Our graveyard and sanctuary are currently closed to weekday visitors due to the  construction taking place as part of our Shine the Light capital campaign.

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Reservations for August 23 In-Person Worship Now Open!

News--Sanctuary Church Image

The links to reserve space at one of the August 23 services are below. To ensure that we seat as many people as we are safely able to seat, we will honor these reservations until five minutes before the start of each service, at which point we will seat those waiting on a first-come, first-served basis until we are at capacity.

Those unfamiliar with making online reservations may call (843) 471-0544 to reserve space. Please also share this number with family or friends who might prefer to call, especially those who don't receive St. Philip's emails.

Note that the church office remains closed; please do not call the church office to make a reservation.

If you are not yet comfortable returning, please continue to worship with us from home. Beginning this Sunday, service videos will be available for viewing each Sunday evening on our Vimeo and YouTube channels.

Reserve space for the 8:15 serviceReserve space for the 10:30 service

A note about worship guidelines

Remember that for the safety of all of our St. Philip's family and friends, several modifications are in place. Please be sure to read the complete guidelines at the link below to ensure that your return to worship is as smooth as possible. Here are just a few of the important notes for Sunday:
  • Masks are required.
  • The church office building (Ministries Hall) will be closed, but the ground floor of the Parish House (on the corner of Church and Cumberland Streets) will be open should you wish to visit a restroom.
  • Coffee will not be available.
  • Childcare will not be available. (Childcare resumes September 6.)
  • Ushers will seat you for the service and open your pew door for you to leave after the service. Please keep your mask on until you are in your car.

Complete guidelines for returning to worshipJust for fun: Take the Guidelines Quiz!