The sanctuary and graveyard are currently closed to weekday visitors due to construction work being completed as part of our Shine the Light capital campaign.

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Office and Service Schedule Update: In Effect Through January

Copy of Church office closed

To help ensure the safety of our parishioners and staff given the current surge in COVID-19 cases in our area and the mayor’s recent announcement regarding city office restrictions, we have made the following changes to our office hours and service and activity schedules that will remain in effect through January:

Church Office
  • The church office  building will be closed Mondays and Fridays with staff working remotely. You may reach staff by phone (843-722-7734) or email during those days.
Wednesdays Alive! Service and Classes
  • We will not hold Wednesdays Alive! services.
  • College Fellowship will be virtual.
  • Mere Christianity will meet on Zoom as usual.
Sunday Services
  • Both the 8:15 and 10:30 services on Sundays will be Morning Prayer.
  • Childcare will not be available.
Youth Group