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ACNA Hymnal Commission Creates Music Resource Task Force

News--Music ACNA

The twelve-member Hymnal Commission, which was chartered at the June 2023 Meeting of the College of Bishops, met at St. Mark’s Church in Arlington, Texas, from November 13-15. Our task was to develop a process that would produce a Hymnal for the Anglican Church in North America....

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The Gift of Mac and Cheese

News--Mac and Cheese

My son, Cash (yes, his name is Cash), had been wanting to earn more money to purchase the essentials of a 9-year-old: candy, video game bucks, and Pokémon cards. But I knew if I continued to give my hardworking son odd jobs around the house, I would soon be bankrupt. Fortunately, a divine opportunity appeared. One of our wonderful neighbors asked Cash to mow the lawn. (He...

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A Letter to the Supporters of La Gonâve Haiti Partners

News--La Gonave Haiti

Dear La Gonâve Haiti Partners, As we begin a New Year of mission and service on behalf of our friends and colleagues on La Gonâve island, I want to start by saying “Thank you.” Thank you for your continued commitment to our Haitian brothers and sisters through your prayers and your gifts of time, energy, and financial resources. These have been considerable ov...

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Bishop Grant LeMarquand, Mission Sunday Guest Preacher and Speaker


The Rt. Rev. Grant LeMarquand is a native of Montreal, Canada. He gave his life to Christ while in high school in a somewhat dramatic fashion (long story) and has sought to be a grateful follower of Jesus ever since. ...

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Christmas Letter from Père Vile

News--Pere Vil

Christmas is a special time to wish happy holidays and a happy new year to those who are dear to us. It is one of the magical and wonderful times to express our gratitude toward all those who have done good things for us. Aware of your love for the people of La Gonâve and the impact of your ministry in their life, I would like on their behalf, in this special season of r...

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Tricounty Family Ministries October Update

News--Kara Stewart Tricounty

A message from the Rev. Kara Joy Stewart, Executive Director of Tricounty Family Ministries. Our neighbors’ needs continue to increase. On October 7 we served 194 families. On October 14, we served 204 families. And we set another record for number of families served in one day on October 21: 263 families....

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Prioleau Alexander's "Feet in the Vineyard: Al Phillips" from Carolina Compass

News--Al Phillips

Many successful businessmen reach the peak of their church service when they assume the vaunted role of usher. This is not the men’s fault, of course — it is a tradition stretching back more than 2,000 years to when a little-known apostle named Fred served as the usher for the Last Supper, then slipped out before communion....

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Letter from the Rev. Kara Stewart: Update From Tricounty

News--Kara Stewart Tricounty

This week we came close to breaking our record for number of families served during the pandemic. We stayed open longer than usual to accommodate the crowds––204 families came to us for help. Thanks to your generosity, we were able to share canned goods, fresh produce, frozen meat, breads, milk, and cooked meals. We also were able to share bagged lunches made by our pa...

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July Update on Tricounty's Volunteer Schedule and Donation Needs

News--Kara Stewart Tricounty

Hello, Tricounty Family Ministries family. This week’s numbers continued to decline, if only by a little. We served 153 families which supported the lives of 503 family members. Thanks to our amazing volunteers in the kitchen, we were able to share 304 cooked meals to-go, in addition to 88 sandwiches we shared. Our new method of clothing distribution is beginning t...

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Preparing for Hurricane Season During COVID-19: Volunteers Continue Life-Saving Work

News--Water Mission Gene Lesesne

The first day of June marked the official start of hurricane season and according to experts, the season is off to a historically fast start. Natural disasters are occurring more often and with more severity than ever before. According to the United States Geological Survey, more droughts and intense storms are expected. ...

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Bishop Lawrence Calls For a Bishop Coadjutor

News--Bishop Lawrence

On July 9, 2020, the Rt. Rev. Mark J. Lawrence, who has served as the Bishop of The Anglican Diocese of South Carolina since January 2008, announced his plans to call for a Bishop Coadjutor who will step into the role of Bishop of the Diocese at some time in the next 18 to 24 months....

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Updated Donation and Volunteer Needs

News--Tricounty Family Ministries

Hello, Tricounty community. This past week we served record numbers of families. On Wednesday, we saw 186 families and at our first Second Saturday food distribution, we saw 73 families. We were blessed to be able to support so many families – over 800 people in their households! But now our food panty shelves are bare. We expect to receive black beans and cereal from...

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A Letter from Tricounty Family Ministries: Thank You, St. Philippians!

News--Kara Stewart Tricounty

Dear St. Phillip’s Church partners, We are so grateful for your support in collecting food last week for our ministry. Our shelves were bare and we were facing a dilemma, not knowing how we would care for the families who would be coming to us on Wednesday. You responded with an overwhelming outpouring of compassion in action with your donations of food and grocery ba...

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Volunteer Opportunities and Donation Needs at Tricounty

News--Kara Stewart Tricounty

Hello, Tricounty supporters. I’m so grateful for the support we’ve received from so many of you. We could not continue this ministry without you. Responding to the initial threat of the virus was challenging, and now, as we cautiously start to reopen more of our services, we are seeing a dramatic increase in the number of people who are coming for the first time....

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The Death of the Very Rev. Dr. Peter Moore

Events––Peter Moore 2

A Message from the Anglican Diocese of South Carolina: Please keep the family and loved ones of the Very Rev. Dr. Peter Moore, Director of the Anglican Leadership Institute, in your prayers. Peter died on the Eve of Pentecost, May 30, following a battle with cancer. Details for a service have not yet been announced. The following is a message from the Rev. Al Zadig, ...

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Update from Tricounty Family Ministries

News--Kara Stewart Tricounty

I’m so excited to report to you that yesterday at our food distribution, we served 129 individuals by giving out 229 bags of groceries, along with toiletry kits and diapers, and helped to feed 420 people. But more than the numbers, the true story was in the faces of the people we served: the joy on the face of a mom who wasn’t sure if we would have diapers to share, th...

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Tricounty Family Ministries Resumes Food Distribution

News--Tricounty Family Ministries

A note from Kara Stewart, Executive Director of Tricounty Family Ministries: I hope that you are all safe and healthy in these extraordinary times. Tricounty has experienced many challenges with the spread of the virus in our community. We shut down our services, including our food distribution, out of an abundance of caution. Most of our staff and many of our volunteer...

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Global Day of Fasting and Prayer: How's Your Peripheral Vision?


From Christian Grandparenting Network: Have you ever noticed how myopic our vision of who God is and what He is doing can become in life? Our regular routines, including those routines related to our faith journey can make us so nearsighted that we fail to see the divine appointments God places right along our life path. That's why we need those times in life when we can r...

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Tricounty Family Ministries Needs

News--Tricounty Family Ministries

Hello, Tricounty Family Ministries supporters. Due to the new information about the spreading virus, we have made the decision to suspend our normal services through the end of the month. All regular volunteer duties are suspended through March 31. We would like to be able to pass out emergency grocery supplies on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, and we can set up a sa...

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Guest Preacher and Speaker This Week and Next: The Rev. Dr. John Dickson

News--John Dickson

John thinks, writes, and speaks for a living. His journey has been an eclectic one. Starting out as the singer-songwriter for the 90s rock band In the Silence, he now works as an author and academic with a busy international speaking schedule (occasionally dabbling in his love of music). John is committed to delivering creative, engaging content, grounded in careful ...

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Water Mission’s 2019 At A Glance: 600,000 People Received Safe Water, 4,700 Walked for Water, and Mo

Water Mission 2019 recap

If you prayed, volunteered your time, gave a gift, or supported Water Mission in other ways throughout the past year, then you helped us serve more than 600,000 people with safe water, sanitation, and hygiene solutions in 2019. Together, we were the hands and feet of Christ. We… • completed safe water projects in 182 communities and 20 countries, • provided des...

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ACNA Assembly 2019 and the Call to Discipleship

ACNA Assembly 2019

From Monday, June 17 to Wednesday, June 19, the Anglican Church in North America held its Provincial Assembly on the heels of Provincial Council. Assembly, which meets at least once every five years, is the largest governing body of the province. With it comes a conference that brings the Church together for prayer, praise, fellowship, and teaching. At this Assembly, the p...

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Building Up the Local Church in Mexico, by Kausha Luna

Water Mission class

At the end of 2018, Water Mission’s staff in Mexico connected with ASELSI (Associa- tion Equipping the Saints International), a nonprofit organization based in Guatemala. In partnership with Water Mission, ASELSI provides basic theology training to new believers in communities we are serving with safe water projects....

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