The church office is closed through Wednesday, January 22, due to inclement weather. Our regular Wednesdays Alive! service, supper, and class lineup is cancelled this week.
Our canned food drive main collection is this Sunday, and we will continue offering collection in the church office through Friday, January 31.
Worship with us on the Second Sunday of Epiphany! The Rev. William K. Christian III is preaching; read on for in-person and online worship details. ...
St. Philip’s Academy Open Information Session Attendees Learn About Tuition, Curriculum, and More from Newly Named Primary School Director Trisha Reese
One hundred parents and grandparents gathered excitedly in the Parish Hall on Sunday afternoon to hear about St. Philip’s Academy’s plans to open K4 and K5 classrooms for the 2025-2026 school year. They were greeted by members of the Kindergarten Planning Committee: Ben Hagood, Martha Harken, Brendan O’Shea, Molly and Justin Hare, and Trisha Reese, a group that Ben Hagood noted represents 100 years of educational leadership!...
January 14, 2025by Frenchie Richards, St. Philip's Prayer Team
Answered Prayers (Thank You, Lord):
1. For the donations for the Shine the Light Campaign and for St. Philip’s Academy. 2. For our choirs and wonderful Lessons and Carols and Christmas Eve worship. 3. For excellent attendance at the Christmas Eve services. 4. For our clergy, staff, and Vestry. 5. For Nathan Youngman and his work crews restoring our church. 6. For Jim Stelling’s leadership and his team overseeing the construction on our campus. 7. For all the new members joining St. Philip’s. May they feel welcomed. 8. For the 22% increase in the sale of Bibles in the United States in 2024....
January 14, 2025by Maybank Hagood, Shine the Light Campaign Co-Chair
The work on St. Philip’s spire is encouraging, and we are still early in the process. Seven sections of scaffolding now envelop the spire, and since December, the primary focus was regilding the cross, removing and repairing all four clocks, and inspecting the integrity of the copper roofing. Canning Liturgical Arts of Connecticut performed the cross refurbishment. They are internationally acclaimed, and we are excitedly anticipating when, unobscured by scaffolding, our cross will brilliantly shine over Charleston!...
Juanita Orvin, Gerry McCord, and I are looking forward to the start of the grief care ministry called GriefShare on January 22 after the Wednesday night supper....
Worship with us on the First Sunday of Epiphany: The Baptism of Our Lord! The Very Rev. Can. Dr. Bryan C. Hollon is our guest preacher and Rector's Forum speaker; read on for in-person and online worship details.
Worship with us on the Feast of the Epiphany (observed)! The Rev. Brian K. McGreevy is preaching; read on for in-person and online worship details.
We will be celebrating the Eve of the Nativity of Our Lord at 4:30 p.m. (children's Christmas pageant and Holy Eucharist), 7:30 p.m. (festival Holy Eucharist) and 10:30 p.m. (festival Holy Eucharist). All three services will be livestreamed. The Rev. Andrew R. O'Dell will be preaching at the 7:30 and 10:30 services.
Click the link below to read the St. Philip's eSPIRE, the email version of our weekly inSPIRE newsletter, which is packed with information about all that's going on in the life of our parish....
Today, the Rev. Brian McGreevy shares the story of Isaac Watts, a prodigy who became perhaps the most prolific hymn writer of England, writing at least 750 hymns after his father, a minister, challenged him to make a change to church music. "When I Survey the Wondrous Cross," like all of Watts's hymns, is loaded with good theology, and it is an intensely personal hymn that...
As you can imagine, a 300+ acre beachfront property like St. Christopher Camp and Conference Center needs to be well cared for. As you can also imagine, in the middle of a COVID world where the Barrier Island Environmental Educational program, summer camp, and other year-round event income abruptly stops, you are forced to make tough decisions. St. Christopher Camp and Con...
While studying the book of 1 Corinthians, our men’s Bible study group became intrigued with the subject of spiritual gifts. Many voiced concerns that they did not understand what these were or if they actually possessed any spiritual gifts. The Reverend Andrew O’Dell graciously offered to conduct a workshop to explore this topic, and thanks to much effort on the part o...
Today's devotion was recorded in the early days of the COVID-19 pandemic in the United States, and although several months have passed, many are still wondering in this ever-changing landscape: Are we safe? Using Matthew 10:16-31, the Rev. Justin Hare helps us to understand our fear, to actively seek wisdom, and to trust God, in whose hands we are safer than we could ever ...
Many successful businessmen reach the peak of their church service when they assume the vaunted role of usher. This is not the men’s fault, of course — it is a tradition stretching back more than 2,000 years to when a little-known apostle named Fred served as the usher for the Last Supper, then slipped out before communion....
"Why are you cast down, O my soul, and why are you in turmoil within me? Hope in God; for I shall again praise him, my salvation and my God." (Psalm 42:5,11; 43:5) God loves you, and even when you're going through difficult times of sadness, discouragement, or aimlessness, he never forgets you, and he never stops treasuring you...
Join the Rev. Brian McGreevy to learn how the most unlikely hymn writer in history, John Newton, went from being "the most profane, obscene, and obnoxious young man" to being the ordained priest who penned the words to "Faith's Review and Expectations," the hymn we know now as "Amazing Grace."...
Collect for the Commemoration of September 11: Eternal God, in whose perfect kingdom no sword is drawn but the sword of righteousness, and no strength known but the strength of love: We pray thee so mightily to shed and spread abroad thy Spirit, that all peoples and ranks may be gathered under one banner, of the Prince of Peace; as children of one God and Father of all; to...