The sanctuary and graveyard are currently closed to weekday visitors due to construction work being completed as part of our Shine the Light capital campaign.

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Theology on Tuesdays

Episode 40 ~ What's In A Meal?

March 21, 2023 Speaker: The Rev. Justin C. Hare

In this episode, Justin and Brian discuss the significant changes that have occurred in the last several decades when it comes to mealtime rituals. These changes in behavior certainly are due to a significant technological shifts, but more importantly (and perhaps more subtly) they reflect a change in society values. And unfortunately this shift is one of the biggest causes of the rampant loneliness among young people today. If we can recapture some of the features of a traditional meal such as sacrifice, intentionality, and vulnerability, it is to be expected that deeper friendships might be formed, less anxiety and depression would be had, and a deeper gratitude and devotion to God would be cultivated.