The sanctuary and graveyard are currently closed to visitors due to construction and renovations taking place as part of our Shine the Light capital campaign.

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Posts by Penn Hagood

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The Holy Spirit Opens Doors

Penn Hagood 2023

Do you find joy in sharing the love of Jesus Christ? Do you appreciate our beautiful church, her three centuries of faithful ministry and her symbolically meaningful architecture? Would you enjoy sharing our sanctuary with others? Then please come and join St. Philip’s Open Door Ministry, a ministry of Hospitality and Evangelism!...

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Unity in Christ

Penn Hagood

There is much anger and shouting in the world around us. Certain words and concepts are repeated over and over. One particular word encompasses others and has taken root in the culture. That word is Diversity. The cry of the crowd is for “greater diversity,” that “diversity is our strength.” Diversity denotes the division of people into groups based on the differen...

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Maundy Thursday, Good Friday, and Easter Thoughts

News--Hagood Easter Maundy Thursday

I spent Maundy Thursday reading Exodus 11 & 12 plus the final chapters of the four Gospels, beginning with the Passover meal in Jerusalem celebrated by Jesus with his disciples that was his Last Supper, continuing on to his crucifixion and then concluding with his resurrection and ascension. In conjunction with the readings, I prayed for all of us and for our families and ...

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St. Philippian Greek Odyssey: Learning the Extraordinary Persistence of Paul

Greece Hagood nighttime

Traveling to Greece often evokes thoughts of an odyssey. Homer’s adventures of Odysseus’ decade spent “sailing the wine dark sea” longing to journey home to Ithaca remains a riveting tale. Odysseus endured storms and shipwrecks, encountered mythical gods and goddesses, monsters, witches, kings, and princesses. ...

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