Now is the time for all of our parish family to come together with every gift pledge, large or small, as we celebrate God's work here at St. Philip's and prepare for future ministry. Whether it's a few dollars from a child's lemonade stand or a more substantial gift, every person in our parish family matters, and we want everyone to be part of this generational opportunity to shine the light. If you haven't yet pledged, now is the time--as the old song says, "This little light of mine; I'm going to let it shine!" We need all those lights together to shine brightly for the Gospel!

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Reunited: How Instagram Made a Family Whole Again


One day in late November, a staff member discovered a crab and a giraffe left behind in the Parlor. They were siblings––we could tell by the way they bickered with each other. We tried to find their home through Instagram, but no one came forward. Some weeks later, we tried again. Still no luck. Although they were doing well with us, clearly trying to be on their best ...

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St. Philip’s Church is on Instagram!


St. Philip's joined the world of Instagram on July 2follow us today! Our first post: "St. Philip's apologizes for the temporary ice cream shortage we inadvertently caused during the second pilgrimage to Greece." St. Philip's Ministry to Children and Families and St. Philip's Youth are also on Instagram! https://www.instagr...

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