Our graveyard and sanctuary are currently closed to weekday visitors due to the  construction taking place as part of our Shine the Light capital campaign.

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Tricounty Family Ministries October Update

News--Kara Stewart Tricounty

A message from the Rev. Kara Joy Stewart, Executive Director of Tricounty Family Ministries.

Food Distribution statistics

Our neighbors’ needs continue to increase. On October 7 we served 194 families. On October 14, we served 204 families. And we set another record for number of families served in one day on October 21: 263 families.

Ongoing donation and volunteer needs

Donations needed:

  • Pop-up tent to use for food distribution in rainy weather
  • Toiletries: toothpaste, soap, deodorant
  • Food: canned fruits, canned meats
  • Clothing: ONLY men’s winter clothes

No longer needed: egg cartons
Sign up here to volunteer:

Tuesday Grocery Bagging 12:00 – 2:00

Wednesday Food Distribution 9:15 – 12:30

Thursday Clothes Sorting 12:00 – 2:00

Thanksgiving volunteer opportunities 

Looking for a meaningful activity for your children during their days off of school? Join us as volunteers on Tuesday, November 24, and Wednesday, November 25. We’ll be boxing up holiday meals to-go on Tuesday and distributing food and other items on Wednesday. Elementary-age children are welcome with a parent, 1 to 1. Middle-school youth are welcome with an adult chaperone, 2 youth to 1 adult. High-school youth under 16 are welcome with an adult chaperone, 5 youth to 1 adult.
Sign up using the links above for our Tuesday and Wednesday volunteer opportunities.