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House of Prayer: June Prayer Points

News--House of Prayer Richards

“My house shall be called a house of prayer for all nations.” ––Isaiah 56:7

“The effective fervent prayers of a righteous man avails much.” ––James 5:16a

Answered Prayers (Thank You, Lord):

1. Good response for the Spiritual Gifts class (12 attended).

2. Good response for the diaper drive for Lowcountry Pregnancy Center.

3. Good response continuing for the Theology on Tap outreach.

4. Good response for increased volunteers for the Open Door ministry.

Prayer Points for Local Needs

1. For extra measure of wisdom for Bishop Chip Edgar.

2. For favor for the churches granted a rehearing by the State Supreme Court.

3. For ways that we might help the other churches that lost their properties.

4. For good health and safety for our clergy and their families.

5. For our clergy’s vacations this summer to be refreshing for them and their families.

6. For protection and good health for those going on the pilgrimage to Germany to see the Passion Play. Pray that their flights will not be cancelled and plans go smoothly.

7. For protection for the upcoming trip to England for our choir and director Pat Gould.

8. For continuing success for Theology on Tap as they continue through the summer.

9. For blessings on the new ministry, Theology of Beauty, led by Charles DeAntonio.

10. For a good turnout for the blood drive on June 28.

11. For wisdom for the Vestry and special committees and the decisions being made.

12. For prayers for peace and comfort to those that have lost their children, teachers, and security officer in Uvalde, Texas. Mercy, Lord.

13. For Charleston’s leadership (the mayor, city council, and our governor): for the fear of the Lord to be in all of their meetings and decisions.          

Prayer Points for the Nations:

1. For Ukraine:

  • For a miracle to stop Putin and the war. Pray that he not be able to take any more of the port cities.
  • For the export of the grain shipments to get through the blockade.
  • For protection for President Zelensky and his family. II Thessalonians 3:3.
  • For wisdom for Zelensky and God’s strategic plans for the Ukrainian army.
  • Mercy, Lord, for the people who are suffering. Let those trying to help be successful, especially those serving in the many refugee camps.

2. For Taiwan:

  • That China would NOT invade the country and Taiwan can remain a free and independent nation.

3. For Haiti:

  • To raise up a strong, godly president.
  • To disband all the gangs running the country.


4. For the Middle East:

  • For peace within the walls of Jerusalem, especially on the Temple Mount.

5. For America:

  • For wisdom and courage for the Supreme Court in following the Constitution and laws.
  • For protection for the members of the Supreme Court and their families.
  • For the fear of the Lord and wisdom to guide all meetings going on in Congress and with the president and military leaders.
  • For the upcoming elections for seats in the House and Senate. May those elected be godly people and have the courage to stand for truth and righteousness.
  • For inflation to come under control, especially as it affects seniors, the poor, and those on fixed incomes.
  • For the immigration problems to be solved.

Prayer: Father, forgive our sins as a nation. Have mercy upon us. Let revival begin to sweep across the land and turn our hearts toward you.