A Letter From the Rector: Cabin Fever and Being Still Before the Lord
Dear St. Philip’s family,
This past week of social distancing has been a surreal and difficult experience for the majority of Americans. Many are beginning to think that if the coronavirus doesn’t get them, “Cabin Fever” will. Not since World War II or the polio epidemic of the 1940s and 50s have the American people been so inconvenienced or threatened with long-term confinement and financial ruin. It reminds me of the following story shared by the Very Reverend Laurie Thompson, Dean of Trinity Seminary.
In a series of lectures on preaching, the late D. Martyn Lloyd-Jones recalled an incident from the bombings that took place in London during the fall of 1940. During that time the citizens of London were required to remain in underground bomb shelters for long periods of time while "the Blitz" was carried out by the German Luftwaffe. The experience of being confined in shelters was psychologically difficult, and many people struggled to cope with their sense of helplessness. He tells the story of one fireman who rushed out of a bomb shelter after the Luftwaffe had departed. Using two hammers, he began pounding on a steel pillar at the foundation of a public building. After the police arrived and stopped him, the fireman was asked why he was pounding on the pillar. He said, "I don't know. I just felt I had to be doing something."
The desire to be “doing something” is natural, but the Scriptures remind us that God’s voice is not to be heard in the whirlwind of activity, but in the still, small voice. As we seek to comply with the mandates and restrictions laid on us by the governing authorities, let’s seize this opportunity to be still before the Lord. Now that we have the time, let’s dive deeper into God’s word and have a family devotion with our children before bed. Let’s put the technology away and play a board game or watch an inspirational movie. Above all else, let’s be intentional about saying our prayers. The world is in an uproar and men and women desperately want a solution, but there is only one savior and He doesn’t work for the NIH or the CDC. As Christians, we have an opportunity to calmly set an example and point people to Jesus Christ, the Great Physician and onlydeliverer of mankind.
In the meantime, be assured your priests are praying for you on a daily basis, and if we can assist you in any way, or if you just need a friend with whom you can talk, please give us a call. God willing, we will continue to hold online services until we can all safely gather once more at St. Philip’s. We love you, but God loves you even more, so be strong and courageous!
Every Blessing in Christ Jesus,
Clergy contact info
The Rev. Jeff Miller: (843) 812-0556
The Rev. Andrew O'Dell: (854) 429-1929
The Rev. Marc Boutan: (843) 737-1277
The Rev. Brian McGreevy: (843) 793-9830
The Rev. Ryan Streett: (843) 601-1120
If you know of someone in our congregation who doesn't have access to email or social media, please print out a copy of this letter to give to him or her.
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