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Families, Are You Ready for the Lenten Jesus Storybook Bible Challenge?

News--JSB Challenge

St. Philip’s families, as we get ready to enter into the liturgical season of Lent, I want to challenge you to read the Bible together as a family. New Lenten disciplines can feel like New Year’s resolutions, something that we start with the best of intentions but usually don’t follow through with. Therefore, I am encouraging you to choose a level of the challenge that works best for your family. The ultimate goal is for you to spend more time reading the Word of God together as a family than you did before. Hopefully it will become a habit that lasts long after the Lenten season. 

Jesus Storybook Bible

Even if your children are in middle school (or older), your family can be blessed by spending a few minutes each day reading the Word together. The Jesus Storybook Bible is a quick read with great illustrations that will fill your heart with the Word of God and potentially lead to great conversations. If yours is a family that spends a lot of time in the car, downloading The Jesus Storybook Bible from Audible is another way to make spending time in God’s Word part of your routine. 

The Jesus Storybook Bible Lenten Bible Reading Challenge

Gold Level: There are 44 stories in The Jesus Storybook Bible and 47 days from Ash Wednesday to Easter. Read or listen to the entire book during the Lent and Holy Week season.

Silver Level: There are 23 stories in JSB New Testament. Commit to reading or listening to the entire New Testament section before Easter.

Bronze Level: Commit to getting the JSB in print and reading it or listening to the audio version (on the way to school in the morning, even) as often as you can during Lent and beyond!

Use stickers and a chart to keep track of your progress or come up with another way that works better for you. Email to request a packet, or click the links below to print out the charts (keep track with checkmarks or stickers of your choosing).

If you miss a day or two, don’t be discouraged––remember imperfect progress is still progress! After Easter, I will have prizes for families who participate and share their progress with me! If you don’t have a copy of The Jesus Storybook Bible, please let me know; we have copies available in the church office.

Bronze challenge

Silver challenge

Gold challenge