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House of Prayer: December Prayer Points

News--House of Prayer Richards

“My house shall be called a house of prayer for all nations.” ––Isaiah 56:7

“The effective fervent prayers of a righteous man avails much.” ––James 5:16a

Prayer Points for Local Needs
1. For good health and protection for our clergy and their families and for extra energy for the Advent and Christmas season.
2. For the Dec. 8th hearing by the State Supreme Court. That they would rule in our Diocese’s favor and make the decision quickly. For wisdom and excellent presentation by our lawyers, Alan Runyan and Mitchell Brown, and for protection for them and their families.
3. For the many new people joining our church to transition in nicely.
4. For the Foyer Groups to be a blessing to those attending and hosting.
5. For the reopening of the church to visitors on weekdays to be well received, and for many to take time for prayer ministry.
6. For Charleston to reclaim her inheritance as The Holy City and for Revival to come in God’s timing.
  • For our leadership (the mayor, city council, and our governor).
  • For safety for our police.
  • For solutions to the backlog concerning shipping issues.
Prayer Points for All Nations
1. For Afghanistan:
  • For the Americans and Afghan helpers still there to be rescued.
  • For those Afghans who have been evacuated to America to transition into their new homes and communities.
  • For rain to come so crops can recover and the people may be fed.
  • For our military persons that served there to be healed physically and emotionally.
2. For Haiti:
  • For the 15 people who are being held for ransom to be released and for their needs to be met while they wait.
  • For the gangs to break up and lose their power.
  • For the interim president to care about the people and be effective.

Answered Prayer: Five of the hostages have been released as of December 7.

3. For Honduras:

  • For the new president to be a good leader and wise as she begins her position. May her focus be on regaining law and order and helping the people.

4. For Taiwan:

  • For protection from China taking over their country.

5. For Ukraine:

  • For protection from Russia taking over the country.

6. For Israel:

  • For protection and wise leadership for the new Prime Minister.
  • For peace within the walls of Jerusalem.

7. For America:

  • For wisdom for all those in Congress and special committee’s making critical decisions. May they keep the people and their concerns front and center.
  • For wisdom for the Supreme Court to follow the Constitution and laws.
  • For the fear of the Lord to be present in all meetings.
  • For the education system to be reformed with parental involvement leading the way. That all inappropriate books and material be removed from the schools and colleges.
  • For the new variant virus NOT to spread.
  • For the immigration problems and open borders to be solved and quickly.
  • For a Spirit of Repentance and Revival to sweep across the land.
  • For inflation to get under control.

Answered Prayer: A decision has been made to reinstate the mandate that the  immigrants remain in Mexico until they can be processed.