House of Prayer: December Prayer Points

“My house shall be called a house of prayer for all nations.” ––Isaiah 56:7
“The effective fervent prayers of a righteous man avails much.” ––James 5:16a
Merry Christmas, Everyone!
Answered Prayers (Thank You, Lord): 1. For the increase in visitors coming to our Sunday and Wednesday services and for prayer. 2. For Mims Weldon, the new member of our staff. 3. For the fun and successful evening at Brookgreen Gardens, and especially for Bill Christian and Kitty Mullins’s leadership.
Prayer Points: 1. For Bishop Chip Edgar, that he would have the wisdom needed to lead this diocese. 2. For our clergy and their families (adapted from the prayers of Dan Reiland, Executive Pastor of 12 Stone Church in Lawrenceville, GA):
For God’s favor, Holy Spirit power, and God’s anointing.
For spiritual vitality, that their love of God and relationship with Jesus would remain close, real, and fresh.
For their leadership, giving them strength of character, wisdom in decision-making, passion in preaching, and for the salvation of many people.
That God would grant clear and inspiring vision along with direction and strategy to achieve the vision.
For their families. Help them experience a deep and abiding love for each other. Pray for peace at home and protection from spiritual attacks.
For their physical health. Give them stamina, energy, clear thinking.
For Other Local Needs
1. For continued healing for Brian’s eye surgery. 2. For our Vestry: for wisdom, discernment, and protection for them and their families. Pray for the upcoming election and selection of new members. 3. For the Foundations class and spiritual gifts class to finish well. 4. For the Mere Anglicanism Conference to be well attended. For safe travel for the speakers and those attending. 5. For continued success of the outreach ministry Theology on Tap. 6. For the Christmas services to be glorious and for them to be a blessing to all that attend. 7. For the Advent and Christmas sermons to touch people’s hearts. 8. For protection for our children in the things they are hearing, the things they are being taught, and the things they are seeing that are contrary to the Word of God. Have mercy, dear Lord.
Answered Prayers for the Nations
1. For the thousands of people in Iran and Afghanistan coming to faith. They are seeing Jesus in dreams and visions.
Prayer Points for the Nations
1. For England: For the new Prime Minister Rishi Sunak to help bring unity to the country and stabilize its economy.
2. For Ukraine: For Putin to be willing to negotiate a peace settlement to stop the war. For the parts for the power grids to be found so the people will have necessary utilities for the winter. For the resources needed to rebuild the many cities that have been destroyed.
3. For Taiwan: That China would NOT invade the country and Taiwan would remain a free and independent nation.
4. For Israel: For the new prime minister of Israel to be able to put together the government to serve with him.
5. For Haiti: For a new, Godly president for the country. For the gangs to be broken up, especially their leaders.
6. For America: For protection for the members of the Supreme Court and their families. For wisdom and unity. For the fear of the Lord and wisdom to guide all meetings in Congress and special committee meetings. For the new members of Congress to be godly people, that they would have the courage to stand for truth and righteousness. For wisdom for the military advisors dealing with all the issues around the world. For inflation to come under control, especially as it affects seniors, the poor, and those on fixed incomes. For the immigration problems to be solved and for the cartels to lose their power.
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