February 11, 2025
by Frenchie Richards, St. Philip's Prayer Team
“My house shall be called a house of prayer for all nations.” ––Isaiah 56:7
Answered Prayers (Thank You, Lord):
1. For St. Philip’s Academy’s new primary school director, Trisha Reese. 2. For the school subcommittees finalizing details for the school. 3. For the successful start of our new GriefShare ministry. 4. For the increase in attendance at the Wedn...
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January 14, 2025
by Frenchie Richards, St. Philip's Prayer Team
Answered Prayers (Thank You, Lord):
1. For the donations for the Shine the Light Campaign and for St. Philip’s Academy. 2. For our choirs and wonderful Lessons and Carols and Christmas Eve worship. 3. For excellent attendance at the Christmas Eve services. 4. For our clergy, staff, and Vestry. 5. For Nathan Youngman and his work crews restoring our church. 6. For Jim ...
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October 15, 2024
by Frenchie Richards, St. Philip's Prayer Team
Answered Prayers and Thanksgivings (Thank You, Lord):
1. For reaching the Phase One goal of the Shine the Light Campaign. 2. For the donations for St. Philip’s classical Christian school to be established on our campus. 3. For a strong beginning for the union of St. John’s Chapel and Holy Trinity Anglican Church. 4. For Charleston’s protection from the recent hurr...
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July 17, 2024
by Frenchie Richards, St. Philip's Prayer Team
Answered Prayers (Thank You, Lord):
1. For the increase in the financial gifts for the Shine the Light Campaign. 2. For continued blessings that Theology on Tuesdays has been for our young people. For Justin and Brian’s leadership. 3. For Guv and Steve’s adult forum series on “Life Changing Prayer” by Jim Cymbala. 4. For the classical Christian school plans. For t...
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June 4, 2024
by Staff Report
“My house shall be called a house of prayer for all nations.” ––Isaiah 56:7
“The effective fervent prayers of a righteous man avails much.” ––James 5:16a
Answered Prayers (Thank You, Lord):
1. For the increase in the financial gifts for the Shine the Light Campaign.
2. For safe travels for the Uganda team: Jayne and Tom Gurley, Tammy and Guv Got...
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April 23, 2024
by Dorothy Lancaster, Director of Ministry to Children and Families
Let’s face it: There are a lot of wonderful ways to spend a beautiful spring Saturday in Charleston. But I would contend there is no better way than at the Prayer as Worship offering led by Frenchie Richards and Pam Dickson this past Saturday at St. Philip’s....
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April 17, 2024
by Frenchie Richards, St. Philip's Prayer Team
“My house shall be called a house of prayer for all nations.” ––Isaiah 56:7
Give thanks with a grateful heart for our risen Lord!
Answered Prayers:
1. For all the glorious Holy Week and Easter services. 2. For the increase in Shine the Light pledges and donations. 3. For Alan Runyan’s excellent Rector’s Forum teaching series. 4. For the confirmation cl...
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March 12, 2024
by Frenchie Richards, St. Philip's Prayer Team
Answered Prayers (Thank You, Lord):
1. For our new Vestry members. 2. For the increase in Shine the Light donations. 3. For the many newcomers joining St. Philip’s. 4. For the wonderful children’s and adult choirs and for our music team: Zippy, Chris, and Paul. 5. For the many visitors coming through the Open Door Ministry. 6. For the great attendance at the Foundat...
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February 6, 2024
by Frenchie Richards, St. Philip's Prayer Team
Answered Prayers (Thank You, Lord):
1. For the National Prayer Breakfast in Washington, D.C., and other events surrounding it. For the Finlays’ ministry during that week.
2. For Wednesday night services and the growth we are experiencing.
3. For the diocesan clergy wives retreat at Litchfield.
4. For the many new members joining St. Philip’s....
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January 9, 2024
by Frenchie Richards, St. Philip's Prayer Team
Answered Prayers:
1. For the wonderful Christmas services, messages, and worship. 2. For Chris, Paul, and Zippy’s leadership in the music selections, choir instructions, and instrumental additions to the services. 3. For our clergy and their families. 4. For the wonderful open house at the Rectory and for Jeff and Kristin’s hospitality. 5. For a sold-out Mere Anglic...
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