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Archives for March 2022

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St. Philippians Attend Lowcountry Pregnancy Center’s Annual Fundraising Banquet

News--LPC banquet

Last Thursday evening, over thirty St. Philippians joined close to 1,000 others for Lowcountry Pregnancy Center’s Annual Fundraising Banquet at the Charleston Area Convention Center. The keynote speaker was Ryan Bomberger, pro-life and adoption advocate, author, international public speaker, and Emmy Award-winning creative professional who co-founded the Radiance Foundat...

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Record-Setting Walk for Water

News--Walk for Water 2022

It was a beautiful morning for this year’s Walk for Water at Riverfront Park in North Charleston! The walk began at 9:00, but the St. Philip’s youth group and leaders had been chosen to supervise the children’s area, so they started out the morning at 7:45, doing crafts, playing games, making huge bubbles, and applying Walk for Water tattoos to anyone who requested t...

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Worship With Us on the Fourth Sunday in Lent


Worship with us on the Fourth Sunday in Lent! The Rev. Andrew R. O'Dell is preaching; read on for in-person and online worship details. ...

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Prayers for Ukraine from Rwanda

News--prayers for Ukraine

When the war in Ukraine burst upon the global stage, many Americans were stunned by the tragic events occurring there. Even in distant places like Rwanda, reports of the Ukrainians’ blistering reality have spewed out like shock waves into their homes. Many Rwandese have only recently learned about the ethnic connections between the Ukrainians and their Russian families a...

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Families, Are You Ready for the Lenten Jesus Storybook Bible Challenge?

News--JSB Challenge

St. Philip’s families, as we get ready to enter into the liturgical season of Lent, I want to challenge you to read the Bible together as a family. New Lenten disciplines can feel like New Year’s resolutions, something that we start with the best of intentions but usually don’t follow through with. Therefore, I am encouraging you to choose a level of the challenge th...

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Worship With Us on the Third Sunday in Lent!

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Worship with us on the Third Sunday in Lent! The Rev. Jeffrey S. Miller, Rector, is preaching; read on for in-person and online worship details. ...

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Welcome to the St. Philip’s Music Team, Zippy Hood!


We are very happy to announce that Alexandra “Zippy” Hood is going to be joining the St. Philip’s ministry staff this summer as the Associate Music Director! In the music department’s March 15 video announcement, Zippy said, “One of the things I love about life is getting to know our community. I love getting to know our children, the people here, the familie...

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Abundant Blessings During the LAMB Board Mission to Honduras

News--LAMB Board

At the end of February, five St. Philippians who sit on the board of the LAMB Institute, one of St. Philip’s world mission partners, journeyed to Honduras: Susan Keller, Guv and Tammy Gottshalk, and my wife, Elizabeth, and I. Board member Joanna Macmurphy was involved with upcoming wedding festivities and was unable to make the trek to Tegucigalpa....

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Guest Preacher on Sunday: The Most Rev. Dr. Foley T. Beach

events--guest preacher foley beach

Worship with us on the Second Sunday of Lent! The Most Reverend Doctor Foley T. Beach, Archbishop of the Anglican Church in North America, is preaching at both services and speaking at the Rector's Forum; read on for in-person and online worship details. ...

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House of Prayer March Prayer Points

News--House of Prayer Richards

My house shall be called a house of prayer for all nations.”––Isaiah 56:7 “The effective fervent prayers of a righteous man avails much.”––James 5:16a Answered Prayers 1. For the increase in all of our services. 2. For the new members of the vestry. 4. For the well-attended annual meeting. 5. Thanksgiving that COVID-19 seems to be getting un...

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10:30 Worship, Brunch, and Annual Meeting on Sunday!

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Worship with us on the First Sunday in Lent! The Rev. William K. Christian is preaching; read on for in-person and online worship details. ...

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