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Posts by Jayne Gurley, World Missions Committee

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The Beauty Of God’s Design: Sexuality and Marriage

News--Uganda Gurley Football Soccer Team

In the 20 years leading up to our time in Uganda, I had spoken many times to young audiences about God’s design for love, sex, and relationships. As a high school English teacher and the mother of three daughters, I’d seen what was happening in my students’ and daughters’ peer groups...

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"Do You Have a Bathtub?"

News--Gurley Ukraine

Descending into the Ukrainian air space on a freezing January day, it looked like we were landing in Siberia. Snow enveloped Kharkiv, a city with a population of 2,000,000 located twenty miles south of the Russian border in far eastern Ukraine. After we landed, custom officials placed Tom and me in separate cubicles. Following serious "pat-downs," the husky, unsmiling ...

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A Yellow Legal Pad, a Ugandan Fishing Village, and a Snake!

News--Gurley Uganda

Jesus nudged me to write out the gospel in preparation for a Sharing of Ministries Abroad (SOMA) mission trip to Uganda in May of 2011. On a yellow legal pad I wrote the story of Jesus walking on the shore of Lake Galilee. He watched Simon and Andrew as they cast their nets into the sea and said to them, “Come follow me and I will make you into men who catch people inste...

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