The sanctuary and graveyard are currently closed to visitors due to construction and renovations taking place as part of our Shine the Light capital campaign.

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Posts by Maybank Hagood, Shine the Light Campaign Co-Chair

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Shine the Light Campaign Update

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The work on St. Philip’s spire is encouraging, and we are still early in the process. Seven sections of scaffolding now envelop the spire, and since December, the primary focus was regilding the cross, removing and repairing all four clocks, and inspecting the integrity of the copper roofing. Canning Liturgical Arts of Connecticut performed the cross refurbishment. They ...

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Shine the Light Campaign Report

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Our Shine the Light Campaign is St. Philip’s first capital campaign in twenty-five years. St. Philip’s is undertaking a significant effort to preserve our historic Gospel assets and equip our campus for God’s call to St. Philip’s to be a light to our community and the world. Our last campaign, the 5th Century Fund, allowed us to renovate the Parish House and church...

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