Now is the time for all of our parish family to come together with every gift pledge, large or small, as we celebrate God's work here at St. Philip's and prepare for future ministry. Whether it's a few dollars from a child's lemonade stand or a more substantial gift, every person in our parish family matters, and we want everyone to be part of this generational opportunity to shine the light. If you haven't yet pledged, now is the time--as the old song says, "This little light of mine; I'm going to let it shine!" We need all those lights together to shine brightly for the Gospel!

Visit to learn more.

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Discover Your Gifts for Ministry

Every Christian believer has been given at least one spiritual gift (1 Corinthians 12:7). God gives us these gifts to empower us so that we can take our part in building up the body of Christ (Ephesians 4:11-14).  One of the greatest joys a Christian can experience is the joy that comes from using his gift for God's loving purposes in the church and in the world.  We are called to discover and develop these gifts so that God can make us more and more fruitful in His service (1 Timothy 4:14).  In fact, our Lord Jesus gives a stern warning about the danger of squandering our gifts (Matthew 25:14-30).

St. Philip's offers a Spiritual Gifts Workshop several times a year so that you can begin (or continue!) the journey of discovering your gifts and growing in maturity through service. Contact the Rev. Andrew O'Dell for information on our next workshop––we hope you'll join us!

Drop Andrew a line