January 14, 2025
by Frenchie Richards, St. Philip's Prayer Team
Answered Prayers (Thank You, Lord):
1. For the donations for the Shine the Light Campaign and for St. Philip’s Academy. 2. For our choirs and wonderful Lessons and Carols and Christmas Eve worship. 3. For excellent attendance at the Christmas Eve services. 4. For our clergy, staff, and Vestry. 5. For Nathan Youngman and his work crews restoring our church. 6. For Jim ...
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December 3, 2024
by Frenchie Richards, St. Philip's Prayer Team
“In everything give thanks, for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.” ––I Thessalonians 5:18
This Scripture verse became a real challenge while staying recently in our cabin just north of Asheville, NC.
All weather reports indicated that Helene was expected to move through our area with some rain and wind. No one in the area, much less the mounta...
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November 12, 2024
by Frenchie Richards, St. Philip's Prayer Team
Prayer Ministry
Answered Prayers (Thank You, Lord):
1. For reaching $17,000,000 in donations for the restoration phase of the Shine the Light campaign the beginning of the needed funds for the classical Christian school. 2. For the committees working on plans for the school. 3. For the glorious celebration an investiture of the ACNA’s Archbishop, the Most Rev. Steve Wood. For our cho...
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October 15, 2024
by Frenchie Richards, St. Philip's Prayer Team
Answered Prayers and Thanksgivings (Thank You, Lord):
1. For reaching the Phase One goal of the Shine the Light Campaign. 2. For the donations for St. Philip’s classical Christian school to be established on our campus. 3. For a strong beginning for the union of St. John’s Chapel and Holy Trinity Anglican Church. 4. For Charleston’s protection from the recent hurr...
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September 10, 2024
by Frenchie Richards, St. Philip's Prayer Team
Prayer Ministry
“My house shall be called a house of prayer for all nations.” ––Isaiah 56:7
Answered Prayers (Thank You, Lord):
1. For a glorious Rally Sunday. 2. For the safe return of our clergy and families from summer events. 3. For the propert restoration that is being accomplished for St. Philip’s. 4. For those who have contributed to the Shine the Light Campaign. 5....
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August 13, 2024
by Frenchie Richards, St. Philip's Prayer Team
Prayer Ministry
“My house shall be called a house of prayer for all nations.” ––Isaiah 56:7
“The effective fervent prayers of a righteous man avails much.” ––James 5:16a...
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August 13, 2024
by Frenchie Richards, St. Philip's Prayer Team
Shine the Light Campaign
While I was praying for our Shine the Light campaign recently, Ezra and Nehemiah came to mind. In rereading many of the passages, I was specifically led to the rebuilding of the temple in Ezra and the restoring of Jerusalem’s walls and gates in Nehemiah....
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July 17, 2024
by Frenchie Richards, St. Philip's Prayer Team
Answered Prayers (Thank You, Lord):
1. For the increase in the financial gifts for the Shine the Light Campaign. 2. For continued blessings that Theology on Tuesdays has been for our young people. For Justin and Brian’s leadership. 3. For Guv and Steve’s adult forum series on “Life Changing Prayer” by Jim Cymbala. 4. For the classical Christian school plans. For t...
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April 17, 2024
by Frenchie Richards, St. Philip's Prayer Team
“My house shall be called a house of prayer for all nations.” ––Isaiah 56:7
Give thanks with a grateful heart for our risen Lord!
Answered Prayers:
1. For all the glorious Holy Week and Easter services. 2. For the increase in Shine the Light pledges and donations. 3. For Alan Runyan’s excellent Rector’s Forum teaching series. 4. For the confirmation cl...
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March 12, 2024
by Frenchie Richards, St. Philip's Prayer Team
Answered Prayers (Thank You, Lord):
1. For our new Vestry members. 2. For the increase in Shine the Light donations. 3. For the many newcomers joining St. Philip’s. 4. For the wonderful children’s and adult choirs and for our music team: Zippy, Chris, and Paul. 5. For the many visitors coming through the Open Door Ministry. 6. For the great attendance at the Foundat...
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February 6, 2024
by Frenchie Richards, St. Philip's Prayer Team
Answered Prayers (Thank You, Lord):
1. For the National Prayer Breakfast in Washington, D.C., and other events surrounding it. For the Finlays’ ministry during that week.
2. For Wednesday night services and the growth we are experiencing.
3. For the diocesan clergy wives retreat at Litchfield.
4. For the many new members joining St. Philip’s....
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January 9, 2024
by Frenchie Richards, St. Philip's Prayer Team
Answered Prayers:
1. For the wonderful Christmas services, messages, and worship. 2. For Chris, Paul, and Zippy’s leadership in the music selections, choir instructions, and instrumental additions to the services. 3. For our clergy and their families. 4. For the wonderful open house at the Rectory and for Jeff and Kristin’s hospitality. 5. For a sold-out Mere Anglic...
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December 5, 2023
by Frenchie Richards, St. Philip's Prayer Team
Answered Prayers:
1. For the wonderful attendance and message Dr. Amy Orr-Ewing gave at the ECW fall social. 2. For Connie and her team: for the beautiful and tasty food presented at the fall social. 3. For all the new members of our church. 4. For the Foundations Class and those attending....
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November 7, 2023
by Frenchie Richards, St. Philip's Prayer Team
Answered Prayers and Thanksgivings:
1. For the large number of children who turned out for acolyte training on October 29. 2. For the $12 million already committed for the Shine the Light capital campaign. 3. For those who attended the Spiritual Warfare teaching. 4. For the water purification system sponsored by St. Philip’s and installed in Rwanda. ...
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October 3, 2023
by Frenchie Richards, St. Philip's Prayer Team
Answered Prayers (Thank You, Lord):
1. For the increase in the financial gifts for the Shine the Light campaign.
2. For blessing the new season of Wednesdays Alive! service, supper, and class.
3. For blessing the new seasons of the Rector’s Thursday Bible Study and the Rector’s Forum on Sundays.
4. For the Home Mission Team’s Hope to Home outreach. Thanks...
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September 13, 2023
by Frenchie Richards, St. Philip's Prayer Team
Answered Prayers (Thank You, Lord):
1. For a glorious Rally Sunday. 2. For back to school blessings for the students and teachers. 3. For the safe return from Andrew’s sabbatical and Brian and Bill’s vacations. 4. For the ongoing success of the outreach at Henry’s: Theology on Tap and Mark Finlay’s men’s group. Bless the owner of Henry’s abundantly. 5. For t...
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August 15, 2023
by Frenchie Richards, St. Philip's Prayer Team
Prayer Ministry
Answered Prayers (Thank You, Lord):
1. For the successful La Gonâve Haiti Partners conference held at St. Philip’s. 2. For the successful gathering of grandparents and grandchildren at the beach. Pray for continued guidance for Sandra Anderson and her team. 3. For Guv Gottshalk and Steve Graudin’s adult forum summer series on Israel. 4. For the ongoing success of t...
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July 2, 2023
by Frenchie Richards, St. Philip's Prayer Team
Prayer Ministry
Celebrate the Fourth of July and our freedom!
Answered Prayers (Thank you, Lord):
1. For the safe return of Jeff, Justin, and the 40 participants who went to Israel.
2. For the safe return and successful mission of the young people who went to Honduras.
3. For Martha Vetter's safe return and successful mission to Rwanda.
4. For the children's successful week...
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June 6, 2023
by Frenchie Richards, St. Philip's Prayer Team
Answered Prayers (give thanks with a grateful heart):
1. For the successful outing to Millford Plantation.
2. For the $10 million dollars already committed for the Shine the Light capital campaign.
3. For the high school graduates’ successful completion and placements in the many colleges they will attend.
4. For the great kick-off meeting for the Generations...
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May 9, 2023
by Frenchie Richards, St. Philip's Prayer Team
Prayer Ministry
Answered Prayers (Give thanks with a grateful heart):
1. For Justin’s safe return from the GAFCON Conference. 2. For the $10 million already committed for the Shine the Light capital campaign. 3. For the great kickoff meeting for the Generations Ministry. 4. For the confirmation of 40 young people and 80 adults. Thank you, Al Phillips and Andrew O’Dell....
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April 5, 2023
by Frenchie Richards, St. Philip's Prayer Team
Prayer Ministry
“My house shall be called a house of prayer for all nations.” ––Isaiah 56:7
“The Lord is risen, the Lord is risen indeed.” Happy Easter, everyone!
Answered Prayers (Thank You, Lord. We give you all the glory):
1. Team St. Philip’s 140+ walkers represented 2% of the Walk for Water participants and raised over $10,000 of the $500,000.00 total raised fo...
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March 14, 2023
by Frenchie Richards, St. Philip's Prayer Team
Choir, Prayer
Answered Prayers (Thank You, Lord):
1. That the Parish Annual Meeting was well attended.
2. For the abundant financial blessings in 2022.
3. For the new Vestry members.
4. For the continuing successful attendance of young people at the Theology on Tap ministry.
5. For the children’s choirs (100 children are involved!).
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February 7, 2023
by Frenchie Richards, St. Philip's Prayer Team
1. The Mere Anglican Conference was a HUGE success.
The speakers arrived safely and gave excellent messages.
The organization, volunteers, and every detail were perfect.
The event was sold out and the facilities both at the Music Hall and Hotel worked well....
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January 10, 2023
by Frenchie Richards, St. Philip's Prayer Team
“Behold, I will do a new thing. Now it shall spring forth; Shall you not know it?" ––Isaiah 43:19a
As we begin our new year, let’s ask the Lord to reveal the new things that He is doing so that we can partner with Him.
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December 6, 2022
by Frenchie Richards, St. Philip's Prayer Team
Prayer Ministry
Answered Prayers (Thank You, Lord): 1. For the increase in visitors coming to our Sunday and Wednesday services and for prayer. 2. For Mims Weldon, the new member of our staff. 3. For the fun and successful evening at Brookgreen Gardens, and especially for Bill Christian and Kitty Mullins’s leadership....
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November 1, 2022
by Frenchie Richards, St. Philip's Prayer Team
“My house shall be called a house of prayer for all nations.”––Isaiah 56:7
“The effective fervent prayers of a righteous man avails much.”––James 5:16a
Answered Prayers (Thank You, Lord):
1. For the new volunteers for the Open Door Ministry––they had over 700 people come through the doors last week.
2. For protection from Hurricane Ian, that...
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September 13, 2022
by Frenchie Richards, St. Philip's Prayer Team
“My house shall be called a house of prayer for all nations.” ––Isaiah 56:7
“The effective fervent prayers of a righteous man avails much.” ––James 5:16a
Answered Prayers (Thank You, Lord):
1. For the successful return of our choir members and the folks who supported them by joining them. (Prayer: May their pilgrimage produce tons of fruit for the ...
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August 23, 2022
by Frenchie Richards, St. Philip's Prayer Team
Answered Prayers (Thank You, Lord):
1. For the State Supreme Court’s August 17 ruling, which granted property rights to six of the seven parishes that petitioned for a rehearing.
2. For a wonderful and successful pilgrimage to England for our choir....
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July 12, 2022
by Frenchie Richards, St. Philip's Prayer Team
“My house shall be called a house of prayer for all nations.” ––Isaiah 56:7
“The effective fervent prayers of a righteous man avails much.” ––James 5:16a
Answered Prayers (Thank You, Lord):
1. Good response for the blood drive.
2. Good response continuing for the Theology on Tap outreach.
3. Great attendance at Vacation Bible School....
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June 14, 2022
by Frenchie Richards, St. Philip's Prayer Team
Prayer Ministry
Answered Prayers (Thank You, Lord):
1. Good response for the Spiritual Gifts class (12 attended).
2. Good response for the diaper drive for Lowcountry Pregnancy Center.
3. Good response continuing for the Theology on Tap outreach.
4. Good response for increased volunteers for the Open Door ministry....
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May 10, 2022
by Frenchie Richards, St. Philip's Prayer Team
Answered Prayers:
1. For wonderful participation in all of the Holy Week and Easter services.
2. For the State Supreme Court decision that found in favor of St. Philip’s and 13 other churches to keep their properties.
3. For the wonderful success of the Tea Room outreach.
4. For the successful completion of the Foundations class.
5. For the 40-plus adults confirmed ...
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April 12, 2022
by Frenchie Richards, St. Philip's Prayer Team
“My house shall be called a house of prayer for all nations.” –Isaiah 56:7
“The effective fervent prayers of a righteous man avails much.” James 5:16a
Answered Prayers:
1. For our new assistant sexton, Loretta Williams.
2. For Archbishop Foley Beach’s visit and excellent message.
3. For good news from all of our mission and outreach, both at home...
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March 8, 2022
by Frenchie Richards, St. Philip's Prayer Team
My house shall be called a house of prayer for all nations.”––Isaiah 56:7
“The effective fervent prayers of a righteous man avails much.”––James 5:16a
Answered Prayers
1. For the increase in all of our services.
2. For the new members of the vestry.
4. For the well-attended annual meeting.
5. Thanksgiving that COVID-19 seems to be getting un...
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February 15, 2022
by Frenchie Richards, St. Philip's Prayer Team
“My house shall be called a house of prayer for all nations.”––Isaiah 56:7
“The effective fervent prayers of a righteous man avails much.”––James 5:16a
Answered Prayers
1. Over 50 young people are coming to Theology on Tap every other Tuesday. 20 of them are new to the ministry....
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January 18, 2022
by Frenchie Richards, St. Philip's Prayer Team
“My house shall be called a house of prayer for all nations.” ––Isaiah 56:7
“The effective fervent prayers of a righteous man avails much.” ––James 5:16a
Answered Prayers:
1. For the wonderful Christmas services, worship, live nativity scene and full church at all services. A special thanks for the Lessons and Carols service where we had standing roo...
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December 7, 2021
by Frenchie Richards, St. Philip's Prayer Team
Prayer Points for Local Needs
1. For good health and protection for our clergy and their families and for extra energy for the Advent and Christmas season.
2. For the Dec. 8th hearing by the State Supreme Court. That they would rule in our Diocese’s favor and make the decision quickly. For wisdom and excellent presentation by our lawyers, Alan Runyan and Mitchell Brown...
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November 16, 2021
by Frenchie Richards, St. Philip's Prayer Team
Prayer Points for Local Needs
1. For good health and protection for our clergy and their families.
2. For the Dec. 8th hearing by the State Supreme Court to rule in our diocese’s favor. For wisdom and excellent presentation by our lawyers, Alan Runyan and Mitchell Brown. For protection for them and their families.
3. For the many new people joining our church to...
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October 12, 2021
by Frenchie Richards, St. Philip's Prayer Team
“My house shall be called a house of prayer for all nations.” ––Isaiah 56:7
“The effective fervent prayers of a righteous man avails much.” ––James 5:16a
Prayer Points for Local Needs
1. For good health and protection for our clergy and their families.
2. For God’s choice for our next bishop.
3. For the State Supreme Court to rule in our di...
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September 21, 2021
by Frenchie Richards, St. Philip's Prayer Team
In Isaiah 56:7, the Word of God says, “My house shall be called a house of prayer for all nations.” We have never needed to remember these words more than right now. My hope is that our church will begin to consider the prayer points offered up below for us to pray. James says in 5:16, “The effective fervent prayers of a righteous man avails much.” ...
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April 20, 2020
by Frenchie Richards, St. Philip's Prayer Team
John 14:26: "The Helper, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in My name, He will teach you all things and bring to your remembrance all things that I said to you."
What does Scripture say about the Holy Spirit? John 14-16 tells you a lot. I suggest you study and meditate on these chapters. Here are a few more job descriptions to ponder: He is equal with the Fathe...
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March 31, 2020
by Frenchie Richards, St. Philip's Prayer Team
Prayer Ministry
If there was ever a time to pray, it's NOW. There are so many things that need prayer coverage that it's hard to know where to start.
First of all, it's vital that you start by enriching your own prayer life. During this time when we are quarantined at home, perhaps you can increase your dedicated time with Him in prayer....
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November 5, 2019
by Frenchie Richards, St. Philip's Prayer Team
Home Missions
On November 2, St. John’s Chapel, a mission church of our diocese and one of St. Philip’s home mission partners, had its first community fundraising event. It was well attended and a huge success!unity...
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