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Post Category: Compassion Committee

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Thank You from the Compassion Committee!

News--Poinsettias Thank You

Our church members have done it again! We would like to thank all of you who helped deliver the poinsettias that were sent to our church family members who have lost a loved one this year, who are on our prayer list, or who are unable to get to church, and to our dedicated and faithful staff and clergy. This is a meaningful and growing part of the CC’s ministry, and we c...

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Thank You, Monti and Callie!

News--Compassion Committee

Monti Hanger and Callie McLaurin To Retire from Compassion Committee After 15 Years of Service: Monti Hanger and Callie McLaurin began serving as Compassion Committee co-chairs in 2008, faithfully caring for those in our parish who are bereaved, sick, hospitalized, homebound, or otherwise needing encouragement from their parish family. ...

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Encouragement for the Enlisted

News--Ann Hunley Harrington

The Compassion Committee of St. Philip’s would like to share with all of you a powerful and important new component of our ministry that was born from one of our church’s recent Spiritual Gifts workshops. After learning about her gifts of encouragement and faith, along with some complementary gifts, Ann Hunley Harrington asked us about joining one of our note-writing t...

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