopher Camp and Conference Center needs to be well cared for. As you can also imagine, in the middle of a COVID world where the Barrier Island Environmental Educational program, summer camp, and other year-round event income abruptly stops, you are forced to make tough decisions. St. Christopher Camp and Conference Center has had to furlough or lay off close to 80% of their staff, including most of the maintenance crew, but the maintenance work is never ending. This situation is what several St. Philippians drove into a couple of weeks ago!...
While studying the book of 1 Corinthians, our men’s Bible study group became intrigued with the subject of spiritual gifts. Many voiced concerns that they did not understand what these were or if they actually possessed any spiritual gifts. The Reverend Andrew O’Dell graciously offered to conduct a workshop to explore this topic, and thanks to much effort on the part of Andrew, Jimmy Bailey, and Bryant Bair, a retreat was born....
Today's devotion was recorded in the early days of the COVID-19 pandemic in the United States, and although several months have passed, many are still wondering in this ever-changing landscape: Are we safe? Using Matthew 10:16-31, the Rev. Justin Hare helps us to understand our fear, to actively seek wisdom, and to trust God, in whose hands we are safer than we could ever be anywhere else....
Many successful businessmen reach the peak of their church service when they assume the vaunted role of usher. This is not the men’s fault, of course — it is a tradition stretching back more than 2,000 years to when a little-known apostle named Fred served as the usher for the Last Supper, then slipped out before communion....
Worship with us on the Sixteenth Sunday After Pentecost, September 20...
"Why are you cast down, O my soul, and why are you in turmoil within me? Hope in God; for I shall again praise him, my salvation and my God." (Psalm 42:5,11; 43:5) God loves you, and even when you're going through difficult times of sadness, discouragement, or aimlessness, he never forgets you, and he never stops treasuring you...
Join the Rev. Brian McGreevy to learn how the most unlikely hymn writer in history, John Newton, went from being "the most profane, obscene, and obnoxious young man" to being the ordained priest who penned the words to "Faith's Review and Expectations," the hymn we know now as "Amazing Grace."...
Worship with us on the Fifteenth Sunday After Pentecost, September 13...
Collect for the Commemoration of September 11: Eternal God, in whose perfect kingdom no sword is drawn but the sword of righteousness, and no strength known but the strength of love: We pray thee so mightily to shed and spread abroad thy Spirit, that all peoples and ranks may be gathered under one banner, of the Prince of Peace; as children of one God and Father of all; to whom be dominion and glory now and for ever. Amen. You remember where you were on September 11, 2001, and you remember the confusion you felt that soon turned to horror and fear. You may have been looking for answers even as the nation came together, and today, the Rev. Justin Hare uses Psalm 77 to show us that to feel true hope in the midst of suffering and despair, we must put our trust in God....
"Come, thou fount of ev'ry blessing, tune my heart to sing thy grace." Today, let's contemplate the transformative power of the Holy Spirit as we revisit the Rev. Brian McGreevy's May 28 reflection on "Come, Thou Fount of Ev'ry Blessing," which is also part of this Sunday's 10:30 service, and prepare for worship by stepping back in time to the mid-18th century to meet Robert Robinson, the young troublemaker who would go on to write this great hymn. ...
Worship with us on the Fourteenth Sunday After Pentecost, September 6...
Jesus said in Matthew 5:13, "You are the salt of the earth. But if salt has lost its taste, how shall its saltiness be restored? It is no longer good for anything except to be thrown out and trampled under people's feet." But there's more to salt than its flavor. Using the Rev. Dr. Timothy Keller's keynote address at the 2018 National Parliamentary Prayer Breakfast as a guide, the Rev. Justin Hare explores what Christianity can offer our society in the 21st century, a time when most are focused on self-actualization instead of self-sacrifice. ...
The human brain is a fascinating subject, capable of so many extraordinary things...
This week we came close to breaking our record for number of families served during the pandemic. We stayed open longer than usual to accommodate the crowds––204 families came to us for help. Thanks to your generosity, we were able to share canned goods, fresh produce, frozen meat, breads, milk, and cooked meals. We also were able to share bagged lunches made by our partners at Westminster Presbyterian Church. All in all, we supported 700 members of their families....
The links to reserve space at one of the September 6 services are below. The Rev. Justin Hare, the newest addition to our clergy team and the officiant at yesterday's services, will give his first sermon at St. Philip's. Please note the change from earlier announcements: Childcare will not be available this week and will instead begin on September 13. ...
Worship with us on the Thirteenth Sunday After Pentecost, August 30! The Reverend Andrew R. O'Dell will be preaching; read on for in-person and online options....
In his first devotion for St. Philip's, the Rev. Justin Hare introduces himself by sharing one of his favorite passages, taken from the third chapter of St. Paul's letter to the Philippians. As he unpacks the passage, learn what he has in common with St. Paul and what God's grace can do for your weary heart....
"If God loves us and cares for us, why does he allow affliction and difficulty to come into our lives?" Using Scripture as a guide, explore this age-old question of suffering and the problem of pain with the Reverend Jeff Miller, and find out how God can use the suffering in our lives for his glory and our greater good. ...
While you look forward to tomorrow's devotion, you might enjoy rewatching some past devotions at the links below. On May 6, the Rev. Jeff Miller explored the parable of the Good Samaritan from Luke chapter 10, and on May 22, the Rev. Andrew O'Dell looked at 1 Corinthians 13, reflecting on what St. Paul is telling us about the building up of the Church. Happy watching, and blessings on your day!...
The links to reserve space at one of the August 30 services are below. To ensure that we seat as many people as we are safely able to seat, we will honor these reservations until five minutes before the start of each service, at which point we will seat those waiting on a first-come, first-served basis until we are at capacity. ...
Worship with us on the Twelfth Sunday After Pentecost, August 23! The Reverend Jeffrey S. Miller will be preaching; read on for in-person and online options. We are resuming in-person worship tomorrow with services of Morning Prayer at 8:15 and 10:30 a.m.! If you reserved space, you may get checked in and seated by an usher beginning 45 minutes before the start of the service; the ushers will begin seating those without reservations on a first-come, first-served basis five minutes before each service....
St. Paul said in his letter to the Romans, "I appeal to you therefore, brothers, by the mercies of God, to present your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable to God, which is your spiritual worship." In today's devotion, the Rev. Andrew O'Dell makes the case for wearing one's "Sunday best" to worship...
Early in the days of the pandemic, the Dufatanye Organization joined forces with partner organization ZMission to provide emergency relief to desperate people in Rwanda. At that point, I was skeptical that we’d be able to raise the funds to make even a small dent in such an overwhelming need, and I told one of my friends that I would be surprised if we could donate provisions for six weeks. But between March 26 and July 20, we gave away 198,836 pounds of maize flour, 97,911 pounds of beans, and 9,901 twelve-inch bars of soap to 50,565 people in 941 families! Let us rejoice in what great things God has done!...
In his last devotion before his 12-week sabbatical, the Rev. Marc Boutan reflects on the comforting words of John 14:2: "In my Father's house are many rooms ... I am going to prepare a place for you." But the promise of the Father's house is more than a promise of Heaven, because that place of welcome and promise is a place that God wants for us right now....
The links to reserve space at one of the August 23 services are below. To ensure that we seat as many people as we are safely able to seat, we will honor these reservations until five minutes before the start of each service, at which point we will seat those waiting on a first-come, first-served basis until we are at capacity. Those unfamiliar with making online reservations may call (843) 471-0544 to reserve space. Please also share this number with family or friends who might prefer to call, especially those who don't receive St. Philip's emails....
Join us for worship on the Eleventh Sunday After Pentecost, August 16! The Reverend Andrew R. O'Dell will be preaching. You may stream the service at the link below beginning a few minutes before 10:30 with the prelude, or you may watch at your convenience on our Vimeo Channel beginning at the same time. You may also watch on our YouTube Channel beginning at 8:15 a.m. ...
St. Philip's is pleased to offer in-person worship once again beginning August 23 at 8:15 a.m. and 10:30 a.m.! For the safety of all of our St. Philip's family and friends, several modifications are in place. Please be sure to read the complete guidelines at the link below to ensure that your return to worship is as smooth as possible....
I stand before you a proud daughter and granddaughter of two United States Marines. I am very proud of my military heritage and the service of these two great men in my life. I'm proud of my brother, who also served in the United States Marines. But above all I am proud of the young people of our church who have stepped up and answered their country’s call to join the armed services and serve our great nation here at home and abroad. ...
Today the Rev. Jeff Miller continues the conversation begun earlier this week by the Rev. Andrew O'Dell on the theme of waiting. How did Jesus' disciples spend their time during a season of waiting, and how might we imitate their example during our own present situation?...
There is much anger and shouting in the world around us. Certain words and concepts are repeated over and over. One particular word encompasses others and has taken root in the culture. That word is Diversity. The cry of the crowd is for “greater diversity,” that “diversity is our strength.” Diversity denotes the division of people into groups based on the differences between them. Current calls for diversity focus primarily on race, sexuality, gender, identity, age, class, and ethnicity....
"Wait for the Lord; be strong, and let your heart take courage; wait for the Lord!" (Psalm 27:14.) The Rev. Andrew O'Dell is back from the mountains of North Carolina to share a message with you: When you are in Christ, waiting time is never wasted time....
Join us for worship on the Tenth Sunday After Pentecost, August 9! The Reverend Jeffrey S. Miller will be preaching. You may stream the service at the link below beginning a few minutes before 10:30 with the prelude, or you may watch at your convenience on our Vimeo Channel beginning at the same time. You may also watch on our YouTube Channel beginning at 8:15 a.m. ...
"Mortals, join the mighty chorus, which the morning stars began; Father-love is reigning o’er us, brother-love binds man to man. Ever singing march we onward, victors in the midst of strife, Joyful music leads us sunward in the triumph song of life." JJoin the Rev. Brian McGreevy this morning to hear the story of and inspiration behind "Joyful, Joyful, We Adore Thee," Henry Van Dyke's glorious hymn of praise that's set to "Ode to Joy" from Beethoven's 9th Symphony....
"God loves you. He's on your side. He's coming after you. He's relentless." This morning, join the Rev. Marc Boutan on Wadmalaw and learn why he closes almost all of his devotions with this message, and listen to his offering of Stuart Townend's "The Lord Is My Shepherd (Psalm 23)."...
Join us for worship on the Ninth Sunday After Pentecost, August 2! The Reverend Marc R. Boutan will be preaching. You may stream the service at the link below beginning a few minutes before 10:30 with the prelude, or you may watch at your convenience on our Vimeo Channel beginning at the same time. You may also watch on our YouTube Channel beginning at 8:15 a.m. ...
"Great is thy faithfulness! Morning by morning new mercies I see: all I have needed thy hand hath provided-- Great is thy faithfulness, Lord, unto me!" In today's devotion, hear the story of Methodist minister Thomas Chisolm's hymn "Great Is Thy Faithfulness," inspired by Lamentations 3:23-24, and the reason this hymn holds a special place in the Rev. Brian McGreevy's heart....
Earlier this summer, members of the Home Missions Team reached out to the Rev. Matthew Rivers, Pastor of partner ministry St. John's Chapel, seeking a dialogue about race and justice in the light of biblical teaching. This led to two meetings by Zoom of members of the Home Missions Team and members of St. John's Chapel, a mission of our Diocese that is predominantly an African-American congregation. ...
Hello, Tricounty Family Ministries family. This week’s numbers continued to decline, if only by a little. We served 153 families which supported the lives of 503 family members. Thanks to our amazing volunteers in the kitchen, we were able to share 304 cooked meals to-go, in addition to 88 sandwiches we shared. Our new method of clothing distribution is beginning to hum along. After many dedicated volunteers spent hours in the clothes room, we have finally been able to sort and bag almost all of the warm weather clothes so that we can share them with people in need. This Wednesday, we gave out 40 bags of either shirts or pants to both men and women, which amounts to 80 items of clothing!...
What is love? Join the Rev. Marc Boutan on Wadmalaw this morning as he explores that question using verses from Scripture and commentary from author Frederick Buechner, along with Johnson, Riddle, and Gifford's song "One Thing Remains." Higher than the mountains that I face, Stronger than the power of the grave, Constant through the trial and the change, One thing remains, one thing remains....
Join us for worship on the Eighth Sunday After Pentecost, July 26! The Reverend Brian K. McGreevy will be preaching. You may stream the service at the link below beginning a few minutes before 10:30 with the prelude, or you may watch at your convenience on our Vimeo Channel beginning at the same time. You may also watch on our YouTube Channel beginning at 8:15 a.m. ...
In this morning's devotion, take a look with the Rev. Brian McGreevy at "O Worship the King All-Glorious Above," another hymn that helps us focus on the attributes of God, find the words to praise God in our prayers, and fire our souls with the beauty, magnificence, and wonder of who God is. "O tell of his might and sing of his grace, whose robe is the light, whose canopy space. His chariots of wrath the deep thunderclouds form, and dark is his path on the wings of the storm."...
Join the Rev. Marc Boutan on Wadmalaw this morning as he illustrates the transformative power of God's love with stories, Scripture, and a song, "You Are My King," by Billy Foote. "I'm forgiven because You were forsaken. I'm accepted, You were condemned. I'm alive and well, Your spirit is within me because You died and rose again."...
Join us for worship on the Seventh Sunday After Pentecost, July 19! The Reverend Marc R. Boutan will be preaching. You may stream the service at the link below beginning a few minutes before 10:30 with the prelude, or you may watch at your convenience on our Vimeo Channel beginning at the same time. You may also watch on our YouTube Channel beginning at 8:15 a.m. ...
Most people find it easy to take requests to God, to offer up what's in their hearts and minds...
The first day of June marked the official start of hurricane season and according to experts, the season is off to a historically fast start. Natural disasters are occurring more often and with more severity than ever before. According to the United States Geological Survey, more droughts and intense storms are expected. ...
What is the difference between the wrath of God and the love of God? Join the Rev. Marc Boutan on Wadmalaw today as he explores a hymn he has a personal connection with, Townend and Getty's "In Christ Alone."...
On July 9, 2020, the Rt. Rev. Mark J. Lawrence, who has served as the Bishop of The Anglican Diocese of South Carolina since January 2008, announced his plans to call for a Bishop Coadjutor who will step into the role of Bishop of the Diocese at some time in the next 18 to 24 months....
Join us for worship on the Sixth Sunday After Pentecost, July 12! The Reverend Brian K. McGreevy will be preaching. You may stream the service at the link below beginning a few minutes before 10:30 with the prelude, or you may watch at your convenience on our Vimeo Channel beginning at the same time. You may also watch on our YouTube Channel beginning at 8:15 a.m. ...
Take a look this morning at the great hymn "O Word of God Incarnate" and its author William Walsham How, an Anglican priest who wrote his first hymn at the age of 12. O Word of God incarnate, O Wisdom from on high, O Truth unchanged, unchanging, O Light of our dark sky, We praise thee for the radiance that from the hallowed page, A lantern to our footsteps, shines on from age to age....
"Be still, for the presence of the Lord, the Holy One is here." Visit with the Rev. Marc Boutan today as he considers the importance of contemplative prayer....
"Do you want to be made whole?" This is the question Jesus asked a man who had been sick for 38 years in John chapter 5. What does this miraculous sign point to in our own lives?...
In today's devotion, explore another of Charles Wesley's great hymns, "Love Divine, All Loves Excelling," which has some unexpected influences. "Pray and praise thee without ceasing, glory in thy perfect love."...
Thank you, St. Philip's, for your generous support of our blood drive! The Red Cross set up in the Parish Hall yesterday from 12 noon until 6:00 p.m. and collected 41 pints of blood. All 37 appointments were fully booked a week in advance. A few people were not able to keep their appointments, but walk-ins filled their spots. Members of the Home Missions Team coordinated the drive and provided volunteer support throughout the afternoon. ...
"Bless the Lord, O my soul, O my soul, worship his holy name." Praise the Lord this morning with the Rev. Marc Boutan while exploring Psalm 103, one of Father Marc's favorite psalms, and the song "10,000 Reasons (Bless the Lord)" by Matt Redman. ...
Hello, Tricounty community. This past week we served record numbers of families. On Wednesday, we saw 186 families and at our first Second Saturday food distribution, we saw 73 families. We were blessed to be able to support so many families – over 800 people in their households! But now our food panty shelves are bare. We expect to receive black beans and cereal from the Food Bank this week. We are relying on you to provide other nutritious food....
"We are ambassadors for Christ, God making his appeal through us." (2 Corinthians 5:20) What does it mean to be an ambassador for Christ? As we as ambassadors reach out across boundaries, how do we ensure we don't undermine our mission by being accidentally hurtful?...
Our names are engraved on the palms of our Lord's hands. Explore the permanence of God's love for us with Marc Boutan as he gives his musical offering, Charlie Lees Bancroft and Vikki Cook's "Before the Throne of God Above."...
A few years ago, I sat in a question-and-answer session with Jeff, who was still early in his ministry at St. Philip's. One question was about his vision for our church. Among other things, he talked about the importance of getting to know one another, practicing hospitality, the church being a family, and becoming the type of community where we “bear one another’s burdens.” ...
Explore with the Rev. Brian McGreevy today the great hymn "Lift High the Cross," including the background of its author, George Kitchin, and the inspiration behind it. "Lift high the cross, the love of Christ proclaim till all the world adore his sacred name."...
Today, Judge Edgar W. Dickson, Judge of the First Judicial Circuit in the South Carolina Court of Common Pleas, issued an Order finding that St. Philip’s did not accede to the 1979 Dennis Canon and is thus the owner of its property. He further found that no other Parish acceded to the Dennis Canon and thus no trust was ever created in favor of The Episcopal Church (TEC). This is the ruling for which we have been praying....
Join us for worship on the Third Sunday After Pentecost, June 21! The Reverend Jeffrey S. Miller, Rector, will be preaching. You may stream the service at the link below beginning a few minutes before 10:30 with the prelude, or you may watch at your convenience on our Vimeo Channel beginning at the same time. You may also watch on our YouTube Channel beginning at 8:15 a.m. ...
The apostle Paul said in his letter to Timothy that "in later times, some will abandon the faith and follow deceiving spirits and things taught by demons." When we look to our leaders in these turbulent times, and as we seek to be change-makers, how do we ensure we are aligning ourselves with movements that are walking in the way of the cross?...
“What is truth?” This question posed to Jesus by Pontius Pilate in John chapter 18 is still being asked today, with a myriad of answers and implications. What is the truth about truth, and what does it mean for Christians today?...
In today's devotion, learn about the text and tune of "Praise to the Living God," one of the great hymns of the church that actually has its origins in a Jewish doxology. "Praise to the living God! All praisèd be His name, who was, and is, and is to be, for aye the same!" ...
Usually this time of year Gerry and I are in full-swing packing mode. We would have boxes of toothbrushes and toothpaste that many of you would have donated stacked in one corner. We would have boxes of reading glasses, that many of you would have donated, stacked in another corner. There would be huge trash bags of used tennis balls, boxes of toys, grocery bags full of art supplies, all sorts of over-the-counter medicines and medical supplies for our health care workers and donated musical instruments stacked everywhere. Everything would be carefully inventoried and arranged in old suitcases and duffle bags to be hand-carried by mission team members, usually about 10 of us. We would be leaving early on a Wednesday morning and traveling to the island of La Gonâve, Haiti, to visit our Partnership friends and celebrate St. John the Baptist feast day (June 24th) with our sister church, St. Jean Baptiste! ...
"You make known to me the path of life; in your presence there is fullness of joy; at your right hand are pleasures forevermore." In his final daily devotion, the Rev. Ryan Streett looks to Psalm 16:11 as he concludes his series about cultivating a heart of worship by learning more about God, the object of our worship, this time focusing on God's attribute of blessedness....
Dear St. Phillip’s Church partners, We are so grateful for your support in collecting food last week for our ministry. Our shelves were bare and we were facing a dilemma, not knowing how we would care for the families who would be coming to us on Wednesday. You responded with an overwhelming outpouring of compassion in action with your donations of food and grocery bags. Your donations filled our food pantry and enabled our volunteers to fill bags full of nutritious food for our neighbors in need....
Join us for worship on the Second Sunday After Pentecost, June 14! The Reverend Andrew O'Dell will be preaching. You may stream the service at the link below beginning a few minutes before 10:30 with the prelude, or you may watch at your convenience on our Vimeo Channel beginning at the same time. Starting this week, you may also watch on our YouTube Channel beginning at 8:15 a.m. ...
God loves the whole world and cares about every need, and he has put those cares, those little pieces of his heart, into the hearts of his children so that the needs of the world may be met. What is the Church's role in meeting the infinite needs of the world? What is YOUR role?...
The apostle Paul says in the third chapter of 2 Timothy that in the last days, "people will be lovers of self, lovers of money, proud, arrogant, abusive ... treacherous, reckless, swollen with conceit, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God, having the appearance of godliness, but denying its power"...
"Amazing love, how can it be that Thou, my God, should die for me!" In today's devotion, learn about renowned British hymn writer Charles Wesley, who was the 18th child of Samuel and Susanna Wesley, and who at least once worshiped at St. Philip's during a journey to the southern United States. Then reflect with the Rev. Brian McGreevy on Wesley's hymn "And Can It Be."...
We loved seeing your smiling faces at the drop-off point Tuesday morning! Thank you, St. Philippians, for another outpouring of love and support with canned goods and monetary contributions for Tricounty Family Ministries. Chef Connie Stahl was also able to clean out the fridge and freezer in the Parish Hall kitchen and donate casseroles and other items. We delivered one truck and three SUVs full of your donations!...
Continue cultivating a heart of worship by learning more about God, the object of our worship, focusing this week on Psalm 2 and God's sovereignty over our lives. "You are my Son; today I have begotten you. Ask of me, and I will make the nations your heritage, and the ends of the earth your possession."...
Have you ever felt pushed out of your comfort zone into uncertainty and wondered whether God would be there to help? Reflect today on Psalm 91 and the song "On Eagle's Wings": And He will raise you up on eagle's wings, bear you on the breath of dawn, make you to shine like the sun, and hold you in the palm of His Hand....
Join us for worship on Trinity Sunday, June 7! The Reverend Ryan T. Streett will be delivering his final sermon at St. Philip's, "Crowned with Universal Praise," before he goes on to serve as rector of Holy Trinity Anglican Church in Madison, Mississippi. You may stream the service at the link below beginning a few minutes before 10:30 with the prelude, or you may choose to watch on our Vimeo or YouTube Channel....
"There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor free, there is no male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus." As we think about what's happening in the world around us, let us remember three things: to pray, to listen for the voice of the Good Shepherd, and to listen to the voices of those who are hurting....
In Matthew chapter 15, Jesus effectively diagnoses the problem in society and in the world: the corruption of the human heart. What does Scripture say is the cure? The responsibility lies with us as Christians: to proclaim the Good News of the Gospel, which alone can turn stony hearts into hearts of flesh....
Dearest People of God in the Anglican Church in North America: I write you with a tremendous heaviness in my spirit and soul as I observe and participate in what is happening today in the United States of America. If ever there is a time for the people of God to fall on our faces before God and plead for his mercy and intervention, now is the time. As believers, we are given the privilege of coming to the Throne of Grace with our petitions and requests, and he promises to hear us (1 John 5:14,15)....
"I bind unto myself today the strong Name of the Trinity, by invocation of the same, the Three in One and One in Three." This Sunday is Trinity Sunday, and in today's reflection with Brian McGreevy, learn about the fascinating life of the often-misunderstood St. Patrick, who wrote the hymn most know as "St. Patrick's Breastplate."...
Hello, Tricounty supporters. I’m so grateful for the support we’ve received from so many of you. We could not continue this ministry without you. Responding to the initial threat of the virus was challenging, and now, as we cautiously start to reopen more of our services, we are seeing a dramatic increase in the number of people who are coming for the first time....
Would you like someone to pray with you, or would you like to request prayer for someone else?...
"For I know that the Lord is great, and that our Lord is above all gods. Whatever the Lord pleases, he does, in heaven and on earth, in the seas and all deeps." Revisit with the Rev. Ryan Streett the theme of cultivating a heart of worship by learning more about the object of our worship, this time reflecting on Psalm 135:5-6 and God's omnipotence, his absolute power versus his ordained power. ...
A Message from the Anglican Diocese of South Carolina: Please keep the family and loved ones of the Very Rev. Dr. Peter Moore, Director of the Anglican Leadership Institute, in your prayers. Peter died on the Eve of Pentecost, May 30, following a battle with cancer. Details for a service have not yet been announced. The following is a message from the Rev. Al Zadig, Rector of St. Michael's Church Charleston, where Peter served as Scholar-in-Residence. ...
"You have forsaken your first love ... Repent, and do the things you did at first." (Revelation 2:4-5.) In today's devotion, the Rev. Marc Boutan reflects on the enthusiasm he expressed in his early days as a "happy-clappy" Christian....
Our preacher this Sunday will be the Rev. Brian K. McGreevy, and we will be celebrating Pentecost, the day the Holy Spirit descended upon the disciples, with Spiritual Communion. You may stream the service at the link below beginning a few minutes before 10:30 with the prelude, or you may choose to watch on our Vimeo or YouTube Channel....
When the trials of this life begin to get you down, whatever those trials may be, remember the words of St. Paul in the 8th chapter of his letter to the Romans: "For I consider that the sufferings of this present time are not worth comparing with the glory that is to be revealed to us."...
"Come, thou fount of ev'ry blessing, tune my heart to sing thy grace." Prepare for Pentecost by stepping back in time to the mid-18th century to meet Robert Robinson, the young troublemaker who would go on to write this great hymn....
We all want to be great. We all want to make a positive impact, no matter our vocation in life. But what does it mean to be great in the sight of the Lord? What did Jesus mean in Matthew chapter 18 when he said we must become like little children to be great in the Kingdom of God?...
If not for the pandemic, many in our parish family would have spent last weekend or a weekend coming up celebrating a loved one's graduation. There would be ceremonies: caps and gowns, deans and diplomas, confetti and car keys (maybe), kisses and hugs from family, and hugs and handshakes from the families of fellow graduates....
"Lift up your heads, O gates; lift them high, O everlasting doors; and the King of glory shall come in." On Sunday, we looked at the Ascension from the point of view of Jesus' departure (Luke 24), but today, see the Ascension from the point of view of his arrival at the gates of Heaven by looking at Psalm 24 with the Rev. Ryan Streett....
"Day by day, oh dear Lord, three things I pray: To see thee more clearly, love thee more dearly, follow thee more nearly..." Visit Wadmalaw Island and sing and pray along with the Rev. Marc Boutan today....
Our preacher this Sunday will be the Rev. Jeffrey S. Miller, and we will be celebrating the Feast of the Ascension. You may stream the service at the link below beginning a few minutes before 10:30 with the prelude, or you may choose to watch on our Vimeo or YouTube Channel. ...
"Love is patient and kind; love does not envy or boast; it is not arrogant or rude." In today's devotion, take a closer look at the context of the familiar words of 1 Corinthians 13 and learn what St. Paul is telling us about the building up of the Church....
Today, on the Feast of the Ascension, the Rev. Brian McGreevy shares some unexpected facts about W. Chatterton Dix, who wrote the profoundly moving words of "Alleluia! Sing to Jesus" in 1866. Alleluia! not as orphans are we left in sorrow now; Alleluia! he is near us, faith believes, nor questions how: Though the cloud from sight received him, when the forty days were o’er, Shall our hearts forget his promise, “I am with you evermore”?...
What must a person do to be saved? Explore Acts chapter 16 with the Reverend Jeff Miller to find Saint Paul's answer to this most important question....
This spring I found a packet of tomato seeds in my desk drawer that was dated 2013. Someone had sent me the seeds in the mail as an advertisement for a survivor supply retailer. They were Heritage tomatoes of the Rutgers variety. Since my dad used to plant that kind every year, I decided to plant the seeds with very little thought that any of the "old" seeds would even sprout. I was not surprised that after a couple of weeks in the flat, I still saw nothing green. ...
Today, work again with the Rev. Ryan Streett at cultivating a heart of worship, this time exploring God's infinitude and our difficulty...
Join the Rev. Marc Boutan on Wadmalaw Island this morning as he shares his appreciation for the flavor of Celtic Christianity and its emphasis on the Trinity. Then sing along to the hymn "Be Thou My Vision," set to the familiar Irish tune "Slane."...
God said to his people, exiled from their homeland in Babylon, “Seek the peace and prosperity of the city to which I have carried you into exile. Pray to the Lord for it, because if it prospers, you too will prosper.” (Jeremiah 29:7) The Rev. Marc Boutan prayed these words in the conclusion to his May 17 sermon: ...
Our preacher this Sunday will be the Rev. Marc R. Boutan. You may stream the service at the link below beginning a few minutes before 10:30 with the prelude, or you may choose to watch on our Vimeo or YouTube Channel....
Many are eager for our church to get back to business as usual. Join the Rev. Andrew O'Dell today as he reflects on moving forward faithfully, using Joshua 1:9 and Galatians 6:2 as a guide....
Today, take a closer look with the Rev. Brian McGreevy at the imagery of one of the great hymns of the church, one that dates as far back as the 6th or 7th century. Within the words of "At the Lamb's High Feast We Sing," you will find the explanation of God's love and the wonder of what Jesus accomplished on the cross....
Dear St. Philip’s Family, This past week, Bishop Lawrence announced to the clergy of our diocese a new set of guidelines intended to direct the next phase of our worship planning in response to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. These guidelines go into effect on May 17 for all parishes hoping to resume public worship. It is important to understand that these are guidelines and not a one-size-fits-all solution for every parish in the Anglican Diocese of South Carolina. The following excerpts are of particular importance:...
Join the Rev. Jeff Miller for a reflection on John Chapter 12, verses 1-8: The Anointing of Jesus by Mary of Bethany. What can we learn from the example of Mary, the woman who was always found sitting at the Lord’s feet?...
“Hi, Miss Em!” “Hello, Carole!” “I like that painting behind you, Cam!” “Why can’t I see everybody’s faces?” “You have to click on gallery view.” “Are you really in Nebraska?” These are samples of conversations among those who joined the Rector's Thursday Bible study last week. Everybody was so happy to be together again, and many signed on early so that they could chat. At the end of the study another opportunity was given for people to visit. What joy we all experienced to be connected this way on the marvel of Zoom....
Knowing something about God, the object of our worship, is one way to begin to cultivate a heart of worship, and we can learn a lot about God through the psalter. Take a look at Psalm 27:4 with the Rev. Ryan Streett this morning and explore the beauty of God....
In today's reflection, the Rev. Marc Boutan offers you Andrew Peterson and Ben Shive's "Is He Worthy?". "Does our God intend to dwell again with us? He does."...
Our preacher this Sunday will be the Rev. Andrew R. O'Dell. You may stream the service at the link below beginning a few minutes before 10:30 with the prelude, or you may choose to watch on our Vimeo or YouTube Channel....
The apostle Paul said in his letter to Timothy: "I urge that supplications, prayers, intercessions, and thanksgivings be made for all people, for kings and all who are in high positions, that we may lead a peaceful and quiet life." Join the Rev. Andrew O'Dell as he reflects on these different types of prayer and the importance of praying for ALL of our leaders....
On the National Day of Prayer, the Rev. Brian McGreevy shares the story of Henry Lyte, who wrote the great hymn "Praise, My Soul, the King of Heaven" and many others following a revival of his faith....
Join the Rev. Jeff Miller today for a reflection on the parable of the Good Samaritan from Luke 10. “It’s only because Jesus was the Good Samaritan to us that we are empowered and given the strength to be good samaritans to others.”...
I did it! I stepped out and volunteered my time and energy to help prepare food for the weekly giveaway at Tricounty Family Ministries. My job today: prepping peanut butter and jelly sandwiches to be given out tomorrow! Could there be a better job for a mother of three boys than prepping PB&J?...
"For you are with me." While people use many different psalms in times of trial and adversity, Psalm 23 is often reserved for the lowest valley, the sharpest pain. In today's reflection with the Rev. Ryan Streett, take a closer look at what's at the heart of this strong medicine for the weary soul....
God is a loving father, and he loves YOU. Today, the Rev. Marc Boutan shares the ways he stays in God's love, including reading his Bible as well as messages rooted in Scripture, and he offers up Pat Barrett and Tony Brown's "You're a Good, Good Father."...
Our preacher this Sunday will be the Rev. Ryan T. Streett. You may stream the service at the link below beginning a few minutes before 10:30 with the prelude, or you may choose to watch on our Vimeo or YouTube Channel....
The apostle Paul writes in 1 Timothy 1:12, "I thank him who has given me strength, Christ Jesus our Lord, because he judged me faithful, appointing me to his service." Check in today with the Rev. Andrew O'Dell, who is offering some encouragement and guidance to all, especially those whose well might be dry during these stressful times....
"I nothing lack if I am his, and he is mine forever." In preparation for Good Shepherd Sunday, the Fourth Sunday of Easter, explore with the Rev. Brian McGreevy the history and meaning of the great hymn "The King of Love My Shepherd Is," a mixture of Psalm 23 and the great Good News of Jesus himself being our Shepherd....
Join the Rev. Jeff Miller as we read Mark 1:40-45 and consider the account of Jesus healing a man with leprosy. What does this story teach us about Jesus Christ, the Great Physician?...
St. Philip’s Children’s Choir program brings together almost one hundred children who actively serve the Lord in rehearsals on a weekly basis September through May. The joy and love of serving the Lord in song begins early at St. Philip’s with the three- and four-year-olds of the Cherub Choir. These children grow in their love of the Lord and in their service to the Lord in song throughout their many years in the choir program. During the last two years, the Canterbury and St. David Choirs were involved in mission trips, singing at the convention of the American Choral Directors Association in Louisville, Kentucky, on February 22, 2018, a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for these choristers....
Explore with the Rev. Ryan Streett Psalm 119:9,11. We all know to use our Bible in the midst of trials and difficulty, but do you know that it's more important to use it as a tool in preparing for those times?...
"My grace is sufficient; my power is made perfect in your weakness." Join the Rev. Marc Boutan on breezy Wadmalaw Island as he illustrates the message of 2 Corinthians 12:9 with Dennis Jernigan's "You Are My All in All."...
I’m so excited to report to you that yesterday at our food distribution, we served 129 individuals by giving out 229 bags of groceries, along with toiletry kits and diapers, and helped to feed 420 people. But more than the numbers, the true story was in the faces of the people we served: the joy on the face of a mom who wasn’t sure if we would have diapers to share, the relief of a man who requested ready-to-eat food, the excitement of the kid who was riding his bike down our street and got to take groceries home to his family. We are making a difference, one life at a time, and that is how we will rebuild our community....
This morning, take a closer look with Brian McGreevy at one of the oldest Easter hymns, "That Easter Day With Joy Was Bright," which has been used in worship since at least the 8th century and is likely even older than that....
A note from Kara Stewart, Executive Director of Tricounty Family Ministries: I hope that you are all safe and healthy in these extraordinary times. Tricounty has experienced many challenges with the spread of the virus in our community. We shut down our services, including our food distribution, out of an abundance of caution. Most of our staff and many of our volunteers fall in the higher-risk categories, and so we wanted to protect everyone from this deadly virus. We have spent the last three weeks strategizing, learning more about the virus and its spread, seeking guidance on safety protocol, and thinking creatively about how we can pursue our mission to provide basic needs during this crisis....
For quite a while now, this small, humble poster (“laminated” with clear boxing tape) has been strategically positioned on a counter in our kitchen where we prepare tea and coffee. It’s been there long enough that I’ve forgotten the details of why I originally made it and placed it there. Time and again, it has caught my eye at just the moment when I am tempted to worry about someone or something....
John 14:26: "The Helper, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in My name, He will teach you all things and bring to your remembrance all things that I said to you." What does Scripture say about the Holy Spirit? John 14-16 tells you a lot. I suggest you study and meditate on these chapters. Here are a few more job descriptions to ponder: He is equal with the Father and the Son (Matthew 28:19-20). He has a mind and knows the will of God (Romans 8:27). He leads (Acts 16:10). He speaks (Acts 8:29). He loves (Romans 15:30). He prays for us (Romans 8:26). He is the Spirit of truth (John 14:17)....
On Thursday of Easter Week, explore with the Rev. Brian McGreevy how "Come, Ye Faithful, Raise the Strain," a glorious hymn written by St. John of Damascus in the 700s, encourages us to live in the light and joy of the Resurrection....
If we are honest, I think it would be safe to say that most of us are focused on our own needs at this incredibly unpredictable and challenging time. Some are out of work, parents are having to homeschool for the first time, some are sick with the virus, and all of us are experiencing a level of uncertainty like none before. Yet while we here in America are facing this difficult time, let’s consider the level of need in the lands where we have beloved ministry partners...
I spent Maundy Thursday reading Exodus 11 & 12 plus the final chapters of the four Gospels, beginning with the Passover meal in Jerusalem celebrated by Jesus with his disciples that was his Last Supper, continuing on to his crucifixion and then concluding with his resurrection and ascension. In conjunction with the readings, I prayed for all of us and for our families and loved ones, that all may be protected during this time of disease, that the blood of the lamb shall “be on the houses where you are…and no plague will befall you to destroy you.” (Exodus 12:13)....
Dear Friends, As we continue our way through Holy Week, I trust you are benefitting from the Daily Devotions offered by the clergy. Although they are a far cry from the services we customarily offer, I hope you find them to be a blessing and encouragement. As I mentioned in an earlier communication, we will not be offering a Maundy Thursday service this year, but we will be broadcasting the Good Friday liturgy at noon tomorrow, April 10, and an Easter service on April 12 at 10:30 a.m. ...
On Maundy Thursday, explore with the Rev. Brian McGreevy one of the great hymns of the church, "Pange Lingua," which has been sung faithfully by Christians in the midst of plague, war, and every single horror the human race has endured since it was written in the year 569....
If you are anything like us, you are finding the Sunday morning St. Philip's services an enormous blessing during these days of uncertainty and isolation! At the end of a long week where bad news seems to abound, it has been so reassuring and comforting to hear some good news on Sunday mornings...
Dear St. Philip’s Family, During this time of isolation, the members of the clergy and staff want to stay connected with you and continue to meet your spiritual needs. We realize there is a great deal of anxiety and fear, and being separated from your church family can be particularly painful. In an effort to best serve you, we have compiled a questionnaire that we hope you will take the time to complete. Rather than speculate as to what you need at this time, we are eager to hear from you! ...
If there was ever a time to pray, it's NOW. There are so many things that need prayer coverage that it's hard to know where to start. First of all, it's vital that you start by enriching your own prayer life. During this time when we are quarantined at home, perhaps you can increase your dedicated time with Him in prayer....
In the midst of this time of uncertainty, I hope you are well. May you find safe shelter not only in “social distancing,” but especially in drawing close to Him who is our true Dwelling Place...
St. Philip’s is assembling a response team for our church members while we are all experiencing the challenges of COVID-19. This is a united effort of the Compassion Committee, the Home Missions Team, the Disaster Relief Committee, and our clergy. We are here to help each other!...
We celebrated Mission Sunday last week and had the opportunity to highlight the many ways that we as a congregation at St. Philip's are “doing mission,” or reaching out to others with the love of God in the name of Jesus by the power of the Holy Spirit. Mission is an integral part of what God calls us to do as Christ-followers. While the Great Commission is commonly thought to be the Bible’s one mandate to mission, if we read scripture carefully, we will hear God’s heart for the world woven powerfully throughout all of the Bible. Jesus’ command that we take the Gospel to those who have not yet heard it was not simply an afterthought at the end of his earthly ministry. It was a continuation of the message we find consistently throughout Scripture: God loves us. Despite our rebellion, He went to unfathomable lengths to make it possible for us to know Him and His great love for us and for us to be with Him for all eternity. ...
Dear St. Philip’s family, This past week of social distancing has been a surreal and difficult experience for the majority of Americans. Many are beginning to think that if the coronavirus doesn’t get them, “Cabin Fever” will. Not since World War II or the polio epidemic of the 1940s and 50s have the American people been so inconvenienced or threatened with long-term confinement and financial ruin. It reminds me of the following story shared by the Very Reverend Laurie Thompson, Dean of Trinity Seminary. ...
We dotted all our I's and crossed all our T's; we had every hair in place and all our ducks in a row, but we weren't prepared ... for breaking the Internet! Thanks to everyone who joined us for worship on Sunday! Even though the service didn't come to your living room in quite the mode we were expecting, you were unfazed, and most of us were able to worship together just as we'd planned. Praise God!! Here's a note we received from our streaming platform on Sunday afternoon: Church Online Platform When the Church broke the Internet. This is an unprecedented time for the global Church and for online ministry. For most churches running the Church Online Platform, services went smoothly, and we praise Jesus for the lives that were forever changed! For some churches, though, services went out around 9:15 a.m. CDT/10:15 EDT. In anticipation of the highest-traffic weekend in history, the team had done in-depth load testing and purchased additional server and database capacity to meet the projected demand. But, with today’s traffic, an unanticipated variable arose that caused some issues with chat and with pages loading....
Last Thursday, March 12, the jet landed in Charleston carrying our returning members of the St. Philip’s––St. Michael’s mission team to LAMB in Honduras. What a fantastic week! Mission accomplished: ninety dental patients treated––mostly children and some adult support staff––at the LAMB Children’s Home in San Buenaventura, and two buildings on site painted to completion. From an earthly perspective, the trip was a resounding success. It is, however, the spiritual blessings that each team member received that will remain with us forever. ...
I wasn’t quite sure what to expect of this talk on a Wednesday evening at St. Philip’s, except that it would be relatively short and sweet. Really, the word “doubters” in the title caught my attention. I have many people in my life who question the Christian faith and some who claim to be atheists, so I attended hoping to pick up a few tools in defense of the faith that I love. I was not disappointed. Listening to Dr. Dickson of Sydney deliver his carefully concise message, his humor woven throughout with his Strayan accent and lingo, I was delightfully entertained. He discussed what exactly the basis of our Christian faith is and proceeded to clarify and dissect the Apostle’s Creed. Now, although I’ve been reciting the Creed since my youth, he explained some things I had never realized about the three fundamental beliefs in the Apostle’s Creed that unify all Christians....
Hello, Tricounty Family Ministries supporters. Due to the new information about the spreading virus, we have made the decision to suspend our normal services through the end of the month. All regular volunteer duties are suspended through March 31. We would like to be able to pass out emergency grocery supplies on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, and we can set up a safe distribution area outside. Unfortunately, most of our regular staff and volunteers are over the age of 50 and at increased risk for complications due to the virus. In order to continue our grocery distribution, I am looking for volunteers who are under the age of 50 and in good health. ...
Dear St. Philip’s Family, Yesterday afternoon, Bishop Lawrence ordered the closure of all churches in the Diocese for the next two weeks in an effort to comply with the government’s call for social distancing to combat the spread of the Coronavirus. In compliance with that directive, ALL activities at St. Philip’s Church are cancelled, effective immediately, through March 31. Like many of you, I am very disappointed that it has come to this–– especially during the Lenten Season––but I understand that extraordinary measures are required, and I fully support the decisions of those in authority. ...
Dear St. Philip’s Family, We all share a justifiable anxiety about the threat posed by the spread of the novel coronavirus, and as your Rector, I want to assure you that we are monitoring the situation closely and saying our prayers daily. We are also taking some precautionary measures to ensure the safety and health of our parishioners in worship. We believe that God is the sovereign Lord of the universe and that none of this has taken Him by surprise, but we also recognize our need to be responsible citizens and to care for the most vulnerable members of our community. To that end, we will be implementing the following changes to our worship and parish schedule effective this Sunday....
Last Thursday, March 5, our St. David Choir, which is composed of mixed voices 7th-grade and above, sang the Welsh national anthem and other Welsh pieces at a banquet for the St. David Society at the Carolina Yacht Club for the 21st consecutive year, the 13th with director Jolene Hethcox. Along with the rest of St. Philip’s children’s choirs, this dedicated group will also be singing during the 10:30 service this Sunday, March 15. ...
“There is no way I could relate to or be effective with clients here.” That was my initial reaction when I finally agreed to go in to volunteer at the Lowcountry Pregnancy Center. After years of supporting them in other ways and then being encouraged to actually volunteer by a friend who had served on the board, I decided to answer that call with the idea that I could offer to do clerical volunteer services (a much needed offering). After an interview, when the director said she felt I was best suited to be trained as a volunteer counselor with the clients coming in for pregnancy testing and counseling, the above was my reaction. ...
Several hundred men from St. Philip’s, churches across the state, and as far away as Kenya attended the Christian Men’s Conference at Camp St. Christopher February 21-23. I was blessed to be among them. The theme of this year’s conference was “The Father’s Blessing,” and the goal was for the weekend to be “a time of blessing for all men, young and old, in order that all men may thus be transformed and more fully equipped to build God’s kingdom, man to man.” Anglican Chaplain to the Corps of Cadets at The Citadel Rob Sturdy, looking like an apostle with his full beard and long, bushy hair, brought a passionate and well researched message over four sessions. Rob talked about the cultural view of masculinity being precarious: hard to earn and easy to lose versus the biblical view of masculinity being a gift from God. He talked about God being present, proud, and pleased with his son, Jesus, when he was baptized by John and how this blessing is extended to each of us just because we belong to him....
Last Thursday night at the Country Club of Charleston, over 150 people gathered together in fellowship to celebrate 25 years of mission and ministry service on the island of La Gonâve in Haiti. Our “Friends of Haiti” sponsors and guests, who so graciously supported the event, viewed photos, heard stories and testimonials, sang songs, and celebrated the many blessings of St. Jean Baptiste’s sister-church relationship over the years with St. Philip’s Church, Haitian American Partnership Program, Inc. (HAPPI), Haitian Island Ministries (HIM), and La Gonâve Haiti Partners. ...
I went to Porter-Gaud Bible Study on Wednesday not just for pizza and an Australian accent, but also for the wise words of John Dickson. I am the type of person who tends to follow my head not my heart. Therefore, I found the intellectual logic and information that Dr. Dickson offered particularly satisfying....
Grandparents, are you ready to be encouraged and equipped to influence your grandchildren spiritually? To make them disciples of Jesus Christ and to get to know other grandparents who are doing the same thing for their own grandchildren? Join us on Thursdays following the Rector’s Bible Study as we pray and gather in small groups, using the Legacy Coalition’s guide, “Grandparenting Matters.”...
One day in late November, a staff member discovered a crab and a giraffe left behind in the Parlor. They were siblings––we could tell by the way they bickered with each other. We tried to find their home through Instagram, but no one came forward. Some weeks later, we tried again. Still no luck. Although they were doing well with us, clearly trying to be on their best behavior while finding ways to be helpful around the office, we knew they missed their family (and they themselves were surely missed!), so we tried one last time. ...
I had an amazing time at the March for Life even though I was a little nervous going into because I didn’t know everyone going with St. Philip’s (or the other 800,000 people who were there). Just as I arrived at the airport, I received a text saying that our flight was delayed but that we should still head on over, which was an interesting start to my experience. At the airport, we prayed as a group, took lots of pictures, said our goodbyes to parents and loved ones, and headed to our gate. We made it through security even though there was an extra L in Lily’s name on her boarding pass. At the gate, we played Spicy Uno (which is Uno with interactive rules like “no talking when someone puts down a 7” or “slap the pile when someone puts down a 6”) and Catchphrase. ...
Evangelism. Up until one week ago, I was scared of that word. It carries so much meaning, so much responsibility. On Sunday, January 20, Canon J.John came and spoke at the Rector’s Forum and preached that morning. While I was unable to hear his talk at the Rector’s Forum (I’m definitely listening to it this week!), I heard his sermon. It was so spirit-filling and encouraging that I knew I had to attend his talk the following Tuesday. ...
When my son was in a terrible car accident in 2011, his life was in the balance, and with one phone call, the St. Philip’s prayer chain was alerted and I was able to get many people praying fast. I believe that through these prayers and many more throughout his recovery, he was saved and is now healed. St. Philip’s has had a prayer chain for about the last twenty years, and many of us have taken great comfort in knowing that our situation is getting prayed over “right now.” But now we have a new and improved prayer chain....
If you know of a parishioner who is sick, hospitalized, homebound, or otherwise in need of pastoral care or prayer, please call the church office at (843) 722-7734. ...
In only the second game they've played (two were rained out and one was forfeited), the St. Philip's adult co-ed softball team, led by team captain Ryan "One-Way" Streett and manager Benjamin Singleton, notched their first win of the season last night! After being down 4-2 after the first inning, the Slayers brought in six runs against the Crushers, establishing a lead they never gave up. Congratulations, St. P's!...
Join us for worship on the Fifth Sunday After Pentecost! The Rev. Justin C. Hare will be preaching; read on for in-person and online options....
Keep ReadingJoin us for worship on the Fourth Sunday After Pentecost! The Rev. Jeffrey S. Miller will be preaching; read on for in-person and online options. ...
Keep Reading“Two priests walk into a bar ...” It sounds more like the beginning of a joke than the beginning of a ministry. But I assure you, Theology on Tap is no joke! Rooted in the convictions that (1) everyone is a theologian (has thoughts about God) and (2) everyone longs for genuine friendships and meaningful conversation (even, perhaps especially, if they don’t go to chur...
Keep ReadingHaiti is going through a very difficult time right now. On May 24, Haiti declared a state of health emergency due to the increase in COVID-19 cases. President Jovenel Moise has been ruling by decree after legislative elections due in 2018 were delayed following disputes on the limits of his term. Moise had even announced plans to hold a constitutional referendum to submit ...
Keep ReadingJoin us for worship on the Third Sunday After Pentecost! The Rev. Brian K. McGreevy will be preaching; read on for in-person and online options....
Keep ReadingJoin us for worship on the Second Sunday After Pentecost! The Rev. Andrew R. O'Dell will be preaching; read on for in-person and online options....
Keep ReadingWhether they’ve got their diplomas in hand or they haven’t yet walked across that stage, St. Philip’s high school and college seniors are busy planning their next steps. Jackson Ayers, who graduated from Porter-Gaud on Saturday, is excited to see what God has planned for him during the next four years at Clemson. He’s thankful for the entire St. Philip’s commu...
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