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Post Category: Daily Devotions

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Daily Devotion with Jeff Miller: October 22

News--Devotion Miller October 22

Besides Jesus Christ, who was the greatest man in the Bible? Would you think perhaps Moses or Elijah, or someone we know from the New Testament...

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Daily Devotion with Justin Hare: October 20

News--Hare October 20

What does it mean to "live into" one's baptism? Spend a few minutes with the Rev. Justin Hare this morning and learn about this sacrament that, though widely known, is not very well understood. "Almighty and everlasting God, who of thy great mercy saved Noah and his family in the ark from perishing by water, and also safely led the children of Israel through the Red Sea...

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Daily Devotion with Jeff Miller: October 15

News--Miller Devotion October 15

How to vote in November....

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Daily Devotion with Brian McGreevy: October 13

News--Devotion McGreevy October 13

Learn today about another great hymn of the Church, "Christ Is Made the Sure Foundation," which was originally sung in Latin and, after it was written as early as the 500s, was regularly sung at the dedications of new church buildings, including many of the European churches we are familiar with today. The Rev. Brian McGreevy explores the theology of the text and shares so...

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Daily Devotion with Andrew O'Dell: October 8

News--Devotion O'Dell October 8

To make Jesus the cornerstone of your life, you must learn how to communicate with him and get to know him. Today, the Rev. Andrew O'Dell offers you a practical, step-by-step guide to making that happen, no matter where you are on your journey. "Thus says the Lord: 'Let not the wise man boast in his wisdom, let not the mighty man boast in his might, let not the rich man...

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Daily Devotion with Justin Hare: October 6

News--Devotion Hare October 6

In today's devotion, the Rev. Justin Hare expands on the topic of his September 27 sermon, exploring beyond the humiliation to the exaltation of Jesus Christ in Philippians 2:5-11. What encouragement do we get from Jesus' exaltation, beginning with his death on the cross? "Therefore God has highly exalted him and bestowed on him the name that is above every name, so tha...

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Daily Devotion with Andrew O'Dell: October 1

News--Devotion ODell October 1

While St. Paul was imprisoned, he wrote in his letter to the Philippians, "It is my prayer that your love may abound more and more." You may be feeling out of sorts, but don't let that make you ignore God's calling, because if there was ever a time that the people of God need to be the people of God, it's right now....

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Daily Devotion with Brian McGreevy: September 29

News--Devotion McGreevy September 29

Learn today about Joseph Addison, a famed British essayist and the author of Cato...

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Daily Devotion with Brian McGreevy: September 24

News--Devotion McGreevy September 24

Today, the Rev. Brian McGreevy shares the story of Isaac Watts, a prodigy who became perhaps the most prolific hymn writer of England, writing at least 750 hymns after his father, a minister, challenged him to make a change to church music. "When I Survey the Wondrous Cross," like all of Watts's hymns, is loaded with good theology, and it is an intensely personal hymn that...

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Daily Devotion with Justin Hare: September 22

News--Devotion Hare September 22

Today's devotion was recorded in the early days of the COVID-19 pandemic in the United States, and although several months have passed, many are still wondering in this ever-changing landscape: Are we safe? Using Matthew 10:16-31, the Rev. Justin Hare helps us to understand our fear, to actively seek wisdom, and to trust God, in whose hands we are safer than we could ever ...

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