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Thank You, Monti and Callie!

News--Compassion Committee

Put on then, as God’s chosen ones, holy and beloved, compassionate hearts, kindness, humility, meekness, and patience ... ––Colossians 3:12

Monti Hanger and Callie McLaurin To Retire from Compassion Committee After 15 Years of Service

Monti Hanger and Callie McLaurin began serving as Compassion Committee co-chairs in 2008, faithfully caring for those in our parish who are bereaved, sick, hospitalized, homebound, or otherwise needing encouragement from their parish family. For 15 years, they arranged the delivery of countless meals, hams, casseroles, flowers, and notes as an extension of St. Philip’s pastoral care ministry, keeping in close contact with the church office to ensure their group of volunteers was promptly aware of any new additions to the prayer list.

The Compassion Committee’s single largest undertaking every year is the poinsettia delivery that follows the annual wassail bowl: writing and addressing all of the accompanying notes, arranging the plants by ZIP code in the Parish House breezeway, and making sure every last one gets delivered (with plenty of help from their St. Philip’s family!). The conclusion of this year’s poinsettia delivery will mark the conclusion of their service, when they will pass the reins on to Jane Galis and Sherrie Wallinger.

Compassion Committee

The Rev. Bill Christian with Callie McLaurin, Monti Hanger, Jane Galis, and Sherrie Wallinger

“We have been blessed abundantly in many,  many ways while we have worked together to embrace and grow the Compassion Committee according to His will,” wrote Monti and Callie in an email to Compassion Committee volunteers on November 21. “We couldn’t do it without your generosity, your giving of your talent and your time, your dedication to our church and your being the loving arms and hands of our Christ.”

Monti and Callie, your parish family is so very thankful for your years of faithful service. Enjoy your retirement!

A note from Monti and Callie: The Compassion Committee welcomes the new leadership and would like to get a fresh and accurate start in 2024. If you would like to join this vital and important ministry as part of the member-at-large Compassion Committee, which prepares and delivers meals to church members, OR if you've already been serving and would like to continue, please email Jane.