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Post Category: Classical Christian School

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St. Philip's Academy Now Accepting Applications for 4K and 5K!

News--STPA Info session

St. Philip’s Academy Open Information Session Attendees Learn About Tuition, Curriculum, and More from Newly Named Primary School Director Trisha Reese One hundred parents and grandparents gathered excitedly in the Parish Hall on Sunday afternoon to hear about St. Philip’s Academy’s plans to open K4 and K5 classrooms for the 2025-2026 school year. They were greete...

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A Revolution at St. Philip’s: Past and Present

News--St. Philip's School Ad

The American Revolution liberated the colonies––but devastated the Anglican Church in America. One of the first casualties of the conflict was the St. Philip’s School. The Bishop of London and its founder, the Society for the Propagation of the Gospel (SPG), immediately cut off all their vital support. South Carolina’s disestablishment of the provincial Anglican Ch...

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Nothing New Under the Sun

News--Classical Christian School

"What has been is what will be, and what has been done is what will be done, and there is nothing new under the sun." ––Ecclesiastes 1:9 On May 5, the Reverend Jeffrey Miller’s exciting announcement that St. Philip’s Church is planning a Classical Christian School contingent upon successful completion of the Shine the Light Campaign was met with exclamations of ...

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A Brief Introduction to Classical Christian Education

News--Classical Christian School

Within the word “educate” is a hidden story that takes us all the way back to the ancient Roman Empire, and then to the Greeks, and even further back to the ancient Hebrews. The word comes from two Latin words: ex and ducare. When put together, they mean “to lead out.”...

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Planning Underway for Classical Christian School as Shine the Light Campaign Seeks to Reach Phase On

News--St. Philips

“Unless the Lord builds the house, those who build it labor in vain.” ––Psalm 127:1 Buoyed by much prayer, the Classical Christian School Planning Committee was delighted to accept the charge of the Vestry to plan a classical Christian school dedicated to raising up students to be ambassadors of Christ steeped in the best traditional and classical learning....

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Momentum Gathers for a Classical Christian School at St. Philip’s

Copy of Special Announcement (930 x 600 px)

The Rev. Jeff Miller’s special announcement and teaching on Sunday, May 5, were particularly exciting for those of us at St. Philip’s who have spent the last several years discussing, praying, hoping, and planning for a classical Christian school that is dedicated to raising up students as ambassadors of Christ steeped in traditional and classical learning. ...

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Cultivating a New Culture: St. Philip’s Begins Planning for a Classical Christian School

News--School Announcement

In 476 A.D., the great Roman Empire, which had brought peace and security to the world, fell to the Barbarians, marking a turning point in western civilization. The Barbarian invasion was able to succeed because after years of economic volatility, power struggles, religious upheaval, poor leadership, porous borders, gratuitous violence, pandemics, and marked moral decline,...

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