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Posts by Sarah Baldwin, St. Philip's Youth Leader

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Surprise Baby Shower at Senior Send-Off!

News--Baby Shower

Our last senior high night of the ’23-’24 youth group season was marked by surprises, laughter, tears, and amazing fellowship! Our sweet youth groupers threw me a surprise baby shower. I went home with bags of books for Baby Baldwin! My husband and I are so excited to read our son all the wonderful stories that we were gifted....

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Seeing the Cross: Notes on Natural Evangelism


Evangelism. Up until one week ago, I was scared of that word. It carries so much meaning, so much responsibility. On Sunday, January 20, Canon J.John came and spoke at the Rector’s Forum and preached that morning. While I was unable to hear his talk at the Rector’s Forum (I’m definitely listening to it this week!), I heard his sermon. It was so spirit-filling and en...

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St. Philip's Youth "ReGenerate" at Camp St. Christopher

Youth Regenerate Silhouette

Last weekend, high school students from across the Anglican Diocese of South Carolina came together for “ReGenerate,” a weekend retreat at Camp St. Christopher on Seabrook Island. The main verse for the weekend was Philippians 2:8-11, and our speaker, Nate Morgan Locke, a youth evangelist with Christianity Explored Ministries, talked about how sometimes we put on diffe...

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Happy Birthday, Ryan Streett!

College fellowship Streett

This past Wednesday, the young adults of College Fellowship came together to celebrate Ryan’s birthday. As I was looking across the table at everyone in attendance, I came to realize that we were celebrating so much more than Ryan’s birthday. ...

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