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Top Twelve Reasons You Should Attend Evensong This Sunday (and Every Second Sunday)

Copy of Evensong flyer (620 x 400 px)

 1. Evening Worship Opportunity. Other than our Wednesdays Alive! service and a few other times during the year when we worship in the evening (e.g. Ash Wednesday, Maundy Thursday, and Christmas Eve), we’re accustomed to doing formal church worship in the mornings. Worship in the evening adds some variation that refreshes your circadian worship cycle.

2. The Social Afterwards. Imagine the minister greeting you on your way out of church with a drink and a cookie. There is a great meet-and-greet afterwards!

3. New Faces. The service attracts a diverse crowd of folks who experience the beautiful space and music. Visitors to the city are more inclined to join in the evening than at a regular morning worship service, and even unchurched folks or folks from other denominations, including Roman-Catholics, have come. We should always be welcoming new faces at God’s house! Join the family!

4. It’s Free. It’s free from a cover charge and free from persecution. How blessed we are to be able to worship the Lord without fear, unlike many of our brothers and sisters around the globe.

5. Worship the Way They Did in the (Really) Old Days. The liturgy is old––really old. The thought of that transports me in space and time and reminds me of our brother and sister saints who, in time, have come before us and will follow us into the eternal rest. You will feel connected to them.

6. World-Class Choral and Organ Music. I don’t need to be an expert to know this production is world-class. Jesus was not received as a prophet in his hometown. You can receive these guys right here in Charleston. If you go to the early Sunday service, which has no music, you need a dose of this music more than you know!

7. Mary and Simeon. The songs of Mary and Simeon are Straight Outta Luke! We Anglicans uniquely honor Mary by singing her song every Evensong. Likewise, Simeon’s joy at knowing our Messiah has come comforts me as we wait and watch for our Messiah to return.

8. It’s So Old It’s Modern. There’s something about old stuff being so old that it actually feels new and hip. It’s not that it’s new. It’s just that we have neglected the really good and true things from the past like good chronological snobs. When we hear them, we think we’ve discovered something new. It’s not modern, but you can tell your ego that it is.

9. You Can Give Your Brain (and Note-Taking Hand) a Break. Who doesn’t love a good stem-winder from our gifted teachers teaching and preachers preaching? But without a sermon, it can also be good for your soul to feed on the Scripture-based liturgy and absorb it into your being through music without thinking too much.

10. Great Way to Connect Folks to God––Invite a Friend! When you go to the beach, one can, as Father McGreevy says, dip your toe in the water or go full scuba. Similarly, Evensong is a great service to invite future believers, pagans, evangelicals, Roman-Catholics, atheists, agnostics, Baptists, Presbyterians, lapsed Christians, and, of course, Anglicans!

11. Remember the Sabbath. You might go home after Sunday morning  church and start thinking of your worldly needs. But this way, you can get in another confession before the sun goes down! The is kind of like a kiss good night that sets your love right.

12. It’s Contemplative, Meditative, and Satisfying. This service aligns me to true North like a magnet. It uniquely satisfies my longing to be with God in his house. It’s like a nice meal and movie of goodness! Taste and see that the Lord is good!