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2022 Vestry Nominations

News--Vestry Nominiatiions 2022

Dear St. Philip’s family, On March 6th of 2022, we will hold our Annual Parish Meeting. During that meeting, we will elect the next class of leaders to serve on the Vestry. At our September meeting, the Vestry appointed Todd Brown (Senior Warden), Kat Phillips (Junior Warden), Elizabeth Hagood, Robby Marion, Connie Rink, Gantt Folline, Bob Kunes, and Bill Warlick to s...

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"198" Update from the Wardens

198 To Be Great

Dear St. Philippians, On behalf of the clergy, staff, and Vestry of St. Philip’s, we wanted to provide a quick snapshot of our debt retirement campaign launched on April 1. To briefly review, our goal is to raise $113,000 in additional giving above and beyond normal giving before the end of May so that we may fully retire the approximately $197,000 in debt currently on ...

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