2022 Vestry Nominations

Dear St. Philip’s family,
On March 6th of 2022, we will hold our Annual Parish Meeting. During that meeting, we will elect the next class of leaders to serve on the Vestry. At our September meeting, the Vestry appointed Todd Brown (Senior Warden), Kat Phillips (Junior Warden), Elizabeth Hagood, Robby Marion, Connie Rink, Gantt Folline, Bob Kunes, and Bill Warlick to serve as a nominating committee.
The goal is for this to be a Spirit-led process, executed by the Vestry and blessed by the clergy. The challenges associated with COVID, particularly the reduced personal parishioner interaction, led us to start the nomination process earlier than previous years. We encourage you to spend time in prayer concerning this matter and to allow the Lord to lay on your heart individuals that might well serve the church in this leadership position. We ask that you not contact the person regarding your nomination as the names submitted will be held in confidence by the committee. After committee review and prayer, qualified candidates will be contacted by the committee regarding their interest in serving.
1. Members of the Parish submit prospective names to the committee by email to Kat Phillips (kphil100@gmail.com; 843.696.9863) or the Executive Assistant to the Rector, Rachel Murphy (rachel@saintphilips.church; 854.429.1928). Names can be submitted now through December 1, 2021. The following qualifications should be considered prior to submitting names.
Per Section 5 of our Bylaws: All members of the Vestry shall be Confirmed Members in Good Standing of St. Philip’s Church…
Section 2 defines Members in Good Standing as … All members who are aged eighteen (18) or more and who have, unless for good cause prevented, (a) been faithful in corporate worship at St. Philip’s Church for the previous twelve (12) months, and (b) been faithful in work, prayer, and giving to St. Philip’s Church for the spread of the Kingdom of God …
2. The nominating committee will assemble in December and prayerfully prioritize the list of candidates according to the needs of the Parish.
3. The committee will then contact potential candidates to discuss serving. Understandably, candidates often have questions about what the commitment to spiritual leadership on the Vestry requires, and we want to provide them with ample time to make that decision prayerfully.
4. The committee will inform the congregation of the nominees several weeks before the Annual Meeting. The Bylaws permit duly qualified nominations from the floor at the Annual Meeting.
We want every member of our church to feel engaged in this process, and we look forward to receiving your submissions. If you have any questions about the process, please do not hesitate to contact one of us or any other member of the committee. Above all, please pray for the work of the nominating committee, that they will seek God’s will for the leadership of the Parish and honor Him in their recommendation to us, the Church.
Yours in Christ,
Todd Brown, Senior Warden
Please find the Statement of Faith by which the St. Philip’s clergy, staff, and leadership abide linked below.
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