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Happy Birthday, Ryan Streett!

College fellowship Streett

At left, members of the Rev. Ryan Streett’s College Fellowship gather for a birthday bonfire at the Streett residence on May 15.

This past Wednesday, the young adults of College Fellowship came together to celebrate Ryan’s birthday. As I was looking across the table at everyone in attendance, I came to realize that we were celebrating so much more than Ryan’s birthday. We were celebrating God’s work through one man. Ryan brought God’s plan to life. Through one way or another, Ryan brought all of us together to that one table, full of his wife Anna’s delicious food (if you didn’t know, Anna is an AMAZING cook). Through spiritual guidance, encouragement, and tabletop soccer, Ryan has helped the young adults of this group further our faith and spiritual maturity. All of us have come to cherish our weekly Wednesday night meetings. As a way to say thank you and happy birthday, the group got Ryan a green stole that will (hopefully) last him through the rest of his career as a priest.

College Fellowship Stole

Though our group will age and go our separate ways, the signatures on the back of Ryan’s green stole will forever be a reminder of how God worked in our group and has bound us together in fellowship. Ryan––from everyone at College Fellowship, THANK YOU and HAPPY BIRTHDAY!

College Fellowship Stole Signatures.JPG