House of Prayer: January Prayer Points

“My house shall be called a house of prayer for all nations.” ––Isaiah 56:7
“The effective fervent prayers of a righteous man avails much.” ––James 5:16a
Answered Prayers (Thank You, Lord):
1. For the donations for the Shine the Light Campaign and for St. Philip’s Academy. 2. For our choirs and wonderful Lessons and Carols and Christmas Eve worship. 3. For excellent attendance at the Christmas Eve services. 4. For our clergy, staff, and Vestry. 5. For Nathan Youngman and his work crews restoring our church. 6. For Jim Stelling’s leadership and his team overseeing the construction on our campus. 7. For all the new members joining St. Philip’s. May they feel welcomed. 8. For the 22% increase in the sale of Bibles in the United States in 2024.
Prayer Points
1. For wise counsel for Archbishop Steve Wood and Bishop Chip Edgar. 2. For continued blessings upon our clergy and their families. May You continue to give them wisdom, good health, and strength in the new year. 3. For continued blessings for our staff and all that they do behind the scenes for the administration needs of the church. 4. For safety for the workmen. 5. For all of the details for the school to come together. Successful enrollment for 4K and 5K classes. 6. For Mayor Cogswell and City Council to be given wisdom in all the decisions being made. 7. For comfort for the families who lost loved ones in the Wisconsin school shooting and healing for those injured. 8. For the wildfires in California to be quelched. For the safety of those in the evacuation zones and comfort for those who have lost loved ones.
Prayers Points for the Nations:
Ukraine: For Putin and Zelensky to be able to agree to a ceasefire. For the rebuilding of the cities damaged during the war.
Israel, Palestine, and Lebanon: For the hostages to be released in Gaza. For a ceasefire and peace agreements to be made. For peace in Lebanon. For protection for Israel and peace within the walls of Jerusalem. Mercy for all of the people displaced in these multiple war zones.
Syria: For the new government leaders to be godly and care about the people. For peace and new beginnings for that country.
Haiti: For the Kenyan soldiers to be victorious in stopping the gang violence. For the promised additional soldiers to be sent from Kenya. For our sister church in Haiti to receive the necessary funds to build the wall around the property so that erosion can be stopped. For additional help needed to bring peace and necessary supplies to the people.
United States: For those recently elected to be godly and gifted for the position they have been selected for. Pray especially for President-Elect Trump and JD Vance and for safety for them and their families. For unity for the country, that we would be ONE nation under God. Lord, you are the repairer of the breach. Please help us respond with grace to those we might not agree with. For all immigration issues to be seen and resolved, especially the human trafficking and drug problems. Grant the border patrol agents wisdom and discernment. For necessary help and resources for the states that have been overwhelmed from recent storms and wildfires.
The Nehemiah/Ezra Prayer Points:
1. Continue to pray that no enemy of Christ can come through the gates of St. Philip’s. 2. Pray for those working from the scaffolding to be safe. May they each have the talent and gifts for the portion they are working on. Bless them and their families. 3. Thank you for the crane operator and his excellent skills as the heavy beams were lifted into place. 4. Declare and decree that no injuries come upon anyone working on site in Jesus’ name. 5. Thank you, Lord, for all of the excellent restoration work that has already being done.
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