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41 Pints of Blood Collected During Yesterday's Drive: Thank You, St. Philip's Family and Friends!

News--Blood Drive McGreevy

Thank you, St. Philip's, for your generous support of our blood drive! The Red Cross set up in the Parish Hall yesterday from 12 noon until 6:00 p.m. and collected 41 pints of blood. All 37 appointments were fully booked a week in advance. A few people were not able to keep their appointments, but walk-ins filled their spots. Members of the Home Missions Team coordinated the drive and provided volunteer support throughout the afternoon. The Team also distributed 20 kits from Be The Match that enable willing donors to register with the international bone marrow registry. Thank you to all donors for helping us to show the love of Christ to our community in this difficult time and during this national blood shortage. Because of your overwhelming support, the Home Missions Team will plan another drive soon.

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