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Summer Outreach Opportunities for Individuals and Families

News--Hime Missions Lemonade Stand

Summer is the perfect time to break from the busyness of the year and enjoy serving individually or as a family to help others. Browse the Home Missions page of our website to help find a local ministry partner for whom you’d like to volunteer a time or two or much as your time allows this summer. Specific individual volunteer opportunities are listed under each ministry partner.

Families are also encouraged to research our ministry partners to learn ways our church is helping the underserved in the community, and then design a family project around a ministry you select together. Here are a few additional ideas for serving as a family:

1. Have a lemonade or popsicle stand to raise awareness and money for Water Mission. Visit for tips provided by Water Mission, as well as a short promo video that could be played on a laptop to help children teach others about the global water crisis and how each of us can make a difference.

2. Make cookies or a variety of desserts or lunch sandwiches and drop off at Star Gospel Mission. (For drop-off arrangements call 843-722-2473.) Families could also make cards with a Bible verse of encouragement to go with the donation. This is a great opportunity for parents to discuss homelessness with their children and how their treats are showing God’ compassion to these folks.  For older children, this may open the door for conversations on how folks become homeless and how Star Gospel Mission helps them get off the street, hold down a job, and secure a place to live––all while sharing the message of Jesus with them.

3. Organize a neighborhood (or swim team) drive for home goods for Hope to Home ministry (see website for items needed and select one of more items to collect).  Include on your flyer information on the ministry and how others can get involved.  Choose a Saturday (1st–3rd Saturday of each month 9:00 a.m. to noon) when your family can deliver the donations you collect.

4. For families with children ages 12 and older: Go to the Hope to Home (H2H) website ( and register family members to serve as volunteers for a Saturday morning. Options to serve include loading trucks and delivering home goods to families, making linen and kitchen kits from a list provided as you collect items from H2H warehouse, and repairing/refinishing donated furniture.

5. As a family, make a meal and homemade card to take to a St. Philip’s family being ministered to by the Compassion Committee. Contact committee co-chair Sherrie Wallinger at (843) 460-8871 or for details. 

6. Make freezable cookies to donate for use during funeral receptions. Contact Beareavement Guild chair Amanda Ayers at (843) 696-1852 or for details.

Questions about these outreach opportunities? Call Sandra Anderson at (843) 345-4188 or email her at