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Record-Setting Walk for Water

News--Walk for Water 2022


It was a beautiful morning for this year’s Walk for Water at Riverfront Park in North Charleston! The walk began at 9:00, but the St. Philip’s youth group and leaders had been chosen to supervise the children’s area, so they started out the morning at 7:45, doing crafts, playing games, making huge bubbles, and applying Walk for Water tattoos to anyone who requested them.

Fruit of the Loom

As the St. Philip’s Team gathered nearby, Fruit of the Loom characters offered stretching exercises for the large crowd, and the opening ceremonies took place on a large elevated stage with gorgeous water vistas all around. The Water Mission team processed by with flags representing the various countries served, and we followed behind with our St. Philip’s banner and nearly 100 Team St. Philip’s members.

We walked three miles to commemorate the distance that many around the world walk daily to collect water, which is often unsafe. Along the walk, we were reminded that 2.2 billion people lack safe water and sanitation, but there is hope because Water Mission is transforming lives throughout the world through the Gospel and the gift of living water.



Because of your generosity, St. Philip’s was able to be a sponsor of the Walk, and the team raised an additional $19,716! Congratulations to all of you for helping raise this astounding amount of money to further the vision of founder George Greene III, the Water Mission team, and all of the Water Mission affiliates around the world. It is truly an honor and blessing to partner with Water Mission and the Global Water Center.

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The Walk doesn’t have to end at Riverfront Park! Visit watermission.org to learn more about the many ways to go the next mile and partner with Water Mission all year long:

  • Follow Water Mission on FacebookInstagram, and Twitter to see the impact of your efforts today on people and communities. Be sure to share posts with your network to continue raising awareness!
  • Sign up to receive Prayer Ripples, a weekly list of prayer requests and praises from Water Mission staff around the world.
  • Volunteer with Water Mission––there are opportunities at Water Mission’s North Charleston headquarters and in our community or beyond as part of the disaster response team.
  • Give safe water to men, women, and children in need by making a one-time donation.
  • Become a Thirst Quencher and join a community of monthly givers passionate about ending the global water crisis.