The sanctuary and graveyard are currently closed to visitors due to construction and renovations taking place as part of our Shine the Light capital campaign.

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Shine the Light Campaign Update

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Construction: The work on St. Philip’s spire is encouraging, and we are still early in the process. Seven sections of scaffolding now envelop the spire, and since December, the primary focus was regilding the cross, removing and repairing all four clocks, and inspecting the integrity of the copper roofing. Canning Liturgical Arts of Connecticut performed the cross refurbishment. They are internationally acclaimed, and we are excitedly anticipating when, unobscured by scaffolding, our cross will brilliantly shine over Charleston!

Bell Foundry Christoph, a local firm, has cared for our clocks for the past twenty-five years and is nearing completion of their refurbishment. In addition, our contractors are surveying, sounding, and repairing exterior stucco as well as surveying and repairing the interior masonry of the steeple. Fortunately, our spire held up well the past thirty years since post-Hugo repairs. 

As our contractors complete work on the upper spire, they will dismantle scaffolding sections and work their way down the structure.  The plan continues to call for work to begin on the Porticos during April and May.

Demolition began on the Cumberland and State Building on January 2 and should take approximately six weeks. We will soon finalize the architectural plans for upfitting the building for St. Philip’s Academy and the temporary use by all Parish House ministries.

St. Philip’s Academy: St. Philip’s classical Christian school will open in August 2025 with 4K and kindergarten classes and will add elementary school grades in August 2026. Sunday’s open information session in the Parish Hall gave prospective parents valuable information regarding tuition, the potential for financial aid, and the application process, as well as the school’s teaching philosophy and curriculum. Click here for the enrollment application and other information.

Donations and Pledges: Our campaign is 91.5% complete! To date we have received $19.68 million in pledges and contributions from 59% of our active congregation.  These commitments and contributions ensure the repair and renovation of 100% of our historic campus and the Cumberland and State Street building. They also cover the first year of start-up costs for St. Philip’s Academy. We are $1.82 million away from completing our most significant capital campaign in St. Philip’s History. Please prayerfully consider joining six out of ten of our congregation in participating in this generational initiative. Each of us has the opportunity and privilege to be stewards of God’s blessing and provision.  We are so close. We are praying that you are able and willing to help us meet the goal!