House of Prayer: May Prayer Points
“My house shall be called a house of prayer for all nations.” ––Isaiah 56:7
Happy Mother’s Day!
Answered Prayers (Give thanks with a grateful heart):
1. For Justin’s safe return from the GAFCON Conference.
2. For the $10 million already committed for the Shine the Light capital campaign.
3. For the great kickoff meeting for the Generations Ministry.
4. For the confirmation of 40 young people and 80 adults. Thank you, Al Phillips and Andrew O’Dell.
5. For the hundreds of people coming in through the Open Door Ministry (many have come to the services as a result of it)
6. For the successful Tea Room outreach. Very well-attended.
7. For the 60,000 young people that filled the university of Oklahoma’s football stadium to focus on worship and evangelism.
8. For the glorious Easter Services: worship, flowers, and hundreds of people that attended.
9. For Marc and the worship team ministry on Wednesday nights.
10. For the prayer team ministry.
Prayer Points for Local Needs:
1. For Bishop Chip Edgar, that he would have the wisdom needed to lead this diocese. For safe travel as he visits and ministers at all of the parishes.
2. For Jeff’s upcoming trip to Israel. For good health and safety for all who are going.
3. For Brian and Justin’s mentoring ministry to have a enthusiastic response.
4. For Bill’s upcoming trip to Millford Plantation to be a blessing to all who attend.
5. For Andrew and his family to have a wonderful sabbatical this summer.
6. For our Vestry: for wisdom, discernment and protection for them and their families.
7. For the Vacation Bible School (VBS) to be successful.
8. For all of the congregation to participate in the Shine the Light capital campaign so that we can easily reach the goal.
9. For excellent plans for the Union Pier development. May it be balanced and may those working on it to be unified and wise.
10. For continued good attendance and success for the Monday night outreach and the Tuesday night Theology on Tap outreach at Henry’s.
Prayer Points for the Nations:
1. For supernatural peace and resolution to come to the wars in Ukraine and Sudan, gang activities in Haiti, and the cartel’s power at our border.
2. For a resolution to the volatile situation in China, North Korea, and Iran.
3. For Israel (Genesis 12:3 says that those who bless Israel will be blessed)––thank you for the 75th anniversary celebrating the establishment of the nation of Israel: For protection for Israel’s borders, for peace between the Palestinians and Israel, for wisdom for Netanyahu and his government as they make decisions for the nation and its people.
4. For the release of the journalist being held in Russia and the release of the couple being held in Haiti.
5. Protect Taiwan from being taken over by China, and protect our troops being sent to that region.
6. For America: For protection for the members of the Supreme Court, Congress members and their families. Give them wisdom and unity as they govern. For the fear of the Lord to guide all meetings in Congress and special committee meetings. Protect the Constitution from being changed in any way. For wisdom for the military advisors dealing with all the issues around the world. For inflation to come under control especially as it affects seniors, the poor, and those on fixed incomes. For the immigration problems to be solved and for the cartels to lose their power. For the border control agents to be protected and given the resources they need.
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