The sanctuary and graveyard are currently closed to visitors due to construction and renovations taking place as part of our Shine the Light capital campaign.

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Volunteer Opportunities and Donation Needs at Tricounty

News--Kara Stewart Tricounty

Hello, Tricounty supporters.

I’m so grateful for the support we’ve received from so many of you. We could not continue this ministry without you. Responding to the initial threat of the virus was challenging, and now, as we cautiously start to reopen more of our services, we are seeing a dramatic increase in the number of people who are coming for the first time.

This past Wednesday, we served 171 of our neighbors and fed 582 members of their households! Because of our dedicated and efficient volunteers, we are able to accomplish this all in the space of 2 hours! It’s amazing to watch it happen!

New Second Saturday food distribution:

We are adding a once-a-month Saturday food distribution starting in June. These Saturday service days will happen on the Second Saturday of each month. We hope that this will enable more people who are back to work M-F to come help with our work at Tricounty! We also hope we can reach more working families who are still having trouble making ends meet. We’ll open for services 10-12, and volunteers will be asked to work 9:00 – 12:30.

To sign up for slots on June 13 or July 11, click on the link below:
Youth needed for volunteering on Tuesdays and Wednesdays:
Now that school is wrapped up, we’re looking for high school volunteers. Those who are age 16 and older come on their own. Volunteers 15 and younger need to be accompanied by an adult. We would love to set up workdays for small groups of youth and their youth workers. Please call or email me to arrange the details.

Sign up here:

Tuesday Grocery Bagging, 10 – 12 & 12 – 1:30

Wednesday Food Distribution 9:45 – 1:30

Needs this week:
Thank you to everyone who brought in canned vegetables this week – you enabled us to give a well-balanced bag of groceries to our neighbors! We are now running low on canned meats as well. Thank you for all the ways you are supporting our ministry with your donations!

For our clients:
Canned fruit (peaches, fruit cocktail)
Canned vegetables (sweet peas, corn, green beans)
Canned meats (tuna, chicken, beef stew)
To support our volunteers:
Washable masks
Hand sanitizer
Another pop-up tent

Please bring your donations on Tuesdays or Thursdays, 12:00 – 2:00.
We will close the week before the Fourth of July:
Mindful of the emotional and physical toll of ministry during emergencies, we have decided to close from June 29 – July 3. It is our prayer that all of our volunteers as well as the few staff still on payroll can take this time to relax and renew their bodies and spirits. We would appreciate your prayers for all of us who continue to give of ourselves, that we would be given the strength and vision to follow God’s call in the coming weeks and months.

Thank you so much for your partnership in this important work!


The Rev. Kara Joy Stewart
Executive Director
Tricounty Family Ministries
2105 Cosgrove Ave.
North Charleston, SC 29405
work – 843.747.1788