Getting Ready for GriefShare

Juanita Orvin, Gerry McCord, and I are looking forward to the start of the grief care ministry called GriefShare on January 22 after the Wednesday night supper.
I have been very impressed with the structure and development of this program, which is being offered literally all over the world now. Even yesterday I received a call from a woman whose psychiatrist at MUSC referred her to me for the start of GriefShare. (All groups in a particular area are listed online.)
I would ask the church’s prayers as we begin this strong program. May the Lord use it to strengthen, encourage, and draw those grieving the loss of someone they love into the arms of the One who was called a “man of sorrows acquainted with grief” (Isaiah 53:3). We have several people registered now but have room for a few more.
I have a dear friend, Stephanie Pennington, who lives in Chapin, SC. Her husband, Reggie, died quite suddenly two years ago. She participated in the GriefShare program at one of the local churches near Chapin, and I asked her to share some of that experience. I was able to capture it on video last weekend, and it’s now available on St. Philip’s YouTube channel.
Learn more about the program at (click here to register). I’m also happy to speak to you over the phone if you have any questions or need help with registration: (843) 870-8844.
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