The sanctuary and graveyard are currently closed to visitors due to construction and renovations taking place as part of our Shine the Light capital campaign.

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Archives for May 2022

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Worship With Us on the Seventh Sunday of Easter!

Jeff Miller 2022

Worship with us on the Seventh Sunday of Easter, the Sunday After Ascension Day! The Rev. Jeffrey S. Miller is preaching; read on for in-person and online worship details. ...

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Worship with us on the Sixth Sunday of Easter!


Worship with us on the Sixth Sunday of Easter! The Rev. Andrew R. O'Dell is preaching; read on for in-person and online worship details. ...

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Congratulations to Our Graduates!

Events--Senior Recognition Graduate

O Eternal God, bless all schools, colleges, and universities, that they may be lively centers for sound learning, new discovery, and the pursuit of wisdom; and grant that those who teach and those who learn may find you to be the source of all truth; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen....

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Senior Send-Off on Senior Recognition Sunday

News--Senior Recognition

During the 10:30 service on Sunday, May 22, our high school seniors were invited up for a gift, Rebecca McLaughlin’s Confronting Christianity, and a blessing given by youth minister David Gilbert:...

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Through the Narrow Gate

Bob Kunes 500x333

During the week of the 2022 Tea Room, the Open Door Ministry at St. Philip’s kept the sanctuary open for prayer and visits from 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. each day. On Wednesday, I served as a greeter with Penn Hagood from 1:00 to 4:00 p.m. If you had asked me before we began how many visitors I anticipated might come in that three-hour window, I probably would have said...

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The Growth of Spiritual Life

News--Avents Spiritual Growth

I don’t always find it to be so, but this Lent was a challenging season of self-examination that continues. However, in a recent moment of quiet, the Lord impressed upon me a very uplifting analogy between our spiritual lives and the physical pattern of conception, pregnancy, and birth....

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Worship With Us on the Fifth Sunday of Easter!

News--Ryan Streett

Worship with us on the Fifth Sunday of Easter! The Rev. Ryan T. Streett, Rector of Holy Trinity Anglican Church in Madison, MS, and former Assistant for Young Adult and College Ministry at St. Philip's, is preaching. Read on for in-person and online worship details. ...

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House of Prayer: May Prayer Points

News--House of Prayer Richards

Answered Prayers: 1. For wonderful participation in all of the Holy Week and Easter services. 2. For the State Supreme Court decision that found in favor of St. Philip’s and 13 other churches to keep their properties. 3. For the wonderful success of the Tea Room outreach. 4. For the successful completion of the Foundations class. 5. For the 40-plus adults confirmed ...

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Worship With Us on the Fourth Sunday of Easter!

Brian McGreevy 2019-500x333

Worship with us on the Fourth Sunday of Easter! The Rev. Brian K. McGreevy is preaching; read on for in-person and online worship details. ...

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Mission Update: La Gonâve Haiti Partners

News--Haiti Spring 2022

Our sister church, St. Jean Baptiste, along with the other nine churches on the island of La Gonâve in Haiti, are pressing forward with miraculous progress in spite of the lingering pandemic and travel restrictions, tragic political unrest and violence, food and medical insecurities, and severe drought. Truly we have witnessed the power of the Holy Spirit over the past tw...

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