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C. S. Lewis and the Christian Life

The Great Divorce, Episode 1

September 7, 2022 Speaker: The Rev. Brian K. McGreevy

The Great Divorce, Episode 1
In this introductory session, we talk about C.S. Lewis's background and appeal as an author today, explore why The Great Divorce particularly merits study today, discuss the context of England at war and Lewis's RAF ministry, and point out some highlights of the front matter of the book, including the George MacDonald quote on the frontispiece.

II. Why does The Great Divorce merit study today?

III. Review of Context: England in Wartime
--Other works Lewis was writing during this same period
--The RAF ministry of Lewis and its impact on his writing

IV. Front matter:

--The title

--The frontispiece

--The preface


Music Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sERiPuOQyvo