House of Prayer: November Prayer Points

Prayer Points for Local Needs
1. For good health and protection for our clergy and their families.
2. For the Dec. 8th hearing by the State Supreme Court to rule in our diocese’s favor. For wisdom and excellent presentation by our lawyers, Alan Runyan and Mitchell Brown. For protection for them and their families.
3. For the many new people joining our church to transition in nicely.
4. For the Foyer Groups to be a blessing to those attending and hosting.
5. For Charleston to reclaim her inheritance as The Holy City and for Revival to come in God’s timing.
a. for our leadership.
b. for safety for our police.
c. for our businesses to thrive and unemployment no longer to be a factor.
d. for supplies to get through.
Prayers for local needs answered: Theology on Tap has been a great success with 50 to 60 young people attending at Henry’s.
Prayer Points for All Nations
1. For Afghanistan:
a. for the veterans helping get the last of the Americans and those who helped Americans get out safely.
b. for those Afghans who have been evacuated to America to transition into their new homes.
c. for those still waiting in military camps to be placed soon.
d. for our military who served there to be healed physically and emotionally.
Prayers for Afghanistan Answered: A young girls’ soccer team was safely evacuated.
Well over 350 Americans and Afghan helpers were rescued. Soccer camps were set up in the military bases for the kids by volunteers.
2. For Haiti and Nigeria:
a. for the 17 people being held for ransom in Haiti to be released and, while they wait, provided all of their needs.
b. For the reporter Luka Binniyat to be released from captivity in Nigeria.
3. For Taiwan:
a. for protection from China taking them over.
4. For La Palma, Spain:
a. for the banana industry to survive the earthquake and volcano eruption, and for the special need for water for the crops.
5. For Israel:
a. for protection and wise leadership for the new prime minister.
b. for peace within the walls of Jerusalem.
6. For America:
a. for wisdom for all those in Congress and special committees making critical decisions. May they keep the people and their concerns front and center.
b. for the fear of the Lord to be present in these meetings.
c. for the education system to be reformed with parental involvement leading the way.
d. for the backlog of supplies and all transportation issues be solved.
e. for the immigration problems and open borders to be solved and quickly.
f. for a spirit of repentance and revival to sweep across the land.
g. for inflation to get under control.
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