Now is the time for all of our parish family to come together with every gift pledge, large or small, as we celebrate God's work here at St. Philip's and prepare for future ministry. Whether it's a few dollars from a child's lemonade stand or a more substantial gift, every person in our parish family matters, and we want everyone to be part of this generational opportunity to shine the light. If you haven't yet pledged, now is the time--as the old song says, "This little light of mine; I'm going to let it shine!" We need all those lights together to shine brightly for the Gospel!

Visit to learn more.

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Join Us For Worship on Sunday!


Join us for worship this Sunday, the Twenty-Fourth Sunday after Pentecost! The Reverend Jeffrey S. Miller, Rector, will be preaching; read on for in-person and online options.

In-Person Worship

We are offering in-person worship with services of Holy Communion at 8:15 and 10:30 a.m. If you reserved space, you may get checked in and seated by an usher beginning 45 minutes before the start of the service; the ushers will begin seating those without reservations on a first-come, first-served basis five minutes before each service.

Note that as of early Friday afternoon, there was still space available at both services. Childcare at the 10:30 service (limited space) is available by reservation.

Communion protocols

Worshipping from home? Join us live!

Those who are still worshipping from home may visit our YouTube channel Sunday morning or use the link below to go directly to the video to watch.

Livestream Direct Link

The link will go live at 10:00 a.m., and the video itself will begin at about 10:25 with the prelude. The recording will remain available at the same link after the stream ends for viewing at your convenience, and it will also be uploaded to our Vimeo page later in the day.

If you experience any technical difficulty with the direct link, you may access the stream through St. Philip's YouTube channel homepage.

YouTube: St. Philip's Church (watch live or later)

Vimeo: St. Philip's Church (watch later)


Here are some notes we have been sharing each week about worshipping online:

  1. A service bulletin is available for you to view or print now. We have reformatted our traditional bulletin so that you may print it at home. There is a complete version which looks just like what you're used to, and there's an abbreviated version that you may print using less paper. People who have both handheld devices and laptops or desktops may choose to view the bulletin on one screen and the service on another, but we also plan to have the words you will need to participate on the worship screen.
  2. Even if you're at home, you may still give your weekly offering online. You may give securely using the link below or at the top of this page. You may also mail your offering to the church office (142 Church St., Charleston, SC 29401).
  3. We are here to help you if you have any questions about the online worship process! Please don't hesitate to reach out through email or to call the church office.

Give securely online

full-sized bulletincondensed bulletin

Worship Resources for Families