Hope to Home Ministry (H2H) is a Christian-based ministry whose mission is to collect new or gently used donated home goods and to purchase items such as mattresses and pillows, and then deliver these essential home furnishings to displaced or formerly homeless individuals and families who have recently secured housing. H2H transforms their empty living space into a comfortable “home,” extending the love and hope of Jesus through delivering provisions, praying with recipients before leaving, and personally giving them a Bible. H2H follows up after delivery to be sure recipients are already connected to a church or, if they are not, offering contact information on nearby churches.
To donate new or gently used household items, click the link below and fill out the form. When you submit your contact information, you will receive a call to arrange pick-up for large items or give you information about dropping off smaller items at the warehouse. Items most needed are: dressers, coffee tables, small kitchen tables, kitchen chairs, couches, side tables, stuffed chairs, floor and table lamps, and other home items like pots and pans, cooking utensils, dishes, silverware, and small appliances.
To volunteer as an individual or as a group, go to the website and click on “VOLUNTEER” and it will take you to the upcoming dates that volunteers are needed. H2H contacts:
Individual volunteers: Nicole Sharpe nicole@hopetohomesc.org
Group volunteers: Stacey Daffin stacey.daffin@hopetohomesc.org
For questions or assistance call St Philip’s Mission Team member: Sandra Anderson (843) 345-4188 sanderson727@gmail.com
*Serve on a Saturday morning to help load home furnishings then deliver to families. (Need volunteers that can lift heavy furniture as well as those that can help with the lighter furnishing and pray with families.)
*Serve on a Saturday morning to organize donated items and make kitchen and linen kits
*Volunteer for “Tinker Tuesdays” to repair/refinish furniture. Contact Gene Fanning at gefannings51@gmail.com or (843) 412-4322
*Coordinate your Bible study group, foyer group, family, or neighborhood in volunteering together and/or making one or more kitchen or linen kits. For a list of items included in each kit, click here.
* Parents or grandparents, take your children to the dollar store and buy items to make a kitchen kit. Children may want to have a lemonade stand or do chores for you to raise money to buy items. This is a great way to model for your children how they can share Christ with others.
*Donate copies of a children’s Bible such as The Jesus Storybook Bible or Jesus Calling or the Bible.
*Help with washing, folding, and labeling donated linens to get them ready for linen kits. Contact Tina Young at (630) 781-2916.
*Volunteer to help the Home Missions Team with our upcoming churchwide Hope to Home donation drive this fall. Contact Sandra Anderson at (843) 345-4188 or sanderson727@gmail.com.
*Join a list of folks willing to be called to help pick up donations from community.
*Make a financial donation. Only 2% of donations go to operating expenses as ministry is run totally by volunteers.