Our graveyard and sanctuary are currently closed to weekday visitors due to the  construction taking place as part of our Shine the Light capital campaign.

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Ministry Opportunities

Be doers of the Word, and not hearers only. ––James 1:22

The ministries listed below are a great way to get involved here at St. Philip's. In addition, there are even more opportunities for those who have discovered and developed the spiritual gifts God has given them. To learn more, we encourage you to sign up for one of our upcoming "Discover Your Gifts For Ministry" workshops.

Winter Lay Ministry Schedule

Chase Patterson (843) 991-8801
Acolytes help to lead the 10:30 a.m. Sunday morning service by participating in the procession (carrying a cross, torch, or banner) and assisting the celebrant during communion. All young men and women age 9 and older are invited to join the team! Acolyte parents are also needed to serve as mentors.

Altar Guild 
Elizabeth Bowles (843) 364-0810, Pat Wardlaw (843) 834-0436, Lindsay Long (843) 834-0770, Cam Stuhr (843) 200-4681 
The Altar Guild works "behind the scenes" to make our Sunday morning worship possible. They prepare the altar, "setting the table" for Holy Communion, and care for the various furnishing that are part of our worship (maintaining the linens, polishing the silver and trimming the candles). The Altar Guild is a great fit for those who have a heart for service and an eye for detail.

Audio/Visual Ministry
☏ Marc Collins (843) 343-8704
We have upgraded our AV equipment to further our livestream ministry and improve our campus events. If you are tech savvy and would like to be involved in helping the word of God be broadcast loud and clear, we have much you can help with at Sunday services, weekly classes, and events.

Chalice Bearers
☏ Brian McGreevy (854) 429-1938, Bob Kunes (843) 224-5678
Chalice bearers (chalicists) administer the chalice (wine) during Holy Communion. Chalicists are licensed by the Bishop of the Diocese, and training sessions are scheduled by appointment.

Children's Ministry
☏ Dorothy Lancaster (854) 429-1940
These volunteers assist staff with various kinds of children’s ministries including Sunday School, Children’s Church, Vacation Bible School, other activities.

Chris Walchesky (854) 429-1946, Zippy Hood (children) 
Come and join us as we make a joyful noise unto the LORD! Persons of all ages and musical abilities are invited to take part in the music ministry of St. Philip's. There are few things in this life that rival music's ability to lift the human heart to God, and our choirs have the great privilege of assisting the congregation of God's people as they turn their gaze heavenward week by week.

Coffee Ministry
Irene Rowe
The importance of this ministry cannot be overstated: these unseen angels arrive early and brew the coffee on Sunday mornings in preparation for Sunday School. Open to all with a servant's heart and the gift of hospitality. We thank you, Perky People!

Compassion Committee
Jane Galis  | ☏ Sherrie Wallinger (843) 460-8871 (text or call)
God's Word proclaims, "Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of mercies and God of all comfort, who comforts us in all our affliction, so that we may be able to comfort those who are in any affliction, with the comfort with which we ourselves are comforted by God" (2 Corinthians 1:3-4). The Compassion Committee is a team of Christians who minister to those who are sick or grieving, with a note of encouragement, flowers, a caring phone call or meals, and thereby nourish the weary soul. Our goal is to share Christ's love to our parishioners and ensure that their prayer requests are made known to the church.

Flower Guild
☏ Sarah Stuhr (843) 559-3342
Those who love flowers help by creating arrangements for the altar and elsewhere when designated by special seasons and events in the church calendar.

For the Record: Shutterbugs or Writers
☏ Lea Andrews (854) 429-1935
These volunteers snap photos with their phones or cameras at parish events and/or write a paragraph or two about their experience for the inSPIRE/eSPIRE or social media. Contribute just once or as often as you’d like! 

Generations Ministry
☏ Sandra Anderson (843) 345-4188, Jane McGreevy (843) 793-9832

This ministry provides programming and events to help equip grandparents in praying for and sharing their faith with their families.

Greeters (Sunday Morning)
Alice Smith (843) 722-7734
"...I was a stranger and you welcomed me" (Matthew 25:35b). Our Greeters extend the Christian ministry of hospitality, welcoming all who come to worship on Sunday morning. All parishioners with a sunny disposition and a desire to extend the hospitality of Christ are warmly invited to join us!

Home Missions
Amanda Ayers (843) 696-1852, Gantt Folline (843) 991-9418 
The Home Missions Team empowers the congregation of St. Philip’s to minister to the people of Charleston that they might come to know and experience the saving love and mercy of Jesus Christ. Keep an eye out in the inSPIRE for opportunities to serve!

Hospitality Ministry
☏ Brian McGreevy (843) 722-7734
The Hospitality Ministry seeks to provide warm and welcoming Christian hospitality to visitors and newcomers. Within the Hospitality Ministry there are opportunities to help put on welcome events and receptions, to serve as before- and after-church greeters to welcome visitors, to help staff the welcome station for visitors, to follow up with newcomers one on one, and to help guide newcomers into ministry, teaching, and fellowship opportunities.

☏ Bob Kunes (843) 224-5678
Volunteers assist in worship by reading Scripture lessons for the 8:15 and 10:30 services on Sundays, as well as the Wednesday service at 5:30.

Ministry to New Parents
Gigi Dobbins
Do you like making people's day? Do you enjoy delivering a little sunshine as a member of Smile Patrol? If so, then this ministry is for YOU! Sponsored by the ECW, but open to men and women alike, our Ministry to New Parents delivers a hot meal to our newest families. It matters not whether you cook the meal yourself or pick something up (rotisserie chicken and fixings, BBQ and sides, spiral ham and trimmings . . .) the point is to deliver a meal and a smile on behalf of St. Philip's when a new child is born. Contact Gigi Dobbins to be added to the notification list, and she'll alert all members of the team when the opportunity to deliver a little encouragement and support appears on the horizon!

Office Angels
Alice Smith (843) 722-7734
Does your heart jump with eager anticipation when you hear a phone ring? Do you long to utter the words, “Please hold while I transfer you”? Are you curious about what St. Philip’s is like during the week? Consider volunteering for a one-hour shift at the front desk! Front desk volunteers answer the phone, greet people who come to meet with clergy or staff with a warm St. Philip’s welcome, and partake of all the yummy St. Philip’s coffee they could ever want. Come join the Corps of Office Angels!

Open Door Ministry
Penn Hagood (843) 709-9803
"Do not neglect to show hospitality to strangers, for thereby some have entertained angels unawares" (Hebrews 13:2). Charleston is one of the top destination cities in the world, and every year, hundreds of visitors come to see the building where St. Philip's gathers for worship. Our building provides us with a unique opportunity to witness to the faithfulness of God and to His ongoing work among the people of this congregation. Our goal is to open our doors from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. daily, Monday through Friday, and you will be fully trained and equipped to serve as a member of our Open Door ministry. Come be part of the team that welcomes visitors and points them to God as they take in the grandeur of this historic landmark, an Ebenezer to the faithfulness of God.

Intercessory Prayer
☏ Frenchie Richards (843) 884-8651
Prayer Teams for Services: Be part of a prayer team praying for people during the Wednesday night or Sunday morning service (training required). Prayers for the Nations: This group meets Thursday mornings in the Ministries Hall (church office building). It is based on what Jesus said in Mark 11:17, “My house shall be called a house of prayer for all nations.” The focus in this group is on America and current news involving other nations. 

Tea Room
Tea Room Chair: stphilipstearoom@gmail.com
These volunteers help host and organize the St. Philip’s Tea Room each spring to offer hospitality and fellowship and to raise funds for mission. All members of St. Philip’s can participate by contributing food, assisting the committee in various ways, and helping staff the various positions needed each year.

Reid Davis (843) 270-2995, Bruce Freshley (843) 297-7510, Hamlin O’Kelley (843) 209-2231
Ushering is a ministry of active hospitality: our ushers extend the hand of welcome to visitors and guide them to their seat so that they can feel right at home. Our ushers also direct the congregation during communion, offering a steady hand for any who might need a little extra help navigating the stairs. Would you like to serve as one of God's confident shepherds? Contact Reid Davis today!

World Missions
Susan Keller (843) 870-8844
The World Missions Committee ministers to the “least of these” in other parts of the world, including Haiti, Honduras, and Rwanda, by helping to provide medical supplies, basic necessities (such as toothbrushes and reading glasses), spiritual guidance, and more. Keep an eye out in the Inspire for opportunities to serve!

Youth Ministry
David Gilbert (843) 708-3795
Serve as a youth leader to assist David in ministering to students at junior high youth group on Friday evening or senior high youth group on Sunday or assist with meals for these events.