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The Meaning of Marriage

Class 7: Weaving

February 26, 2023 Speaker: The Rev. Justin C. Hare

Passage: Genesis 3:1–3:24

In this class, Justin looks at chapters 6 & 7 in Dan Allender and Tremper Longman III's The Intimate Mystery which discuss how married couples are to weave souls their souls together. This weaving involves speech - speaking like God speaks. It involves addressing two common responses that we have in conflict: shame (hiding) and blaming (contempt). Married couples should not hide, blame, or distort the conflicting view of reality of their spouse but must be committed to seeing reality the way God does, which involves both parties perceptions being addressed. Marriage partners are then to move towards one another, speak the truth in love, own their own faults, feel the other's pain, understand one another's hearts through narrating the stories that have shaped them, and then extend the forgiveness and love of God so that their hearts might be further knit together.