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Hope to Home Drive and Workday

News--Hope to Home Workday Fall 2023


The Hope to Home (H2H) furniture and home goods drive on October 1 demonstrated how seriously St. Philippians take the expression “Blessed to be a Blessing.” In addition to the items donated by our church members on that day, Hope to Home is still receiving furniture from online submissions of large-item donations from our parishioners. There were so many home goods donations that the volunteers on the October 7 H2H Workday didn’t have time to unpack them all before our workday ended––what a blessing! Thirty-eight books (Bibles, children’s Bible’s, and Jesus Calling books) were also donated by our church members. A huge thank you to all who donated!   

The H2H workday this past Saturday, October 7, was very well-attended with 27 volunteers. Youth minister David Gilbert brought many youth and their parents who volunteered to go on deliveries to distribute the furniture, home goods, and Bibles as well as pray with the families.


“It was so heartwarming to see the reactions of the people after we had brought in the couch or a bed,” said youth volunteer Penny Galván. “It was a great feeling to know that they won’t have to sleep on the ground anymore. It is also such a good reminder of how richly blessed we are and to be grateful for the many gifts God has given us.”


We had four more teams of church members who unpacked our drive donations, made kitchen and linen kits, and refinished furniture. Many new friendships were made this past Saturday as we enjoyed serving together. It was really amazing to see people who had nothing in their homes to now have furniture, a bed to sleep on and a table and chairs.

H2H accepts donations throughout the year and will pick up both furniture and home goods from your home. To arrange for pickup, go online and fill out the form. An H2H volunteer will call you to arrange a pickup date.

Top picture: The whole crew at the Hope to Home warehouse in North Charleston. Bottom picture: Keith Biddix (with an East Cooper Baptist volunteer) led the furniture refinishing team.

Thank You from Hope to Home!

A Letter to our Rector from Tom Young, President and CEO of Hope to Home Furniture Resource

October 1, 2023

Dear Father Miller,

Thank you for the caring and generosity of St. Philip’s Church. Today, your congregants provided much-needed furniture and home goods to our ministry. The donations drive that Sandra Anderson and the Home Missions Team set up was a wonderful success.

The items donated are so much appreciated. They will be put to immediate use to help veterans and other previously homeless individuals and families, as well as women and children escaping domestic violence and human trafficking build a new life in their new homes.

We are proving that by providing those we serve a comfortable home and sharing God’s love and hope, they will stay in their new home, stay on the job and build a better life for themselves. Local statistics show that approximately 95% of  the individuals and families we move in stay in the home and move on in life. So the people at St. Philip’s are making a difference!

Your congregation’s generous donations will help ensure this important work will continue. Thank you so much.


Tom Young

President & CEO, Hope to Home Furniture Resource