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House of Prayer: August Prayer Points

News––Frenchie Richards Prayer Points

“My house shall be called a house of prayer for all nations.” ––Isaiah 56:7

“The effective fervent prayers of a righteous man avail much.” ––James 5:16a

Answered Prayers (Thank You, Lord):

1. For the successful La Gonâve Haiti Partners conference held at St. Philip’s. 2. For the successful gathering of grandparents and grandchildren at the beach. Pray for continued guidance for Sandra Anderson and her team. 3. For Guv Gottshalk and Steve Graudin’s adult forum summer series on Israel. 4. For the ongoing success of the outreach at Henry’s on the Market: Theology on Tap for young adults and Mark Finlay’s men’s group. Bless the owner of Henry’s abundantly. 5. For the good turnout for the Sunday Sundaes event. 6. For the excellent work and workmen restoring our church and buildings. For keeping them safe. 7. For Jeff’s safe return from his vacation. 8. For the recent pouring out of the Holy Spirit in Salem, Oregon, and for the many young people that came to Christ. 9. For the release of the kidnapped nurse and child in Haiti.

Prayer Points (Local Needs)

1. For the young adults going off to college this month: May they have Godly roommates, Godly friends, and Godly teachers, and may they connect with good churches. 2. For Brian McGreevy and family to have a good vacation. Keep them safe and healthy. 3. For all of our clergy and families to be protected from any sickness, disease, and danger. 4. For the Generations Ministry plans to continue to come together.  5. For the Shine the Light Campaign to meet its goals and for our church to participate 100%. 6. For the heat wave to stop as well as the wildfires. 7. For blessings upon Paul Reese as he joins the music ministry team.  8. For the mentoring ministry to be successful. 9. For the children’s choir beach retreat to be well attended. 10. For the fear of the Lord to be in all meetings and decisions that the SC State Supreme Court make. 11. For blessings and wisdom for our Governor McMaster.

Prayer Points (Nations)

1. For the people of Maui that have lost over 100 loved ones in the wildfire. Pray for comfort and for humanitarian aid to get through quickly. 2. For a peaceful solution and end to the war in Ukraine. 3. For the blockade to the grain shipments to be removed. 4. For an end to the protests in Israel. 5. For the coup in Niger to be stopped. 6. For the peace of Jerusalem and protection for Israel. 7. For our borders to be protected and the cartels to lose their power. 8. For the drug traffic leaders to be exposed and their network of communication broken. 9. For supplies to get through to the people in Syria suffering from the recent earthquake. 10. For the upcoming presidential debates to go smoothly. 11. Bring revival to America, Lord. Have mercy.

“His master said to him, ‘Well done, you upright and faithful servant. You have been faithful and trustworthy over a little, I will put you in charge of much.’” ––Matthew 25:23 (The Amplified Bible).

May we at St. Philip’s be found faithful in every assignment He gives us.