The Home Missions Team Announces “Saturday Serves”!
Third Saturday Serving Opportunities Begin This Month!
What is a “Saturday Serve”? On the third Saturday morning of each month (September through May), our Home Missions Team will offer an opportunity for individuals, families, and groups to serve together with one of our home mission ministry partners. Financially supporting these ministries is vital, but serving with our hands and hearts will only further the message of Christ’s love and provisions to our supported ministries and people in need they serve.
How do I sign up? Visit to see details about each Saturday Serve opportunity as they’re added to the church calendar, along with the links to register. Registration links will also be included in the inSPIRE, eSPIRE, and Sunday bulletin announcements prior to each opportunity.
How often may I participate in Saturday Serves? The more often you can serve, the more fun and fulfillment you will experience! If you find you enjoy a specific ministry and want to volunteer more often than a Saturday Serve opportunity, please contact Sandra Anderson, who will be happy to make arrangements for you or your group: or (843) 345-4188.
But ... I am already SO busy. YES! Many of us are in the same boat. BUSYNESS is Satan’s greatest weapon to distract us from God’s good purpose for each of us. In fact, “B.U.S.Y” can easily stand for “Bound Under Satan’s Yoke”! Here’s a challenge: Look over the six Saturday Serves opportunities below and ask God to lead you to just one of them. Put that one on your calendar as a priority now. Then mark the others on the calendar to remind you of opportunities. If you can’t make the others, you can help by spreading the word to others in the church about the event. Serving others not only grows our faith, but it also brings so many benefits to ourselves as well as those less fortunate.
2024 Saturday Serves:
Walk for Water (March 23): Walk with the St Philip’s team or man the St Philip’s booth at the walk. Prior to the event, children can collect coins/dollars in water pails for every faucet delivering safe water in their homes. Questions? Contact Jill Settle at (843) 697-0818 or Susan Harp at (843) 224-3054.
Lowcountry Fellowship of Christian Athletes Banquet Prep (April 20): Make table arrangements for the FCA banquet, write thank you notes, make thank-you treat bags for FCA leaders (bringing homemade cookies and other treats) or All Abilities Camp (sponsored by FCA). Questions? Contact Jill Settle (843) 697-0818
Lowcountry Pregnancy Center Spring Cleaning (May 18): Tour LPC and participate in a deep cleaning project or help knit/crochet baby blankets and/or booties. Questions? Contact Jennie Richardson at (843) 364-2912.
Star Gospel Mission (September 21): Deep clean the Lighthouse Building, wash windows, or help in the office. Questions? Contact Gantt Folline at (843) 991-9418.
Hope to Home (October 19): Help deliver home goods/furniture to recipients, help organize H2H warehouse, make linen or kitchen kits, or repair/refinish furniture. Questions? Contact Sandra Anderson at (843) 345-4188.
Angel Tree (November 16): Make angel tree ornaments (with supplies provided) to be placed on the Angel Trees in the narthex before Christmas. Questions? Contact Ashley Davis at (843) 813-0853.
The Home Missions Team is commissioned by the Vestry to discern, communicate and organize the parish’s local mission and outreach efforts. We partner with local Christian organizations and strive to give members of the congregation a “leg up” in participating in their efforts. We organize supply drives, offer tours of our partner ministries, and promote opportunities for on-site participation.
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